You know, I always MEANT to update this page...you know, include an informative bio and some enlightening, intelligent, never-before-thought thoughts on John Adams. I just never got around to it. And I have come to terms with the fact that I probably never WILL get around to it. Therefore we will have to live vicariously through the pages of others; please see the links below. Unfortunately, history is not a favorite topic for most people on the Internet, so the pickings are pretty slim. If you happen upon any other JA links, PLEASE let me know!
Far too few John Adams links:John Adams : Biographical info on the esteemed 2nd presidentThe Adams Family: Pictures of Abigail, John Quincy, and Samuel Adams. 1776: The myth, the man, the movie: I couldn't believe it either...a musical about JA. Back to mainpage: Oh, yeah--for all you other JA fans that have written to me (all 3 of you!!) BLESS YOU!
The History Buff