Hello, and welcome to Monkee and Beatle Worlds Chat. My name is flower_child
and I run this chat room. There are a few rules that you should follow so that
you and other can enjoy this chat.

 #1: No Flooding: this means none of this:

 #2: No Caps: Now, I know that there are some of us that won't use anything but caps.
 if that includes you, please do not join, for you will be kicked out. Caps hurt our 
 eyes and are hard to read.

 #3: No Colors: Please do not use colors while in this chat room, thx.

 #4: No Prophanity: A little bit is okay, but alot annoys many people. I don't mind
 you saying "damn" or "hell", but please, nothing else.

 #5: No Bashing: Please do not start fights. If that occurs, one of the ops will solve the problem 
 by banning the people involved.

 That's all of the rules. If you follow them, Im sure you will have a fun time in this chat.


  These are some of the most frequently asked questions.

  #1: What are "ops"?
    Ops are people that make sure that the other people in the room follows the rules *see above*.
    They can kick or ban you depending on what you did. 

  #2: What is a kick or a ban?
    A kick is when a person is kicked out of the room for a certain amount of time. A ban is when
    a person is banned from the chat room until I *flower_child* tell you you can come back.

  #3: Will I ever meet a Beatle or Monkee on here?
    Probably not. They usually dont have time to come online, since they are so busy. But if they
    do, I will be sure to notify you ahead of time.

  #4: How do I become an op?
    You will have to prove yourself worthy of the position. If you keep asking me if you can be one, then
    you will more than likely not become one.

  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through my e-mail.


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MonkeeBeatleWorlds have been hit times.

flower_child/ porpoise_367