A Place for study of the arts
In ancient Greece students of the arts gathered in the temples of Athena to exchange ideas, philosophies, and techniques.  The purpose of the Athenaeum in Ravenwynd is the same.  Here you will find things from many different traditions.  And we hope you will find something useful to you on your path.
Handfasting Tradition and Ritual.
The tradition of holding handfastings at Beltane is very old.  Evolving out of the simple jumping of a broom, or being lifted over a threshold, eventually it was set down as a specific set of laws and rituals.  This first occurred under the Brehon laws and later under the Danelaw.  It survives today as the “engagement” though this can be misleading, as a handfasting contract more closely resembles what we know as "living together”.
A traditional handfasting was not held on May Eve, but on May Day.  It is a contract, made before witnesses, in which the couple vow to live together and care for each other, as man and wife, for the period of a year and a day.  All property remained with the original owner and any children that resulted, though this was frowned upon in such a temporary arrangement, were the responsibility if the woman and her family.  All children were considered to be the legitimate daughters/sons of their mother, no matter when they were conceived.  If the man involved wished to he could accept responsibility for those children and was then bound to provide support for them until they were of age.
If either person involved in the handfasting arrangement was unhappy, it was very easily dissolved.  If the woman wished to end it, she simply took her mans’ things back to his mothers’ house.  This was because under Brehon law the house belonged to the woman.  If the man wished to leave he moved back to his mothers’ house.  However, each of the persons involved was responsible to provide support for the other until the year and a day were finished.  For the man, this meant providing meat and labor in the fields, and for the woman , providing clothing and ground grain.
If, on the other hand , both parties decide to stay together and raise a family, the handfasting contract was changed to a marriage contract which, under Brehon law could be for either 7, 14, or 21 years.  Under Danelaw this was changed to a flat 21 years.  Under both systems the contract could be renewed or broken.
The following is a simple handfasting ritual that I have personally used.  Feel free to use it and to change it to fit your needs.
Summoning the Suess

Set up: The altar is decked with flowers and the tokens, (rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.), to be exchanged by the couple are placed upon it along with a silk sash.  The altar candles are lit and all form a circle.  The High Priest/ess stands before the altar, the circle opens up and the couple approaches

High Priest/ess: Who comes?

Woman: It is I, (name).

Man:  It is I, (name).

H.P.: What reason brought you?

Both: We would be joined one to the other.

H.P.: Why have you come?

Both: For loves sake.

H.P.: (H.P. places the hands of the couple together and lightly ties them with the silk sash from the altar.)

H.P.: We invite all the Gods and Wicca as witnesses to this rite.

Both: We invite all the Gods and Wicca as witnesses to this rite.

H.P.: To live together is to bend, as a willow bends before the wind.  Will you bend one to the other seeking compromise not strife?

Both: We will.

H.P.: To live together is to support one another, as the oak supports the ivy.  Will you support one another in all endeavors?

Both: We will.

H.P.: To live together is to be patient, as the stone who waits for time to pass.  Will you be patient with each other?

Both: We will.

H.P.: To live together is to be persistent, as a river is in finding the sea.  Will you be persistent in your love?

Both: We will.

H.P.: (The H.P. takes the tokens from the altar and places them on the fingers/wrists/necks of the couple.)

H.P.: By these vows and signs you are bound for a year and a day.  So ‘note it be!

All : So mote it be!

H.P.: (the H.P. removes the silk sash from the couples wrists and after tying a love knot in it gives it to the couple.)

Commence with the dancing and feasting.
Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry meet again.

