A Place for study of the arts
In ancient Greece students of the arts gathered in the temples of Athena to exchange ideas, philosophies, and techniques.  The purpose of the Athenaeum in Ravenwynd is the same.  Here you will find things from many different traditions.  And we hope you will find something useful to you on your path.

by Rev. Kestrel AirFalcon

   It started in the wee, small hours of the morning.  I was working as a telephone psychic, doing tarot readings for the lost and lonely.  As I was speaking with a young woman who missed her grandmother, I closed my eyes (as I frequently do when listening) and found myself "seeing" a meadow.  As the caller reminisced about her grandmother who had died a couple of years
before, an elderly woman walked into my field of vision and smiled and waved at me!
  Now, normally when I work the psychic phone, I am in a light,
meditative trance.  I was that night.  As I am accustomed to astral journeys and some of the odd things one encounters in that other plane, the appearance of the elderly lady surprised me, but did not startle me.  I mind spoke with her, and she indicated that she'd heard her name mentioned by my caller.  What ensued was, for me, the most remarkable thing I had ever experienced.  Granny called my caller by the nickname she had always used when alive,
and mentioned some events that had occurred between them that I could not have known.  It was enough to convince my caller that she was, indeed, speaking with her deceased grandmother.
  Needless to say, I was fascinated at this new development, myself.  I figured there was a real need for these two to communicate, and I was a convenient channel.  I really didn't expect it to happen again.  A few nights later, I was speaking to a young man who mentioned that his brother had died under suspicious circumstances.  Once again, I was in that "meadow", and a young man came walking into my field of vision.  He pantomimed a game of Russian Roulette, and showed absolute surprise at the fact that he'd shot himself in the head!  Then he grinned at me, and
shrugged as if to say, "Oh, well.."  When I mentioned this to my caller, he gasped and said that that was indeed what he'd been told had happened.
  Now I was intrigued.  I seemed to have opened a path to the other side!  Wanting to explore this new path more fully, I changed my introduction of the psychic line to say that I could contact the dead.  Soon I was getting calls from all over, from people who wanted to see if their departed loved ones had any messages for them.
  Since then, I have been in contact with the dead more than 100 times.  They are always happy to talk, and have the best sense of humor!  The things that they took so seriously in life they laugh at themselves for, and the feeling I get from them is one of joy, freedom and all encompassing Love.
  As we approach Samhain, I expect the communication between this plane and the other to become easier and clearer.  This little Witch will certainly be honoring her many new friends on that auspicious day!
