A Place for study of the arts
In ancient Greece students of the arts gathered in the temples of Athena to exchange ideas, philosophies, and techniques.  The purpose of the Athenaeum in Ravenwynd is the same.  Here you will find things from many different traditions.  And we hope you will find something useful to you on your path.

After this issue, Elsbeth will be doing her own column entitled the Newbie Corner.  Please make sure and follow her there in the Imbolc Issue. 
The Newbie Corner

How many of you were Wiccan long before you knew you were Wiccan? If you're nodding your head, you know exactly what I mean. If you're not nodding, let me try to explain.

I was raised Roman Catholic. My whole family was Roman Catholic. I had an aunt who was a nun. My Dad had to convert to Catholicism before he could marry my Mom. Needless to say, religion was big in my house.

However, it never really fit me. I tried. I really tried. But I was the
"strange one". I hugged trees and recycled. I became a vegetarian. I
questioned things that good Catholics don't question and read books good Catholics don't read. I started to realize that being a Catholic, for me, was not a good fit.

So, early in my twenties, I went on a search. I read and talked to
people. I tried a few different theories on for size. No luck. However, a pattern was emerging. I was drawn to Wicca. I met people who were Wiccan. I read books about Wicca. I was both excited and a little frightened. Let's face it, Wicca does not have favorable reviews in the Roman Catholic Church.

As time went on, my learning took on the aspect of the tides. I would learn and drift away to think. I would "rediscover" Wicca and move closer. Learn, and move away. It took me many years to discover that I am Wiccan. I am a Witch. I needed to unlearn the bias from my childhood and open my eyes to what Wicca really is... and is not.

I am pleased to announce that Saturday night, December 9, 2000, I
performed my initiation. I am now on the path that I feel is right for me. The fit is good. I have come home.

I still have lots to learn, but I am committed to the path. I feel whole and guess what, I'm not the strange one anymore. I found a group of people just like me! With the help of other solitaries and with the wisdom and guidance of the Ancient Ones, I will grow in perfect love and perfect trust. So Mote It Be.

