Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome. 
Beltane is a good time for having some fun.  We make apple God/dess puppets at my house.  I make monster ones sometimes too.
First you get a good apple with no yucky spots.  Have your mom or dad peel it.  Then you carve out eyes, nose, mouth and so on till you have a face!  If you can't use a sharp knife yet, a butter knife will do and little kids can use a popsicle stick and toothpicks to carve with.  Those things for carving pumpkins are really good too.
After you carve the face, put a hole in the bottom of the apple the size of your finger.  Then put the apple some place warm and DRY until it gets all wrinkly.  This can take a couple of weeks sometimes.  Once it's dried out, you can add hair and stuff if you want.  I use cloves for the eyes and sometimes the hair too!  Or you can glue yarn or something on it with school glue.  The easy way to make the body is to use a scrap of cloth or hanky.  Put your finger in the middle of the cloth, then into the hole you put in the apple head.  Then you can put on a play with them.
Have a good time, but no bashing or your head will come all to bits!
    Tristan Robinson

Pagan Parenting Page