Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome. 
Bean Babies

You can watch things grow by making a bean baby jar.
First, you need to cut the top off of a plastic soda bottle.  Your mom or dad can do this for you.  Cut it right where the bottle starts to get skinny for the top part.  Take the label off, then poke a few holes in the bottom of the bottle for drain holes.
Then get some beans.  You can use any kind, even the kind you put in soup!  Soak the beans over night in water.  Blot them dry with a paper towel.
Tape the beans to the inside of the bottle about 1-2 inches from the top.
Fill the bottle with dirt.  You should be able to see the beans through the side of the bottle.  Water the bottle and put in the window where it will get some sun.
Now, watch it grow!  When it gets warm enough outside, you can even put them in your garden!

                    Tristan Robinson


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