Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome. 
Wand Work

I really love the Harry Potter books and I wanted a wand just like his.  I couldn't go to the Diagon Alley to get one so I had to make my own.
I found out that in the old days wands were made in a very special way, so I made mine that way too.  First, you have to decide what kind of wood you want to use.  Some of the old time woods were Oak, Ash, Hawthorne, Apple, and Rowan.  We are really lucky where I live because we have Mountain Ash trees that are really Hawthornes!  I went for a walk in the woods and found a good stick.  In the olden days, the stick was supposed to be as long as your forearm.  That's the part of your arm from your elbow to your wrist.  And it was to be as big around as your middle finger.  Then you peel off the bark and let the stick sit until it isn't green and sappy anymore.  The dead stick I got made this part easy.  If you do cut your stick from a tree, make sure you ask the tree and then leave a gift for it buried under the roots or tied to a branch.
After the stick is all dried, you cna decorate your wand.  I put some copper colored ribbon on mine with glue and stuck some glittery bits of rocks to it too.

Make your wand the way you like it and have a good time with it!
   ~Tristan Robinson

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