Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome. 

This is how you build a Wicker Man for Solstice.
First, you cut some really long grass from the woods or by a street 2 weeks or so before you need the man for the fire.  You tie the grass into one long bunch for the arms, two shorter bunches for the legs, and a really thick long one that makes the body and head.  Leave some grass sticking up to make bushy hair.
Then you let the grass dry out some.  After that, you tie the arms across the body part to kind of make a cross shape.  Then tie the legs to the body.  I use ribbon for this part because it's pretty.
Then you have to let it dry all the way.  We stick some sparklers in the Wicker Man so when he burns he makes pretty colors too.  DON'T use firecrackers!  And only use sparklers if they are ok where you live.  If you can't use the sparklers, soak the grass in really salty water and let it dry out before you make the man.  The salt will make colors too when it burns.

Have Fun!

    Tristan Robinson

Pagan Parenting Page