Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome. 
Tree Savers

I found three really cool places you can get stuff, learn about trees and forests, and play games on the Net!

The first one is the Arbor Day Foundation.  They have FREE trees that you can get and plant!  They also have lots of stuff about trees and why they are so important.

The second one is the Smokey the Bear Site.  This site tells all about Smokey the Bear, how to prevent forest fires and why some fires are good things.  Lots of stuff to do here too.
You can also write to Smokey and get a junior Forest Ranger badge if they still have some.
The third site is the Race for the Rain Forest.  You click on here, sign up and you save rain forest for FREE!  They have screen savers, games and forest facts too.

I'm sure there's lots more sites with forest stuff on the Net, so if you find some, email me at Ravenwynd.
   ~Tristan Robinson

Pagan Parenting Page