Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome.   And now, I'll turn this over to my son.
Kid's Altars
   Hi, my name is Tristan and I'm 6 years old.   It's real easy to make an altar of your own that you  like so that your parents don't get mad at you for messing with theirs.   First find a special place that the cats can't get to (they like to lay on ours)  and that your parents say is ok to use.  Then put stuff that is special to you on it!  That's all it takes!
   I started my altar by putting all the stuff I liked best on my "special shelf" in the living room.  I always liked Ho-Tei (he's a Chinese god) so there's lots of statues of him there.  I also have lots of turtles 'cause I like them too.  I have my special rocks, a starfish I found and a silly dragon my Aunt Patti made.   I also have a really cool gold cup I found at a thrift store.  I call it my King Cup.  Mom said I couldn't burn incense myself, so I was always having to ask her to do it until she found me a Ho-Tei aroma oil holder so now I can make it smell good myself!  Now I have so much stuff on my altar that I asked Mom to build me a new shelf.
                                                                   Tristan Robinson

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