Raising a child in the Pagan way can be a difficult thing in today's world.  This page is for the children and their parents who have chosen to walk this path.  Submissions of ideas, advice, workings, experiences, etc. are always welcome.   And now, I'll turn this over to my son.

A Halloween Tree

This is how to make a Halloween Tree for your altar or table.
First, go get a really twiggy stick like in picture 1.  Then get some playdough or salt dough and put in a mug or pot your mom says you can have.  I have mine in a really cool one with a cat on a fence in front of a moon.  Put the playdough in the mug and stick the stick into it like picture 2.  Then cut out some jack-o-lanterns and bats from construction paper.  Make some ghosts out of kleenex or toilet paper.  You do this by putting a ball of kleenex in the middle of a square of kleenex, tying the neck with string, and using a marker to make eyes and a nose.
Take your spooky stuff and use black thread to tie it to the branches of the stick.  I have a fake plastic spider on mine and some of that spider web stuff from the store on it too.  That's it!  If you're careful you can keep it til next year too.

Tristan Robinson


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