Crones Corner
Incense, Oils, Herbs & Brews

Welcome to the Crone's Corner.  This page is dedicated to the Crone's art of herbalism.  Recipes may be either healing or magikal in nature.  However, none of the recipes are to be taken as a prescription or used in the place of proper medical treatment.  If you have a favorite recipe or are looking for one,  email me. _________________________________________________________________

 Cold and Flu Herbs

It's nice to see that herbal remedies are becoming so popular and more accepted by the population at large.  The one thing some people forget is that herbs, while natural, are drugs.  Therefore, it is a good thing to learn as much as you can about an herb before taking it, and remember to mention ANY herbal supplements that you are taking to your doctor.  Herbal remedies can combine with prescription and over the counter drugs in harmful ways too.

One of the most popular herbal supplements to use during this time of year is Echinacea.  Whether it's pills, capsules, tea or tinctures, this herb has been shown to have some effectiveness in boosting the immune system.  However, what most people don't know is that echinacea is somewhat like an antibiotic in that it loses it's effectiveness if you take it for too long or if you take too much.  The optimum doses are taken for 3 weeks on (at maximum) and 2 weeks off.  Otherwise, your immune system gets "used to" operating at a certain level with the aid of the echinacea and you need more and more to fight off acute illnesses.  Follow the directions for dosage on the bottle, though you may double the dose for a few days if you have been exposed to something nasty, like strep, or are beginning to get sick.

Goldenseal is a common additive or adjunct to echinacea.  While it can augment the properties of echinacea, people with hay fever or allergies to grasses/flowers should steer clear!  Goldenseal can cause an allergic reaction in these people and they will wind up feeling much sicker.

Vitamin C is water soluble and you can take as much as you like to help ward off or cure colds and flu.  Be aware though that some women can become susceptible to yeast infections if they take too much as it alters the Ph balance in the body at high doses.

Zinc is now a very common thing to find in your cough drops as well as in pill form.  It has shown some effectiveness, especially in soothing throat tissues.  However, it is a metal and should not be ingested in large quantities, so READ the label.

Slippery elm bark has been used for ages in throat remedies and cough drops.  While somewhat harder to find than zinc, I've found it very effective in cases of laryngitis.

Pleurisy root is not common at all, but can be used to make a tea that will really help if you have  a dry, hacking cough or tight chest.  It seems to help moisturize the lung lining (pleural membrane), and this can only help

As ever, if your cough last longer than 10 days or if you are running a high fever, see your doctor.  The flu this year seems to be quite virulent, and your best protection is probably the vaccination if you can take it.

               Katya Kuchner