Crones Corner
Incense, Oils, Herbs & Brews

Welcome to the Crone's Corner.  This page is dedicated to the Crone's art of herbalism.  Recipes may be either healing or magikal in nature.  However, none of the recipes are to be taken as a prescription or used in the place of proper medical treatment.  If you have a favorite recipe or are looking for one,  email me. _________________________________________________________________
 Dreams are especially important at this time of year.  When the veil between the worlds is thin, our dreams may contain vivid images of loved ones lost or important pointers for new directions on our paths.  The only problem with dreams is that you have to be asleep to have them and what with school schedules, daylight savings changes, winter traffic snarls, etc., that can be harder than we might wish.  Following are a few recipes for dream pillows that may help you get that elusive good night's sleep.

Sleep Ease Pillow
Combine 4 oz. dried rose petals, 2 oz. crushed, dried mint, 1/2 oz. crushed clove and 1/2 oz. dried rosemary.  Sift into a small cloth bag and insert in your pillowcase for restful sleep.
Baby Sleeper
Stuff 4 oz. of dill weed into a pillow made of 5 layers of flannel.  Place pillow near baby to encourage restful sleep.  DO NOT place pillow in crib with baby as it may cause suffocation.....instead, tie the pillow (with a very short string) between the bars of the crib above the baby's head.  Always place your baby on their back or side.
Dream Pillow
Stuff 8 ounces of dried mugwort into a small pillow and sleep on it.  Careful now as the dreams you may have might surprise you!
           Katya Kuchner