Crones Corner
Incense, Oils, Herbs & Brews

Welcome to the Crone's Corner.  This page is dedicated to the Crone's art of herbalism.  Recipes may be either healing or magikal in nature.  However, none of the recipes are to be taken as a prescription or used in the place of proper medical treatment.  If you have a favorite recipe or are looking for one,  email me. _________________________________________________________________
 Dry skin and scalp can be a real problem this time of year and there are lots of things out there to remedy that for people, but what about your furniture?  That's right, furniture!  Dried out wood is not pretty and gets just as brittle as dried out hair.  Yes, you can buy all the polishes, sprays and oils in bottles and cans, but there are a few things our grandmothers knew about taking care of fine furniture.  It's one of the reasons antiques are so valuable!

Lemon Oil
Combine very fine extra virgin olive oil with the juice of one lemon.  Shake well and apply to wood to treat dryness.  Let soak in for 20 minutes and wipe off thoroughly. 
Beeswax Rub
If you have a piece of furniture that has been stripped, is raw wood, or whose wax/polish coat is cracked or crazed, melt 16 oz. of PURE beeswax in a double boiler.  Do not overheat!  Brush a thin coat of the melted wax onto the surface to be polished with a paintbrush.  Let wax cool.  Now, starting with a terry cloth towel, buff off the wax as best you can.  After you get the bulk of the wax off with the towel, switch to a very soft cloth like a tea towel or old cloth diaper and buff to a high gloss.  This takes time and lots of elbow grease but is very well worth it in the end.

           Katya Kuchner