Gaia's Garden

Even those of us on an Earth centered path can use a little help now and then in caring for our Mother.  This column is dedicated to making us more aware of the "footprints" we leave on Her and how to live more harmoniously with Her even if we're urban pagans.

Waiting it Out

In some areas of the world, Spring is already here or nearly so.  Other people still have snow piled deep on their lawns.  Still others are heading into fall.  I must admit that writing for a worldwide community is a bit harder than writing for one small area of my own country.  However, all of us are at a crux point.  The Equinoxes are a time of waiting.  Whether one is waiting for the frost to come out of the ground or go into it, we all must wait on Natures' will.  There is no rushing Her.
You can try and rush Her by removing snow from around your bulb beds, but you may regret it if they bloom in time for a late spring snowfall.  If you must have flowers now, then buy some new potted plants for your house, or some potted bulbs to brighten up your living spaces.
Peruse the seed packet racks.  Even buy some, but don't start them more than 1 month before the last frost date in your area.
Prepare your flats and starter racks.  Clean out the old containers from last year.  Get new grow light bulbs so they are there and ready for when Nature is.
Once all is prepared in your nursery area, then sit back, have a cup of tea and relax.  Spring, with all its' attendant chores and joys will be here soon enough!.

Helpful Hint:  The cardboard flats that soda come on make great starter flats.  Fill with dirt, spread seeds and water as directed on the seed packet.  If they are unwaxed, you can set them right into the ground where they will degrade as your plants take root and grow!

                             Mother Bless,
                                     Kara Shima