Feasts, cakes & ale, sacred foods for the festivals and potlucks are all an integral  of the pagan life.  This page is full of wonderful recipes that will make the food and drink at your next gathering memorable.  If you have a recipe you'd like to share, just email it to us.
Thanks againto Shelli English for this great recipe!

If you'd like to have your favorite recipe for Ostare included in the next issue, please send it to Ravenwynd as soon as possible.

Ostara is a time of bountiful fertility.  The wonders of Spring surround us with the beauty of new life, new growth.  The egg has long been a symbol of fertility and the reawakening of Mother Earth. This is my spicy, awaken the senses for Spring, recipe for "Deviled Eggs"
         -Shelli's Deviled Eggs-

          A dozen eggs, hard boiled, cooled and shelled.
          Curry Powder
          Celery salt
          Black Pepper
          Cayenne Pepper
          a dribble of Dill Pickle juice
          a squeeze of lemon juice
          Black Olives, sliced

          Carefully cut the eggs in half, lengthwise.  Put yolks in a bowl, and whites on a tray.  With a fork or potato masher, smash up the yolks into a fine crumbly consistency.  Add spoonfuls of mayo and mustard, mix until creamy and smooth.
<Note: there are no exact amounts, you will have to experiment with this recipe to your individual taste>
          Add in approx. a Tablespoon of curry powder; a Teaspoon of black pepper, then a 1/2 Teaspoon of Celery Salt, Sage, Dill and Cayenne.  (more or less to taste of the spices)
          Add a squeeze if lemon and a dribble of dill pickle juice (sweet pickles and bread&butter pickle juice are OK, they just add a different flavour).   Fold until all ingredients are well-incorporated.
           Fill the whites with the yolk mixture, garnish with the sliced black olives and a sprinkle of paprika.  Keep chilled.