Justine's World

I'm 10 years old, and my favorites are,

My siamese kitten "Aurora Dawn"

she used to look like this .

But now she looks like this!!

She's almost all grown up!!

I also like rollerblading, swimming, bike riding and

reading,,I LOVE to read.

My favorite book is "Time Windows"

Its about a girl named "Miranda" who moved into

a mansion and found a doll house in the attic, and when

she looked through the windows of the doll house, she

saw all the different owners of the mansion through the years,

going all the way back to


I also love to read my Bible

My favorite story is David and Goliath,

because David showed courage and faith in the Lord, to

fight Goliath and win, with just a slingshot and one


My mom made this for me.