menu page
1 poke 59468,14:print " ":list
2 " ********************************
3 " *** OK to copy but NOT to ****
4 " *** be sold or published ****
5 " *** for profit. ****
6 " ********************************
7 " * To the best of our knowledge *
8 " * the programs on this disk *
9 " * are in the public domain. *
10 " * *
11 " * Should this not be the case, *
12 " * please contact us at ICPUG. *
13 " * *
14 " ********************************
15 "
16 "
17 :rem text screen = poke 59468,14
18 :rem to use printer
19 :rem open1,4,7:print#1:close1:open1,4:cmd1:list
20 :rem when listing finished type in 'print#1:close'
21 "
22 " a collection of ascii art & notes about the subject
23 " downloaded material .
24 "
25 "
26 " 8050 disk one
27 "
28 "*** 0 "ascii art1 " 01 2c
29 "*** 627 "xmas" seq
30 "*** 4 "asciiart.txt" seq
31 "*** 82 "computer" seq
32 "*** 36 "robots" seq
33 "*** 501 "faces" seq
34 "*** 1 "asciitut.txt" seq
35 "*** 144 "bugs" seq
36 "*** 9 "owl&pike" seq
37 "*** 466 "fontsets" seq
38 "*** 182 blocks free.
39 "-------
40 " 8050 disk two
41 "***
42 "*** 0 "ascii art2 " 02 2c
43 "*** 74 "babie" seq
44 "*** 17 "border" seq
45 "*** 30 "elephant" seq
46 "*** 63 "flowers" seq
47 "*** 203 "painting" seq
48 "*** 19 "simpsons" seq
49 "*** 213 "skulls" seq
50 "*** 110 "ascii-ar.tte" seq
51 "*** 72 "ascii-ar.tti" seq
52 "*** 14 "ascii.www" seq
53 "*** 62 "asciiart.faq" seq
54 "*** 17 "asciifon.tin" seq
55 "*** 29 "startas.cii" seq
56 "*** 1128 blocks free.
57 "
58 "
59 " these files are across two 8050 or five 4040's
60 "
61 "
62 " ************************* that's all folks ************
CG disks
may 84 2 sides
june 84 1 side
july 84 1 side
cci nov/jan 1 side - not sure where it fits
but it seems to go with these disks
german disks
these disks seem to be german
so if you can read it they're here!
tiger disk 54 - 2 sides
rockford collection - 6 sides
0 "o-tech people " -[a]-
o-tech people demo from active
1 side
from vince manolfi's own website
85 "jetset.prg" prg
this may be a bit rude for some people!
110 "sprite1.prg" prg
165 "sprite2.prg" prg
152 "sprite3.prg" prg
60 "sprite4.prg" prg
69 "cheat&beat.prg" prg
23 blocks free.