All photos, mask logo, and shattered glass logo ©1986, 1988 Really Useful Group, Dewynters (111 Eighth Avenue, 16th floor, New York, NY 10011), Livent Inc.
Candlebra image is provide by Stella The World of Entertainment
All images are used with permission by various friends of mine.
Some of the Raoul Company images were provided by Jennifer and her Phantom website: Belle's Point of No Return
International Phantom Production buttons ,opening image, synopsis, dream cast, and history buttons are ©1998 Lea Sheler
All International Phantom Production banners, updates button, links button, disclaimer button, e-mail button, and mailing list button are ©1998 Me
All information used (cast lists, synopsis, information, production history) on my site is ©1998 by me and is all typed by me. The site is run and maintained by me and of no one else.
This site and it's layout ©1998 by me. It is not to be reproduced, copied, or anything else in any form without the permission of me.
I make absolutely no profit off of makeing or maintaining this website.
I just want to add a thanks to all of the people that keep visiting my page and sending me all the good reviews, and to all the poeple that have contributed to helping me with this page, it really means alot to me. And to Marie and Ron (two people I'm sure you all know) for all of the supportive e-mail and to Marie for the lovely letter.
My page is dedicated to all the actors that were in, and are currently in any production of The Phantom of the Opera world - wide.