
 'What up, nigga?'

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First Name: Eddie

Age: 21

Birthday: 9/28/78

Major: All-Level Music Education

Hobbies/Interests/Talents: singing, sports, exercise

Words or phrases you overuse: "what up, nigga?"

Favorite cartoon character(s): Plucky Duck and the Flash

Coolest experience in life: Preparing to walk on stage before singing performances

Scariest moment(s) of your life: Driving in a severe thunderstorm

Little-known talent(s) you possess: listening to music for long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long periods of time

Favorite color: Navy Blue

Favorite food: pizza and water

Fav. type of music, Group(s), and song(s): Contemporary Christian, R & B, Opera, 4Him, Brian McKnight, Nicholi Gedda

Future Goals: graduate with music degree, enter professional singing career

Meet More of the Guys:

Aaron | Brian | Chris | David | Eddie | Erik | Jeffrey | Jeremy | Joseph | Philip | Stephen
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Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia