Being uwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotton by a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty, then the person who has nothing to eat
I have been able to move food to the hungry. But to shut-ins....a material thing doesn't move the loneliness
For loneliness, we only have that constant touch of love. To create a relationship relieves that hunger
That is what I would like more people to find, to get involved in....We must find each other
Shakespeare, da Vinci, Franklin and Lincoln never saw a movie, heard a radio or looked at TV. They had "LONELINESS" and knew what to do with it. They were not affraid of being lonely because they knew that was when the creative mood in them would work.
Are you lonely, O my brother?
Share your little with another!
Stretch a hand to one unfriended,
And your loneliness is ended
We cannot live our lives alone
For other lives we touch;
They're either strengthened by our own,
Or weakened just as much
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges
Are you lonely??
Do you need a friend??
Do you have a broken heart??
That needs a good mend??
I'll always be here
Best bud 'till the end
I'll be right beside you