The young man was at the end
of his rope. Seeing no way out, he
dropped to his knees in prayer.
"Lord, I can't go on," he said. "I
have too heavy a cross to bear."
The Lord replied, "My son, if you
can't bear its weight, just place
your cross inside this room. Then,
open that other door, and pick out
any cross you wish."
The man was filled with relief.
"Thank you, Lord," he sighed, and he
did as he was told. Upon entering the
other door, he saw many crosses,
some so large the tops weren't visi-
ble. Then, he spotted a tiny cross
leaning against a far wall. "I'd like
that one, Lord," he wispered. And
the Lord replied, "My son, that is the
cross you just brought in."