Who is the Author...

In the name of ALLAH, The most Gracious and most Merciful

PM_Anuar: The Visioner Youth

Bismillah...with His Bounty and Greatness,All the praises and thanks be to ALLAH, the Lord of the Al-amin.For Him we worship and only for Him we ask for each and everything.Towards Him we praises protection from our weakness behaviour. A person who receive a hidayah from Allah S.A.W will never lost his life and ALLAH will guide us to the Straight Way...Insyaallah ta'ala.

My name is Anuar Bin Abd Manap.I'am still studying in Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga, New South Wales , Australia.My home Country is Malaysia.I dont want to talk much about myself.Better I stop here and make you consider the main thing in our life....talking about the greatnesss of ALLAH...

After reading some references especially from the Holy Al-Quran, all of my soul become fear and feel as small as an ant in this world.Some of the words inside Al-Quran will make you think how greatness and bounty He is.Those who accept His kalam (words) and believe what the contents inside Al-Quran will receive more rewards and guarantee to enter Jannah (paradise).

In Wagga Wagga, Australia (as a new student ) most of my environtment here are not compatible even to find Halal food it's very difficult.For each kind of food here student must consider on the code of ingrediant (especially flavour) which may contain non halal things inside it.Same as Mosque, Islamic Study Centre in Charles Sturt University is the only mosque in Wagga Wagga.With the capacity estimately for 40 people this mosque is divided by two (for muslim and for muslimah).So, most of the activity i.e Jumaat Prayer, Hari Raya Puasa Prayer and Tarawih prayer will doing here.

My doing Information technology Cost which may remain me to use Internet as one of the way for doing DAKWAH (Remind all people about Dinnul'Islam).This is because one of the Hadith replied "those who fight to the path of Allah or because of Dinnul Islam so his fight in the way of Allah" (Narrates By Bukhari). So why we must consider about doing this thing my dear respected brothers and elders ? I'll give you an example before I can answer this question.You see one rod of stick can easier be breake by us as usual.But how about 20 or 50 rod of stick ? could we break it as one stick ? Could we ?

So if we as a one rod stick, we can easily break by the satan but if we are in together (jamaah) it will difficult to them to break it.Even they also hate the people who are sitting together (in jamaah) and discuss about the greatness and merciful of Allah.they know this people are very strong to them. This is why Dakwah is very important to make strong relationship between muslim (or converted non-muslim to the muslim) from each country over the world.

Some people say this is not our job, this is Ulama'(most knowledgable Muslim) job or this job needs more sacrifice which I can do because I am always busy with my work.If one muslim say this word its mean he need to brainwash his mind because even if you have small knowledge that usefull to the way of Allah, and you just keep it, it's mean you have blame a fire inside your body.If we think we have a lower knowledge in Islam, why dont we find out the place where we can learn all this thing.

My dear brothers, after wake up from the longest dream in my life, I know that this is the best time to me to join the muslim over the world who already have their homepage about Islam.Maybe my homepage not so good or perfect as well as other people, but I'll try my best to do it.It's normal.Nobody perfect.Just try my best.May Allah give His mercy for all people who going to the path of His religion.And may Allah give more rewards to the people who struggle and sacrifice everything including their self just because of Allah.

These people insyaal'lah will build a strongest and respectation to the people who are non-belieiver and remind other muslim brothers who are now still dreaming in their life to wake them up.Because if everybody know how the torture from the fire of the hell (Nauzubillah) they will said "O Allah please send me back to the world, so I cant make a worship as much as I cant.." This time Allah will replied that "You're already given this chances before..".So think my dear respected brothers..thinks..

This situation have given by Allah in his holy Al-Quran.Our prophet s.a.w also remind us about the day of the judgement where all mankind will replied all that thing that his doing in this temporary place (World) whether it's right or wrong.If most of our A'mal are good, heaven will waiting for us.Otherwise jahannam(hell) will burn us.Insyallah by doing the small thing like this And as a visioner muslim I will present as well as I can to convey the message of Islam to the Netters.

May Allah bless us for this simple job.If anybody found a mistaken or feel unsatisfying from this homepage, please send me an E-mail, because nobody can be perfect as well as our prophet Muhammad S.A.W.The goodness came from Allah Taala and the weakness came from myself.Insyaallah as a muslim try to remind each other.Put the culture of Islam as a way of our life.Be a good muslim, dont be a slave for our desire. Perform your salat and consider as possible as we can to make an Ibadah to Allah.Against, may Allah bless all the Muslim who already or soon decide the kalimah Tayyibah 'Lailah haillallah Muhammadurrasullullah'......

(Allah Al theMighty)

Allah said in his Holy Al-Quran :

"Evil (sin and disobedian to Allah) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of the men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order taht he may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His pardon)"
(surah Ar-Rum : 41)

Againts, Allah said....

"And how many a town (population) have We destroyed, which was thankless for its mean of livehood (disobeyed Allah , and His Messengers, by doing evil deeds and crimes! and those are their dwellings which have not been inhabited after them except a little.And verily! we have been the inheritors."
(surah Al-Qasas : 58)

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