tool Nedstat installed near the end of nov 98
created during the middle nineties;
(minor) changes early juli 99
last major
corrections 1997;
see what else marblous flourpatch-poetpiet can puzzle you with here
check the intro to my/his first batch of guest appearances
concerns all sorts of lifespan/currency issues
(my real appendix
was forcibly removed at the age of twelve by the way)
controversies, inversions,
reversals and other preflexions sparked off
by a classic courtcase: Stan Tenen vs Dan
plagiarism and all kinds of -ortions:
on slight and slander, short and slender on neat and tender
recent foulmouth attack over the placement of 7 and 12 letters plus two
periods constituting two adresses among the 280 in my link list,
by the owner of one of them, ordering me to choose between him and his
archrival, ...arch....haha!!! I will continue to ironize him by opting
for these adresses to remain neighbours, at least till he apologizes, then
maybe I'll concede to place them at either end of the category.
to a slanderous Email from S Tenen:
of shopshipshape(w)righters and wreckers
prompt response with a few (bold) edits added.
of some sanctimonious and smart posts
him at Jewish list groups
Hollywood, Tenen, Gold, Photosynthesis.
A digest of
Conspiracy literature or Jesus for central banker
second world war. An extremist swingthing
swayed between the vaccin virtuosity and epidemic magnitudes of critical
dillutionary HomoinHollywooded war path, where the middle of the road is
a bad place to be. I mail Bob Dratch the technocetacean
wayward wizard. My comments on Dan's posted
mail discussion about wether love can pro- and evoke anger. more
of the same shame sham shadow dnacign. 6/12
E- mail to Dan. third week of june addition:
on EILS: equal interval letterskip (Tenen's hobbyhorse and bottled genistroke).
Stan Tenen studied
the Hebrew alphabet and maintains that the flame in the tent metaphor is
one for the least and most symmetrical shapes combined, the spiral and
Each letter of
the Hebrew alphabet for instance is the 2D shadow of a single geometrically
spun spiral, cut like a fruitpeel or from a torus donut or symme-tree (spherical,
oval or egglike), when taken through the motions woven by the hands of
space and time, so that tilt tells you about certain moments and sequences,
centers of gravity and dynamic shifts of emphases,see ch. 9L and Dan Winter's
golden mean twist to Stan Tenen's Meru foundation tale, the tail end of
which involves silly lawsuits. I guess letters
may actually have originated as pieces of art- and meaningfully arranged
fruitpeels so as to enable ripe fruit foraging and freighting parties to
follow each other. The dear mister Tenen went
through considerable time and effort to win me over to his point of view,
sending me all kinds of safely downloadable stuff and urged me to preferably
distance myself from Dan and his work or at least remove the seven digits
needed to indicate the meru site right next to dnawintoher, com.
I replied
as follows in an email to Stan and Dan both with the title:
of shopshipshape(w)righters and wreckers
I guide
some branch fusing growth for a living cause biotexture must be lively.
voila my latest and far from reactionary don’t
you think? Unlike you kids. Thanks for the effort but no thanks, have you
nothing better to write me? What a waste of a stock in trade. Bad choice
for an obsession.
I liked
your work as soon as I saw it. Glad you followed Dan’s lead going public.
Thank him for it! Sad you disfigure the very top of your site with irrelevant
and demeaning dribble! Don’t tell me or anyone Jews don’t remain
fucked up about ownership (heritage, succesion,
etc). Of such an ancient body of thought too
for crystal’s sake. Mind you, I appreciate you and Dan both for different
reasons but now I see I shall have to depreciate you both for wasting precious
time on fabulations and personal phobia’s. In any narrow and lets admit
it, irremunerative field all interest should be welcome. Do you think Dan
is making money that rightfully should be debited to you? Come on! No doubt
some people will try to cynically and/or creatively distort, co-opt and
commercio-capitalistically destroy and otherwise misprise or run away with
my work (no less universal and lots less symbolic
than that of you guys) as well as anybody's
which is directed toward understanding and emancipating upscalement. A
pretty instance of that is the landrover ad in Dutch newspapers; the vehicle
is absolutely covered and half submerged in mud like a nilehorse
and the text reads modders finest. Can I sue them for sacrilege or anything?
Why don't you in my name? Landrover is richer than Dan. Not subject(ed)
to such illusions as the whole citation, plagiarism, paternity, priority
and castration complexes imply, at least not in the airy mental fields
(it is hard enough to get the prior appropriation
issues straight on borderissues concerning shifting territories on sliding
and continents subducting seafloors) I am
not tempted to fight losing and draining battles like you do. You are an
inconsiderate pundit to treat poor Daniel this way. I choose to devote
my time with a dedicated few (I don't even
have that many) to the purposes amply stated,
to perceive, penetrate, punctuate or puncture any or all of which your
bias and questionable accomplishments seem to unable you. I will not change
my link listing for no better reason than keeping people in the saddle
of their highly apocalyptic hobby horses. Come of it pal, remember Antaeos?
Touch ground, it ‘ll do you good, have you a garden? Go there! No hairsplitting
childish requests please thanks.
I won’t
let either of you down or out, I’m not aware of Dan’s Nazistic tendencies
except for his hatred of priestly pranks (Jewish
ones were allowed to marry and that made a world of difference eventually)
but you are not doing a whole hell of a good
n godly lot towards improving Jewish stereotyping this way. But bless your
heart, I love your (like any)
rainbow work, it just doesn’t lend impunity though. Fruit is more important
to people (like the meantime anemic Japs)
than they realize and so more power to you!
Forget Dan or bless his heart and think you can’t win ‘m all and none completely
anyway. (still in your garden?) When
point comes to period and pushes to shove, you tiff reduces nothing to
well wrought compost and so cannot help fruit to a good way out of the
endangered zone. You both impy chimpy pimps of the portion, poiresonalizing
perfidy while fruit suffers enough institutional ones already. Shame on
you! God knows there is too little finest fruit to go around but why fight
over what’s left, so abstractly at that, rather than fight for what may
leave out unfoldingly. If I could convey the variety that helped me kick
the supposed need for tropical ones, a real heirloom from hereabouts easily,
I would, I have some of such last season’s beauts left, called sterappel.
I shall fight to make ‘m a birthright, duty and pleasure, pleached and
perfected. The most I’m willing to concede to you would be placing your
site adresses at opposite ends of my sac geo links category, let’s say
as a reward for linking to my site or a mere apology to Dan? I ‘ll give
and concede this much to you though, I had hoped my collab with Dan to
be more fruitful than it turned out to be; instead of helping me design
a rock grinder, he spent a lot of time placing his little glib alphabet
globes in the corners of his bookpages to simulate the early moviemoves
(though I take a tiny little bit of credit
for that beaut of a twelve trumpet flower, his CD even mentions a Pete’s
wormhole, I think he thought of me). He came
home one day to have a fullbloewn paranoia attack about govts and aliens
(it related to the recent death of a reporter
who investigated some CIA mischief and the fact that he had emailed Bill
Cooper's work to his congressman which couldn't have been such a risk cause
it was in many bookstores not long after and maybe even before that, I
care not wether due to this his 'daring', it is a waste of misguided time
either way if you ask me) and perhaps to the
fact that I had by then rambled through the whole house straightening piles
of indiscriminately strewn flyers, junkmail and books (waste
of time rather than money though he invited me to sink mine into his farm).
So we do share certain kinds of feelings in regard to brother Dan (and
perhaps one we evoked, more megalomatedly and protractedly projected in
my case perhaps though we really are but cogs in series I guess) but
one must as always in the end blame oneself if one is to claim, take and
implement the chances at, for and of changes which by the way set the Jew
on the road (to self employ- and -power(not -powder-)ment however puny
that sense of self sometimes becomes). Golemix are deplorable personifications
and good for nothings besides hopes, so close an yet shortfalls (false?).
bit of wakey wacky ReJoycing to close with, then go within peace brother..........
accrual despises dew for a jewel,
can we choose chjoyce if we do all 'n everything dual; can we all multopply
use yarr ears please or do all jews judge jubilees injurious?
prompt response with a few (of my emboldened interjectional, replicatory
and intrapolationary) edits added:
the syntax shows he wrote this in post haste during anxiety attack and
in a state of consternation I will add some if not redeeming at least contrasting
material, you may read the rest of my work as a sort of foundation to fill
up the schizorift-gap gaping between these extremes....that is, at least
I hope the edges meet way deep down there somewhere.
piet bouter,
I noticed that you are in the Netherlands. I wonder if you're a Dutch
person, and if you're aware of what the Nazis did to your country. As I
hope you can tell from reading through the material we sent you, Mr. Winter
fantasizes he is a nazi. I guess you hate your own country even more
than you hate the Jews. If you don't remove your link to us, we will be
forced to take appropriate action. Don't worry, I'm not threatening
to hurt you in any particular way, but we will have to notify our audiences
and the proper authorities of your linking our Judaeo-Christian-Islamic
work to Mr. Winter's nazism. I don't know the laws in the Netherlands,
but I expect that once our copyrights have been upheld in the US Courts,
the International Copyright Convention will also protect our rights
in the Netherlands. Our attorneys
intend to pursue
those who have knowingly aided and abetted Mr. Winter's thefts and bastardizations
of our work, and they will surely seek
substantial monetary
compensation from persons who have done so. I don't suppose you're
wealthy, so I don't think that this is any particular bother to you either,
but the time and trouble it takes to deal with a lawsuit is more than enough
reward for any misbehavior.
I suppose
you refer to a punishment I deserve in your eyes. Or is there more the
matter here? You are hoping for a rewarding prosecution. Your reward for
my misbehaviour?;...I deduce: the more 'Nazi's' misbehave the greater your
reward? You like punishing people? OK People will punish you, sorry I disclaim
and correct the mistaken assumption that I am implicated beyond what I
will willingly concede to. Not to be dick tutored to. I could write on
and on about the confluences in this 'sentence' but these four lines will
do for now. Courting courts, how Jewelish jewishwashwhite of you (Hey,
what a coincidence, I'm into breaking walls and building laws too!) I
wouldn't wish it even on persons I don't like. So do yourself a favor,
and de-link us from your site.
Am I hitched
to it? Riding in your slipstream, causing drag, slowing you down? We
don't want to appear to be linked to you, whether or not you are linked
to Mr. Winter. I don't like what you have to say, and I don't like
the way you say it. Morally and ethically, only a parasite or leech continues
to suck from those who have asked it to go away. Same to you pal.
No matter how much people mangle tangle up (in) your your work, you 'll
have no less of it on offer for it. Can visitors to your site do
damage there or pass on the sue sewage virus? Dan made and still makes
fair scholarly use adding references to sources (which is more than we
can say for your despotic pilferings Mr Urheber) no matter how much he
morphs the material. Wouldn't you fancy forcing me to look the other way
and seal yourself, like the Pentagon can? I don't suppose you consider
yourself to be immoral or unethical, so I ask you to do the decent thing,
and given your obvious hatred of Jews and Judaism, is this a challenging
invitation to enter the realm of deadlocking legislature on slander, grappling
and groping over all that abstract stuff like a Fooey Jew who got so fond
of it, with only his books to be faithful to over the aeons ( I am Jew
enough to understand it so well, that sentiment), who's the spooky one
here? to please disconnect from our site
You imply
to be a trailblazer and see me as an eroder of the path but I invite you
to stop and reflect that your path may overgrow and be forgotten again
unless you take all the help and semi-help offered now for the in my eyes
not so fair (in your case even hypocritical attempt to turn a perspective
clearing path into a protollkill road; if my driveway allows people to
come and pick their own, will I specify a little percentage allocation
on their bill to the maintenance on it, making up for their 'parasitic'
impact? and
go away. I'll be pleased to not hear from you again, I'll please myself
thanks and same to you nonetheless yet again and I certainly hope nothing
further will be necessary. Tengo cuidado de no romper nada! More polishing
brush than cunt cracking crush to you too buddy Tenen
are some of Tenen's netposts I searched out and chose to balance representation
here, mind the (contrast) gap though.
(It is obviously
not copyrighted since I took it right off the net) Stan's mindboggling
prose work; I don't know much about Torah, but have come across people
pointing at some very ugly and shady sides of that work, not so suprising
if one remembers that the Bible is such a literally bloody book. Then again
if you look at Joyce and the Jews and such...it must harbour more merit
than I hitherto realized
I am not a geneticist,
but, then, it is likely that a geneticist's knowledge is not what is called
for here. The question comes about because of a misapplication of
the Pshat meaning of Torah. The midrash about Adam and Eve being
created back-to-back alludes to a specific kabbalistic image of creation
and has nothing whatsoever to do with human anatomy. Likewise, to ask if
HaShem cloned Eve is also to misuse the Pshat. I hope someone with a strong
Talmudic background will post some of the reasons why it is so dangerous
to a proper appreciation of Torah to ascribe the wrong level of meaning
to the Pshat. As a person who studies the letter level of Torah, my ability
to make credible statements about my findings is greatly reduced when kabbalistic
teachings are haphazardly mixed with our Pshat level
of Torah. True kabbalistic insights can be lost in the blaze of "God
and the Big-Bang" or finding DNA patterns or "laser" technology in the
Torah. This is silliness. The science in Torah is NOT a science of
things. Things are idolatrous. To the extent that there is science
in Torah, Torah uses the one "science" that cannot be idolatrous because
it deals only with invariant relationships. Fundamental topological
relationships (like inside vs. outside) are universal throughout all processes
at every level of creation. Pshat gives us examples of the lives
of our ancestors and how we are to keep HaShem's commandments in our lives.
Sod expresses universal relationships that are eternal and all inclusive.
This is part of what the kabbalists try to explain. The "siamese twins"
are the two halves of the model of continuous creation understood at the
Adam Kadmon level. Adam Kadmon, kabbalistically, includes both Adam
and Eve. Their back-to-back form can be seen in meditation or by
the window of mathematics. Stan
now for something more down to earht but really sanctimonious:
hereby advance a publically apology for calling one or any of us a hypocrite
preventing and keeping butter off of lawyer's bread, Buick benzine bills
from being paid, etc. (...you from being able to focus on sharing (another
concept Daniel stole from you right?)
Learning by copying vs. learning by
reading The recent discussions about how Jewish learning has changed from
"apprenticeship" learning to "text" learning is of extraordinary importance
because of its effects and implications. These are two very different modes
of learning with very different strengths and weaknesses. Text based learning
is essential because, given the vast accumulation of Torah learning over
time, not even a Moshe, if he lived today, could remember it all. Textual
knowledge is the only form of knowledge that is fully storable. But, it
has its limitations. Apprenticeship learning is "hands on" learning. We
see and we try and eventually we master the tasks that our elders have
mastered. The faculties we use for "hands on" learning are different from
those we use for textual learning. Anyone of any age and experience can
read a text. But, they will be able to understand the text only to the
extent that they are already familiar with the subject or with the elements
of the subject. A person who has never seen a monkey wrench would be hard
put to understand its proper usage no matter how detailed the verbal description.
Holding and using a monkey wrench is necessary for properly understanding
what is written about a monkey wrench. The medium of learning has a great
effect on those who use it and on what personality types are inclined to
use it. The availability of computer graphics has radically changed some
branches of mathematics because hands on visual manipulation and exploration
of mathematical abstractions teaches different subjects differently and
attracts visually curious persons who might otherwise not be interested
in mathematics. We are taught that we should not earn a living from Torah.
Rabbis are encouraged to work for a living. But the meaning of "work" has
changed. Until recent times, work mostly meant labor, a trade or a craft.
Laborers, tradespersons and craftspersons work with their hands (and bodies).
Their knowledge is apprenticeship based and experiential. They know how
things feel and work and wear. In today's world many persons do not earn
a living by working with real materials in real environments. Their work
is real, but it is abstract. We work on paper with words and numbers. We
sell real estate, design computers, draw up legal documents, design advertising,
etc. We work with our heads based on what we have read (or been read to
about.) The more educated we are, the more Torah learning we have, the
more economically independent we are, the more we are likely to learn and
work in the abstract. Our executives, managers, designers, and bureaucrats
do not work with their hands. Our garage mechanics and TV repairmen and
assembly line
workers work with their hands -
and they are rarely Torah scholars. What difference does this make? It
makes an enormous difference when we try to learn from our texts. Our texts
were written by working rabbis who had hands on knowledge of a real physical
trade or craft. When they wrote, they wrote using metaphors that would
be understood by other persons who had a hands on relationship with their
work. For us to understand their written words requires us to have similar
hands on knowledge of the real world. Torah is written in the language
of (hu)man, and the primary language of humans is work and is based on
work. Symbolic work only carries meaning when the symbols relate back to
real experience. I believe that Torah learning based entirely on texts
interpreted by persons who have not worked with their hands in the real
physical world is necessarily limited and, in some instances, unavoidably
distorted. Mysteries of Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah would not be mysteries
if we had the same hands on experiences as our sages. If we are to regain
command of Kabbalah, for example, we must learn from doing things in the
world. For example, although it is far from obvious to the persons studying
the "Equal letter interval codes in Torah", any person who has hands on
experience with knitting or weaving or braiding can immediately see that
the letter skip patterns are weaving patterns. There is no need for modern
analysis, no need for rocket science. Weaving, a craft traditionally understood
and appreciated throughout the ancient world, is a natural hands on means
of encoding information. Any craftsperson can tell that. But a person who
has never knitted, or braided or woven anything cannot recognize the simple
solution to what current academic and talmudic scholars find so puzzling
or miraculous. In order to understand the words of our sages we need to
put ourselves in their day-to-day shoes. Advanced degrees and hard work
in jurisprudence or business administration do not fulfill the requirement
that our rabbis and teachers work for a living. They do not provide the
apprenticeship in real materials and real situations that our mind's require
in order to properly and fully interpret what our sages have written (or
what was written by HaShem in the language of (hu)mans as we were until
this era.) If we are to recover the science of consciousness in Kabbalah,
if we are to be able to learn from the "codes in Torah", if we are to be
able to reconcile halacha with modern life (without dilution or compromise),
we must regain hands on apprenticeship learning as a prerequisite to Torah
learning. We must teach children to sew and braid challah and weave cloth
and build tents, while we are introducing them to text based learning.
If we must work as administrators in order to feed our families, then we
must also have a hands on hobby so we can also learn the real world skills
our sages learned and drew their lessons from. Text based knowledge without
apprenticeship is like Din without Chesed. Apprenticeship without text
knowledge (including Torah!!!) is Chesed without Din. Neither can be fulfilled
alone. Stan Tenen
Some time
after this I wrote Dan Winter the following:
Sneek a well
worthwile snoop, com pound -fences down with me. Money tied up weighs in
heavy on news worth eyeness.
Well, if it isn't
golden mean getting stuck right in between. Toes dotage (Dutch for tenen)
versus top votage and choice voice.
Rock to
ashes with musical bashes vs jewels and gemstones. Feet of freshly clayed
crystal in motion not worth serving eh?
Well, jewels
never did fall out of the sky thick enough to make a difference so let’s
get busy with basics shell we, yes, we shale.
Tippy tappie
justly so holds for your toe, by to go the radiant line rises straight
up from hidey ho gunky moho why do da fingerflux flakes foster new hollanditis
diseaziezoo qwaches? Sorry, don't remember what this refers
to exactly. the nat indian crypt won a world war, or was
it both, anyway a vocal virus is what did be word of Thunder underworld
God eh?
Hollywood, Tenen, Gold, Photosynthesis.
Bits and pieces
proffering an in my estimation slightly more realistic perspective on gold
and idolatry than Dan's (he has an alchemist angle on the whole thing,
arguing that gold powder ingestion immortalizes though it erodes the 'soul')
digest of Conspiracy literature, or Jesus for central banker
Let's suppose
the German gold slowly and slily wandered into banker's pockets
Native American
gold seems to have done so a bit more forcefully and precipitously.
The immaculate,
unchanging, constant yet migrant, singular and severe sunlight worshipping
(hard and dry making power, as per Winter) desert patriarch progeny plies
its trade....; midas like monetairy appreciation by juggling subsumptive
symbols, sign if i can't signatures (which according to a late postcrises
lecture by Aby Warburg, himself a son from a banking dynasty), erodes succulent
diversity and sumptuous culture with its very willful in- and assertions
of slave labour/army innovation/finance/refugee/migrant/infiltrant/ghetto
complicated circus, which the fuller of highly inflammatory and bold
bickering with sparrowlike brutality amongst themselves it gets,
will not fail to impress and stop their enemies short, who can just stand
by with dropped jaws, staring in amazement.
A desert tribe's
identification with the purity and homogeneity of the sun wheeling through
such predictably configured spaces, stars and sky, inclines them to hinging
all their doings on a singular rationale and referent
boosting their
confidence in reaching out for a reign as extensive as their God succesfully;
paving the way like a long term clockwork project, revolve the world, direct
the rain, cling to the old testostament, go for gold, stick together, mind
your sponsor, cover for that shylock.
second world war.
American Jewish
credit sent to stabilize the aforementioned gold which was under
threat of
a militaristic movement gaining power may have been the sort of all or
nothing gamble
had been familiar with since equiping ships in the Middle ages.
Instead of
the desired appeasement effect the Germans wanted to use the bait to catch
up to and get even with the baiter and retrieve what was already lost.
Jews scattered like leaves to the wind, a fine selection criteria, they
know by experience. Things always look up for the race if not consistently
for some of its constituents; but hell oh well you won't get to be the
elect without a bit of self seek lect select; it's the thought that counts,
so don't be a prune and do your worst to our culls, their testimony of
prosecution has an immense smokescreen value for keeping the family secret.
They are good for nothing but bait when we fish for allibyez.
2= migrate, 3=mutate, 4='mitigate' gentile's fate.
this recipe
was partially imposed on, but soon after carried out by the victims;
jew understood
early enough that those who conquer the pyramid need but briefly perpetrate
the distasteful introduction of slavelabour, it soon thereafter is a spreading
wave with more and more idolatrous, religious and other distracting elements.
extremist swingthing swayed by the vaccin virtuosity and epidemic magnitudes
of critical dillutionary HomoinHollywooded war path.
I am keeping
the Tenen bits (above) in a while longer..
at least...till
an apology is forthcoming....though you’ll agree it is abominable writing.
He says he means the opposite of the Golden Mean, (he
must wonder too if God is utterly alien) and
so decides to be contrary out of some mistaken sense of consistency maybe.
Where did he steal his knowledge, one could counter if one felt inclined
to stoop that low, but I’m already clinching and clampering a squease into
a bigger league; same problem, just more substantial, heavier and lighter
both, to match the inescapable jewallish dualisms I guess.
I mean my gold
bug symbolism and code coracktid’n proposals aiming to admit photosynthesis
as regional standard of value, soil building as store of it. Now, that
is something I honestly haven’t read but wrote about and no big deal but
the hype about jewish gold will distract from that in- and foresight, a
veritable concept breakthrough probe; is synchronicity invertible?
(I much prefer Dan Winter’s alchemical fire side fabulations, at least
they include an attempt at motivating to make a pass at passing the green
The issue merits
as much (of my) attention as Tenen’s untenable schizoduanalism (does not)
since it too can distract from, cut, cave and carve fruitpeels up into
yea and/or nay symmbiolatry without a word about razing and/or raising
real treescapes (the shame on Shama taboo
must not be breached too tjewzee bleueyedly).
Humility’s pluck vs imposing possesion. Jews have had to psych ‘mselves
up to maintain some stay in the fray, even if the goald never justified
the means of war financing and such. Poor jews, some of them just can’t
face shylock as such (instead of as the thrifty businessman judaica publishers
of guess who (Tenen) maintain) no matter if no lesser body than shake spear
does ‘m the picture perfect penprod pointylessness hype type service.
Well, a young
Asian shoe repair man in Jewish Bondi Beach told me that they get what’s
coming to ‘m for staging ‘mselves as the chosen ones, ain’t it asking for
trouble? Should I have told him they are just tsjewzy and help us others
all to have more choice too?
Granted, it’s
the biggest game in town and all races have bribable specimen coming forward
to do their stint at in(ef?)fecting service. Sacrifices to the neighbours
are more profitable than those to the sun unless tables turn and the appeased
One need not
be photogenetic enough to call the shots and lead the way without performing
all paraphernalia of pleasurable rabble rumble and shakings a la Freudian
warfare, their memories are still stacked with paramagnetic impressions
really ready to rile and rattle your covetous glance chance at legalistrickery
clicks. Divide and rule. A cut above (morality), mindfuck media manipulation,
mass culture moving, surf’s up symbold shufflers, bredge bearner. Well,
would you really deny Germany industrialized fastest and latest?
Rid olf railroad!!
Wrothchildish run
Hard to believe
mine is one man’s work, a mere one man's tastes, that it took only one
such jerk.
Profile people
apparantly find something offensive and/or incomprehensible enough each
to grant and greet it with deadly silence or worse. Sorry, but I won’t
reciprocate and play dead. It will be a tough chew for a century or so
and I will come around to make myself at home with it anywhere people allow
me to. Hint, hint, I’m not awfully busy at the moment, so dear linklist
nomineeds and -nateds, listen up and share a life; better yet let’s all
join forces and start some brandnew broom brush business traditions.
Take it from
the top again.
the following took place since late spring 98
Here is a
letter from Dan Winter to me after one in which he said: "you are on it"
I was volunteered
by a judge who "suggested a compromise" today, to agree to stop distributing
my NEW cd for 3 months till final resolution of conflict with Stan Tenen
in july... a favor? If you know of any email or web writing which
defamed or libeled me or friends caused by stan tenen, meru foundation
could you forward a copy to me? Turns out there are attorneys who look
for internet libel and slander cases.. take on spec.. some states
specify triple damages if it is in the area of your profession..
>thanks dan winter;
Here are some replies
to that:
Hi Dan, I am reading another
appr. one: Citation and modernity by Claudette Sartiliot about 3 of the
most crazy public (there is worse) type of Jews this Century: Joyce, Derrida
and Bertol Brecht. This lastmentioned chappy said: obviously the basis
of just about every great age in literature is the force and innocence
of its plagiarism. Quoted in a chapter called eclipse of quotation. Let's
call Tenen's attitude to him and you broken brook.
Communications have whapped
and whip up turbulent surfaces that can and I think should be focussed
on micro politics, organics and their mutual abrasians 'referishment shuffles'.
Derrida the great derivator
and derider says: a Jew axhibits his castration as if it were an erection;
that defies the other; he calls citation a type of sucktion....Don't ask
me to explain all that to you, Derrida does have a good nose for pregnant
words but tears 'm to shreds, pounces on till all turns to powder and pulp,
then spits, huffs and leaves you hanging. I do feel you are promoted to
worthy spectre status: a nazi to jump on the popular issues train with,
keeping his own twisted trinkets at the ready. They are admittedly ingenious
though; first thing they reminded me of was ironically enough a pighair
scraper except that those are full rather than partial cones with a hook,
after it is dead one pours boiling water over the bacon and removes its
hair therewith; it also looks like a great digging tool; fighting
methods of early Jews must have been good and with their predilection to
tie things around their arms (ticker tape torah and such), it may have
also been a version of 'boksbeugel' punching metal.
By the way, citeflight in
matters of mercuriosity is vol in French (theft also) but if jews as leaders
in trade and liberty paid their way so honestly, why is speculation, choosing
the best from among different evils and indiginous displacement from territory
so rampant? Don't they know their job? Jew's do it on purpose and pretend
not to I suspect. Moses went to fetch some rock of the mountain and smashed
it but nobody followed his example cause he was a fur inner praps.
Freud is said to have a
knack for appropriating other people's work without crediting them when
it suited him, profusely praising elsewhere to cover for him; has Tenen
credited anybody at all yet? No? Well, he is one who should be sued for
all he is worth then, not me.
Tenen accuses you of turning
his squigle into its opposite, on its head and inside out and of plagiarism
at the same time right? Can't he make up his mind? Shouldn't he be disallowed
to (b)eat his bagel and (bear a) shit it out again too? rue rue raraha
risible. Sure enough no bagel bead shape fruit grows anywhere I know and
that includes Auzzie land.
I look at it this way: in
principle have you each called the other to their adduction and rescue.
Fair and square. Stop bothering the judge so he can go for that Morgan
lady with her 90 miljon smackers from Abo prostitution or something, read
my priority issues file on that if you like. To Quote is not to quarry,
to quarry is not to multiply, to multiply is not to organize, dust speaks
not for itself in or out of ticker tape bondage. I love
you Dan, bye
PS LW Lyons reminded me
of what I once fancied: him me you and friends living somewheres. Have
you any contact with him?
A day or
so later:
I found another
few beauts:
Marcel Jousse:
'L'Antrhropologie du Geste' (he originally got published in the mid twenties
and hs been republished regularly (Paris, Gallimard, 74 for example) up
till now but was not translated into Dutch or German asfar as I can tell,
curiously enough; it is on memory and chapter 4 is called: 'spontaneous
revival of past gestures', .I Quote the Quoter:....'it made me understand
the mimodramatic language of the prophets and of the peoples who had remained
spontaneous. Such is the great research scheme I am aiming at' (1922)
If Tenen refers
not to this man we can accuse him of stealing Jousse's work?
Also: Laurent
Milesi: 'Vico...Jousse.Joyce..Langue' in 'Scribble 1: Genese des textes',
ed. Claude Jacquet(Paris, Minard, 88)
his joussture, immitiate my chry! As urs now, so yous then (Ten?) (535.2-4
How many CD's
did you produce?
was a serious(ly mediahyped)case here about a female journalist who published
'inside' info on scientology church habits and got sued for it. She won.
Jews are
in a different league though, they can finance Hitler in order to double
or differ and get away with it.
As far
as your request for a little (koekjes van eigen deeg) eye for an eye, serves
you right, etc. I think it advisable to remember and remind your adversary
of the ancient chivalry codes; you are challenged but and so I may choose
the weapons, which means not needing to adjust your frequencies to resonate
with his since that don't dissolve 'm but strenghtens their blocking and
deadlocking character.
and resonance; empathy=erasure, annulment, completion, complementation
and cancels out or neutralizes.
O Daniel,
if only you had caught the axeed (axled?), bearinged, double pyramid bug
from me instead of playing with flimsy meeting tent fire the flamboyant
and recklessly jewish way. Give me quiptians any time. As long as it don't
come down to slavery both sides of the fence. We could a been cranking
and tsj earnin..
Luc Sala
still sports and supports a Tenen bit on the net in Dutch. I went to plug
your stuff unsuccesfully in his store over the years as you know perhaps,
remembering comments during his furtive appearance at your red light district
extasy lecture. Perhaps he can recall what role Tenen had in his attitude.
I view
this as everything against the light of growing season and ripening rates
(ratioz?) Easy in this case since the tree alphabet is so close and to
me much more important, though even less exploitable, for lack of education
( should make a strong defence point for you although I see no advantage
in your read out machinery over Tenen's squigles that he tries so pathetically
to dissociate from yours and for doggone goddesses sakes why can't you
both see that it matters not how you cut or peel your fruit as long as
it gets and is cheaply shopshape, that is: ripe, spoken and paid token
or other wise bend and bow out of this gracefully, come gents please bee
hive yourselves and owarwork not.
I study
some Joyce-eana like: joyce race and empire (by a globally raised chinaman).
Found a reference that may help you, it is about our shared (symbolsharing)
world of writs and wraughts, by Douglas Hewitt, found it in a book by Smith
on eckphrastic contests, haven't checked it out myself yet though.
am here in Leiden (leading) for the purpose, close to the Hague, where
Dutch are a minority in many sections, a Spinoza statue stands next to
the red light district, and the place mushrooms like NY at citizen affairs
questions are raised about my Dutchness...tiptopplered world in many ways
eh? Leiden can boast about most Joyce lit in the country (that's county
to you (if ever you run into Thomas Lawless from Cherokee or his daughter
Heather tell 'm to drop me a line.
I'm not
having much luck showing what my parents consider gratitude for 'mondjesmaat'
money when I am still waiting for recognition, acknowledgement, understanding,
respect, etc, I probably should give up hoping, craving and waiting
for any. Give my love to Cornelia should you speak to her, I haven't even
thanked her for her last letter yet. Pass this one on if you can. I am
homeless. Holland must be the worst country to be that although
it is
a growing industry.
from me to Bob Dratch,
a cetaceanic he is the trade marker of a GodBox, some sort of compromise
between hi-tech, magic, radionics and talismania
I was going
to forward this to Drunvalo as well but forgot to take down his full adress
(humming sum thing or other)
I first of
all invite you to my pages. I suspect there is some truth to what you say,
as far as a quick perusal justifies a response I will continue to wonder
why when a fertile concept such as photosynthesisrates taken, measured
and given for regional value standard hits the potentially much glight
linking lobal medium, all the old ones get up in arms about Jews gold stashed
in Switchland (gold being rep for sunshine is in my eyes a much more scale
waeiygh downing interp than all the Winter/Sitchin and whoever else is
on that bandwagon by now fabulous fables. Knowing how idiotic this world
is why hope for top spin against all odds stacked, packed and racked to
deliver tailspin?
following refers to a simplistic drawing on Bob's homepage: //members.aol.com/BDelphin.
Da little
girl will whipcurl-rip da door from its hinges or jump rope, or maybe coil
curl yon da front and then daback hairyzone to up her slacklack whipperwwhapper
(not likely though), just as a sizable bit
of gravel thrown at a boulder will break or jump back at you (bounce
if 'tknot not break)(punctured a coat lying
near me in Aspen Co that way once) (or maybe
orbit the atmospheric edge collecting dust, not likely though)
Ever seen bankvaults? No match for flour patch-wark why mords, lead my
on Dan's posted mail discussion about wether love can pro- and evoke anger
hi Dan, here
is my two cents worth for you, Bob and 'Dru'
and maybe some
more such similar idiolots too.
essence of my solutions site:
try to 'bendsend'
(=wendable slightly bent simple dead end dust on its windy wormhole way
(literally folks, for chrustal sake, literally on that one) from the initial
state of paramagnetic flufxed fresh clay to help impload lots a soongine,
to sense a bit of pfllrrsssungine zone. No bogdox or any qiixfuckses needed
when pro-predox does the redux.
So allow gravity
to s(p)end (helped along with wind and water for fancy variety and speed
up (see my 4th chapter)) to do the imploding and if ye want gentler the
pumpullupulpampering to receive the gentlest (light) and jump on its back
at the same time for the morphun multipluxious pleasuresfffffpppppresh
he he
your net charge dan: more dust ready to than already does reduce! and David
(Yarrow?) is light an unblocker? May be but it sure needs help, the grateful
kind so we can have that larger size trees we are font of.
PS I am scolding
myself much for having touched so little rock rigid with riches, Gramma
forgives..........Check out da chris king site in nz folks, its decent.
By dint of
the fact that the core Hermetic trope posits, poses and pones an above
and below parity, (whereas a complementary
relation (if more yin then less yang; does
it break down into yin and yang or yins and yangs; how hard would you like
me to hit that rock?) would seem equally justifiable
to me (just if
I Able misham to cointerm a cannycoin; if when splitit lovels oft loftily,
why not then symmasunder) I dare attack, correct
and comment upon a fraction of what I mostly continue to dismiss as a misleading
and mark( missing )it arbb(it)eration, (fabulous
and fairy tale like fireside fun it be though) armed
with the following equipment: all I do is to verify those tiny bits which
resonate with my understandings and intuitions; those are rest asured never
lofty, most definitely restricted, almost purposefully, to the 'below'
part of the above mentioned par formula. So I read them uncomprehending,
marveling, like at a well illustrated math treatise, waiting for the time
they may come back for a nostalgic or lifesaving taste of atmosphere from
their far off dive in conjectural spaces and pretense at 'yes we're fine
and dandy out here, don't regret it a minute, yes, we (our pride) keep(s
us) well' (keep oneself well is the literal
translation of an expression denoting the sheer act of wilfully carrying
on in the role play of one's choice; a bit like me hoping for a pleaching
team before my shame over unaccomplishment has me back pulling every last
little weed from my parents garden in an act of repentance over stubborn
Sorry about
the signal drift, back to my reading. All I do is wait for a familiar paragon
parabling or paralleling statement therein. I will try to serve and wield
Hermes's veil of obscurity lifting standard, (why
keep armies standing in the way of freedom instead of marching on the way
to it? Why crowd trees into a phallic caricature of proper standing. Why
call a time of record arm deals a golden age?)
Dastardly stanly lashesus to the masturfoolaw, clapclipperclobbering us
pissed siren killcall.
Beware when
pundititis provokes prosecution and paracitation mania.
Here goes
with some simple samples:
Otto mentions
the cracking up of signal compression as bad thing (for coherence of focus)
These sort
of airy fairy and goody too shoe formulas distract and divert (must I repeat
this as often as you do your repertoir?) from the fact that cracking up
(rock) allows (sun)signal compression!
A penetrant,
cumulative and spearpoint focus like none other can unpack powder with
impact power.
We all warp
each other's messages, projecting the need for others to (help) implement
them exactly inversely proportionate (perversely exportionate) to the degree
we dissociate from and/or absolutize the life tasks "written on our own
bodies"= cut out for ourselves.
rattles and reiterations bouncing around the circle has exhausted many
a "speechwaterfall". The lady who conflated
coherence and recursion into cohersion has indeed a right intuition about
the rigid regimentation, the however richly varied, still jargonesque terminology
(let's not forget cohesion was ever a more decisive force in plain stupid
blunt but material endeavours than where applied to subtler substance and
semi-such. I don't suppose I need to
point out the "attachment to personality ideas around Christ and God fall
like mud from the mould" passage as one I am charmed by and feel called
upon to improve, to all who know me. "..mud used as mold..." would be more
accurate. Yet I say: Flail fresh mud from not merely symbolic models.
Another one
I have remarked upon earlier taking a lead from MT then is the derogation
of the term gray, making it stand for personified foetuslike frogfaces
in space (in this case expressed with extremely poetic excellence) "comfortable
with and at an ash and trash level".
riding from stainstow, mainflow, banelobland
by the one
man musically mud ministering memeteam.
to Tenen for a bit
At the time of writing this (6/12) Dan has publically
apoligized for all the nasty things he has done to poor Mr Tenen who can
now devote his attention to spending money on the nonprofitable exploitation...eh
sorry...dissemination of his patently protected copyright instead of lawyers.
As a token of pure appreciation I will inflate
his sense of selfesteem by valueing another tidbit I found recently:
From: Stan Tenen <meru1@well.com>
Subject: Apple
I have hesitated to contribute to the discussion about the origins of the
apple in Eden story, mostly because I had a sense the request was for accepted
references and not for speculation. However, after reading some of
the postings, I was surprised not to see what I believe are the primary
kabbalistic references even alluded to.
Tapuach in Hebrew, refers not to an apple, per se, but to any form that
"Puffs through itself", that is, its represents a generic, torus-shaped
fruit, of which an apple is an excellent example, that fits
the description in Genesis I.11:
"... fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is in itself" This is an
_operational_ description of the process of a fruit-seed-tree-fruit-cum-new
seed system. It is not the description of any particular fruit.
This system outlines one generation of a life-cycle and this is why it
has been recommended as _the_ fruit of Eden. (This is also why, to
a mathematician, this process is identified with a torus, the first form
that "puffs through itself" like a smoke ring.)
The Tipuach appears rather mysteriously in Jewish tradition as the form
of the ashes on the alter in the Temple. But that is too much to discuss
here. The fruit in Eden is also described as a pomegranate
- because a pomegranate is full of seeds packed closely together.
This is a natural model of an abstract discussion in the introduction to
the Sefer Zohar, a major kabbalistic work. Here it states that there
is a "...rose with thirteen petals surrounding it on all sides....with
42-kinds of second- matter..."
To a person familiar with the marketplace, where pomegranates, oranges,
apples and other round fruit is stacked - or to a person familiar with
solid geometry 101, or the work of the late Buckminster Fuller - this is
a unique description of what we call cube- octahedral sphere packing. Spheres
pack most closely (in space) when there is one sphere on the inside of
an outer sphere consisting of 12- spheres. The outer 12-spheres are
then surrounded with another sphere consisting of 42-spheres, and so on.
(Fuller gives a simple formula for the number of spheres in each sphere
of spheres.) The process of expanding from a single central sphere to a
sphere of 12 spheres to a sphere of 42 spheres is unique. It closely
models how a seed sits within a real fruit, within a fruit, within a fruit,
within a fruit.... ad infinitum, as a chain-of-being - or as a Tree of
Life. This is why the pomegranate is mentioned.
Also mentioned is
wheat. An examination of wheat shows layers of branched sections
that look somewhat like a small pine tree or like a miniature spinal column.
This also expresses the chain-of-being and Tree of Life model.
The fig is mentioned because it is an alternate, inside out, model to the
apple geometrically. The fig's flower is inside. It represents
self-reference, as its Hebrew name discloses. Fig = T'en-ah (Tov-Alef-
Nun-Heh); the root is Alef-Nun, related to Alef-Nun-Yod, Ani, "I" preceded
by Tov, an indication of self-reference. Thus the fig is the fruit
of the tree of self-reference. Self-reference is represented personally
by self-awareness, what Adam and Eve gain by eating the fruit in Eden.
Thus, the fruit of the tree in Eden includes certain aspects that are represented
by all fruit and certain aspects that are represented by several different
fruit, including apples, pomegranates, wheat, and figs.
There is considerable discussion of this in the kabbalistic literature,
but most of the references are so obscure that they are no longer unambiguously
There is also Robert Graves' understanding of Apollo as referring to an
apple. Apollo, like the God of Abraham, was considered to be Unitary
and Whole. This is not the place to elaborate further, but there
was a likely a geometric, if not a theological, relationship between the
Abrahamic and the Greek views of the sacred geometry of creation and consciousness.
Thus, Apollo as an archetypal or idealized apple, not as a pagan God, is
not out of place in an Abrahamic context.
Stan Tenen (The
geezer can't be all bad if he manages to make mention of and a ref to Robert
Graves eh?)
All very neat,
fine and dandily groovy, no?
Well, I suggest
that if Mr Tenen is unable to arrest the momentum of his own routinely
rolling and scrolling through court scrambling(s) over casket and basket
cases he could start tackling one of his his own testifiers next (Cohen),
who was inspired to adapt some of the terminology to game frames of reverencing,
in which he surely allows to shimmer through the much maligned and cooked
Maerth ideas on cannibalism (fruit of knowledge) or does that carry endorsapprovil
of the master and ministers.
My latest Email to Dan:
hi Dan and dearly condoled forthwith, feelin
witya. If you need to cheer up if not clear up some of the latest heart
apartrending rompslomp (genuine Dutch word meaning red tape) I recommend
(once again) to probe the Joyce scholar constituency in Buffalo (though
I gather yaint dare no more) and a real gem of them resides in Kingston
Ontaria at Queens U; his name is Jed Rasula, (article in the latest James
joyce Quarterly)(don't his name sound much like the mysterious Rysavy (or
something) Tenen keeps mentioning?). I have to look into this Marcel Jousse
thing (anthropology du geste) yet; ain't easy, he ain't been translated
from French since 1925 in either German or Dutch yet but republished in
French often. (months later I got the only
direct response to one of my countless mails aimed at him to this one;
it said he had been in Kingston while finally reading this by then months
old mail)
Final comment on EILS: equal
interval letterskip
High horse shit shite distinctions
of logic borderdefine, establish, build and block. ...the brain as fruit....smells
like arch bureacracy; jews pulled up their noses about bone- and backyards
unlucky simile that uses fire without
a provisionary clause joining the hoards of burnt out hippies? trees were
sacred, now their mere (meru) symbols are? OK, OK, displacements and pattern
language is at the cradle of math but I stick with Warburg who felt very
clearly that the ticker tape was strangling what breaths rather than squeezing
breath into what can, could and would but for the fact that it has been
helped to yet.