Sad the dreamscape turned into a fence? Here's how to deal with that along with whatever else is too dense and tense. (Only partly hypered) link files at this site are commendablinklist.htm and new_links and recent_links.htm  and fifth_linklist.htm and (almost fully hypered)Balkan sites, lists and (re)commentdations
Welcome to the fastest yet most solid(ly formatted) poetry on earth: over 88 files (averaging over 88 colourful Kz) worth of contextual BLABS= Bottom Line Aphoristically Ballistic Solutions meaning: Solutions which break uncivilly polarizing centralizations up or open, wether institutionally animated or simply, inertly dormant (yet animatable) by pushing the logistic limits inventively, notably those (rocks) constraining vertical metabolisms (of trees).
Half of this site was created/gestating during the 80ties (links thereto start at the last quarter of this file) and the rest since then (latest files at tops of all content files).  Last corrections/updates and add ontos: july 99
Switch to sample files at this site from here or to all of them including a): some work I admire via: /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
 b): my  list interactions via: table of contents for all list post files
 c): my correspondence collection from here but not my older work, to go to which you may use the links in the latter half of this file and/or reach'm (via appetizing one or two line characterizations of their segments which vary in size from a few lines to a page or two) through: d): table_of_contents.htm
Recent thoughts
(most recent ones first) by your host the
rock grinder   rock grinder/ rock grinder   rock grinder/
fruittramp          fruittramp/  fruittramp/        fruittramp/
nutrition              nutrition      nutrition              nutrition
enhancing          enhancing           enhancing          enhancing
fertili              fertility                  fertility             fertility
consultant     consultant/                      consultant/       consultant/
dustdabbler/          dustdabbler/                        dustdabbler/            dustdabbler/
community             community                               community                community
inspirer/               inspirer/                                    inspirer/                 inspirer/
dustdowser/              dustdowser/                                  dustdowser/              dustdowser/
entertainer                  entertainer                               entertainer                   entertainer
 room and                              room and                  and room                                room and
board board                          board board           board board                           board board
worker/                                            worker/    worker/                                             worker/
child for life                      child for life             child for life                        child for life
peasant piet the problemsolver speaks up
The good news: I scanned and uploaded some fine stuff stemming from the 30ties mostly for starters, they are called guest appearances here is the first installment about the UN, militias, revolutions, peace, etc And here is another one: 'A way out of the monetary chaos' by Walter Zander, who survived the war in exile (England) from Germany and proceeded to become a Zionist thereafter, probably not before being disillusioned with currency issues. But his work is once again if not still a hot current issue, go see for yourself even though: 'Zander verzandde in het hebreews woestijnzand' meaning: Zander bogged and mired down (got stuck) in dry desert sand

contents listing:  Old, root(ing), and green(ing) dreams die hard x x x Hannah Arendt inspired observation x x x people like R Cheat'm....filllows of hers? x x x Euro tictacs x x x PYRAMIDS, OCTAHEDRONS, HIGHTS AND DEPTHS x x x (C)lock time handy mime x x x rant a la Max Nordau on speculation x x x a piece on option markets and other viciously visual voraciousness x x x eric Wolf inspired ones x x x an emergency widespread and annonygal cast broad x x x Tis Time for Tyrannicide me Thinks, don't you? x x x (can somebody translate into Serbian please?) x x x history according to Deloria, Weatherford and me x x x including more on Jews and pyramids x x x Karmic law versus tarmac wall x x x about snipers, snappers, snoopers, snippers and immunation; x x x taking Paul Biro on Weininger as point of Messianic departure x x x Vofelita = Voluntarily federated liberation taskforces x x x Support and join the Natty trust! x x x p words x x x furthermore, this file features the following ('gefatsoeneerde' = corrected') fragments (freshest, (not always finest and funnest, just latest) first but chronologically sequenced and sorted if and only then when in series): nipple nudges and smoky wheezes x x x triplicities x x x  An inspiration about judgement I have Hannah Arendt to thank for x x x What shall we have Clinton do? x x x from here on down you can reread the unedited earlier file called 'erratic and perhaps much too unripe precyclicks' x x x some poetry x x x ****mimechanethically**** x x x reflections on factors x x x mother's day in A'dam x x x fancy famous female x x x the Swiss, GM and voluntary combinatorics x x x
the net: as communicative as vulnerable,as honest as open, as basic as 'billijk'
A horse cures no culture nor cares a car for nature

If pyramids try to suggest, give us a measure, hint at or allow shrewd guesses and wild hunches about the hight of the habitably biologizable part of our crust, what would a double one, otherwise known as an octahedron, bottom to base, base to bottom, inducate?  The depth to which we shall give roots right of way, lead ocean water to circulate and burrow?
 Where they built in a consensual or slavedriven social atmosphere?
The resistance offered to the repeated pleas of and by Jews to secede suggests the latter was the case.
Matter of fact, the amount of trouble it took before these people succeeded is as considerable as the piramids were sizable or vica versa rather since Bauval's star struck supposition, which for all the truth they may contain cannot hint at and even distracts from other aspects. He has added a most ironic polarity to the many facetted story: the stake of hopeful and far off claims made by 'pharaodiots' blinded 'm for disasters hitting close to home and these were the main reasons and ultimate causes for the defections and slip away of the accurate diagnosticians, their' jews.
This bit needs some more attention, don't read yet.  :)  : in a '42 book edited by H S Commager somebody maintains that pure chance games were very taboo in America at that time though gambling on intelligence has been an all time fav.
On the balkans and farther East pyramid enchainment has built many a house of cards fluttering to ground zero from incomplete reciprocity, not to use more damning terms. Edging toward hyper hedging makes more and more desperate deals, quiks on the draw draw on the quicks of time/space in unstabilizing frenzies, rending precious fabric.
old dreams die hard
this bit is about the belated realization of a very old dream of mine; to visit the major organic orchards and set up rockdust experiments for them, iow, to become a hybrid (polygrafted stocky rooter):
<If you set the browser window to A4 size width you should see a nice rainbow cascade/slide>
or better yet set your window to the <width> of thebordering the sentence above
<click the box next to the x in the top right corner, then drag the bottom right one to that width>
fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and board worker       fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker       fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker        fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker         fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker    fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker      fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker      fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker      fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker        fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker      fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker      fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker       fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and boardworker     fruittramp/ nutrition enhancing fertility/ consultant/ community inspirer/ entertainer/ room and board/ worker
Add to that a later addition to such a campaign itinerary: communities; there is a new book in German listing 300 such projects in Europe called: 'Eurotopia, leben in gemeinschaft', it can be ordered from: oekodorf (meaning eco village) buch-versand, Dorfst. 4, D-29416 Gross Chueden, Duitsland.
As preliminary examples of the places which appealed to me I will list some features of the italian project descriptions that caught my attention. When I find time I shall add some French, German and English ones.
(p = personen; ha = hectacres)
La Commune di Bagnaia, Sovicille (SI), (100 ha, 13 p; permaculture
Nomadelfia, Grossetto(GR), 380 ha, 320 p; progressive christians
Dulcamara, Ozzamo Emilia (BO), 43 ha, 7 p, forests and horses
Ca Morosini, Ecofattoria di permacultura, Montalto (RE), 12 ha, 4 p, Zapato, I cavalieri di sole, Assisi (PG)  30 ha, 10 p, furniture
Passalmonte, Passignano (PG), 7 ha, 8p; children camp
Utopiaggia, Montegabbione (U), 100 ha, 35 p; ceramics, cheese
Well only the ones in the Northern foothills really interest me. No idea if any of these actually are.
you're no fun, you are fired;one should be allowed to fire people on the sufficient grounds that they are no fun.
'No plurality without equality', Hannah Arendt  A focus on the most minimally different affords maximum effects, plurality and equality are guaranteed when mixing traditional with modern methods to yield clean air, water and foodsources are tending to do so quicker, using less space, labour and energy.
reflections on daemonic demography and terror, being quips and quotes by Robert Cheatham at the perforation site: surveys focus on crises and stopgap allocations for them. Their frequencies preempt nonreactionary initiatives. Big money without a big plan at least reaching if not just simply starting at the obliviously blissfull and/or long suffering bottom is gonna help nobody but big bizz. Rupture the rupturers! RC's big idea seems to be: never mind nonabstracted physicalities; I mean, this could count as the accurate caption to many headstrong rants at this site. This terro(a)r bit skirts and flirts with action in a particularly voluptuous and breathtaking way. Sometimes I can not decide if they are a rapid fire of perfect and playful inversions or incriminatable intelligence and stubborn denial. Let me give you an example: ....'yes there are many promises to keep and break'. No mention of which kind would be best and good enough to keep us.....    .....the (apocalyptic) Turn consists of a leave taking (leave making would have been more realistic here I feel) from the revenge of mute matter and the refutations of death, arrival of completions of matter and the effacing of the boundary of life/death (is it merely osmotic/two way porous, uncanny?)
Euro tictacs: Most banks have adressed their clients with a great deal of propaganda spiel, spouting it and spilling an already traditional kind of beans bumper to bumper; hybrid of course, so that 'dependensing', given fancy names implying service like klantbinding and evoking brandloyalty spells comfort for a tiny top tier but turns out to be all too literally catching for all those whose assets and identities get caught in the one way squeeze of bottlenecking upward draughts; only the worthy shall harden their hearts.
The upshorings and assurances the crafty bastards give themselves that way is so much easier to come by than that way too precious and principally irremunerative commodity: care and sensitivity, dialogue and polyfocability, the kinds of monies /seeds which are viable, potent and sprout happy like a truly humble people's powderability power.
(C)lock time, handy mime: Many hands in many lands left idle I'll help you form a mental mint to keep pace, track and time. I'll firmamentally hint about the clock with many a hand causing crazy cocktailcombo's secreted by sentient gland the eye for detail and pole that repel, the weather which turns, the day that may wane, this is the churn of a greater glory which might turn greatly gory but keeps all shifts in suspense about home running strides.
 rant a la Max Nordau: This is a continuation of a piece written on the first functional day of the new and unified stockland yard sexchange in Amsterdam, uniting 3 (in principle probably very disparate) types of trading. I mean stuff that should not be traded in the way it is.
But what the hay, who would decline a well hedged and hoisted zit popping position on top of a pretty fierily bubbling scumbag operation the likes of J P Morgan have inspired the mythical fame out of; if he wasn't already dead yet, I would clamour as follows: 'assasinate JP Morgan please, another sumbugged grabbag puff pill pull from farherners. Flux is to be followed but not to be caused; cozywayed, cutowised and cuntiewhipwhiped', .....quiped he. options? optie in Dutch means choice, optiek means angle implying location, see in the sense of outlook upon.
shut your shine shadefully: shine sheer blessings lavishly upon the shite shute shooting the shitl.
This year there were 4 active tornado's at once, a first since over a century.
Not many people will forgive me a connection to the the amount of fibre fired capital spinning around the globe, frantic attempts to exchange a surplus of wet for a superfeit of dry and make every body a happy hippy and a hoppy grippy. Read Eric Wolf if you don't believe me: Capitalism lipservicefully windowdresses terms like: consent and majority rule but though the fact that most polls hover around ties and impasses illustrating the patpositions prefigured in the sexes and so taken for granted, the only people who actually enter contracts voluntarily and eagerly are the bribable bullies who can pull off keeping the populace down with the occasional show of barbarism.
 emergency broodcusst: T'is Time for Tyrannicide me Thinks, don't you? Can't we buy, beg, steal or borrow a bit of air play on some serb stations? Send some Saintly Service to cast breed annonymously, illegally, covertly? houghts inspired by Beckerath, Weatherford, Deloria What larger proof positive of Hollywood's, the CIA's and various other secretion servicing agent, nongent and ungent payrolling (cronily capitalized, immunized and protected)
panderers' spiritual bankruptcy do you want besides the nonstopped spectacle of slaughter, genocide, arson and other atrocities perpertrated in the Balkan by one among so many miserable but trained and standing armies? Speciously genderbiassed delivery at the edge of the less and less deep green world, the heart of which was but recently cured of such horror (even though megalomaniacal ressurerection of another 'Bearlunge'  (where my hero U v Beckerath once lived) for problematic and blinding emblem blending seems to wend its ways without wanting to see wither and how such willfulness ended umpteen times before: battlefields, deserts)? Historically speaking homo heroicus is turning into a mass tearful type of terminal homo erodus. Jack Weatherford is a good example of someone showing the more or less busy and/or changing ways of tribal savages reaching civilization and vice versa, leading to a type of wrangle-tangle tide so irreversibly different from the ones where, say: scurrying and crawly critters besides pollens, roots and seeds where providing a lively buffering burgeoning of that spice of live: diversity.
He highlights the fructifying aspects of culture mixing as well as the abrasive aspects, which are often obliterative to what existed and went before. The UN is still not ready to protect or restore, stimulate and establish autonomy wherever it is wished and wanting or under threat, etc.
Watch out, one of my famously breathless sentences: Perhaps because the long 'evoluaddition' during which the friendly, cooperative and lucrative ways of 'progressive' culture contact (which nevertheless had many inadvertent and devastating effects in the form of epidemics and disease to rival the ones which spread from close contact with even more remote species during earlier domestication phases of animals for instance) often attracted and had to buy off the threatening attention of warmongers and rulers and became like them due to defensive immunization and callousness; ever since financiers are just as quick to feel challenged to (the) choice (of) weapons rather than learning; martial or virtual quick fix sleighs of hands and brutality work out to the same thing as long as nobody has the acumen, courage and succeeds to set out on an examplarily different course.
I'll say the same thing once differently once again:
barbarism infected and crept into the thus less and less transforming fire power of (what started out for its amazing flights of fancy as real) IOUz which were, once watered down to mere (flounted) moral account calls on/of vague and rarely optimizable promises and holders/emitters of which were more often than not left no choice but a challenge to carelessly imitate, collude with and sell out to (rather than emerging victorious from having come to grappling grips with) more definitely exclusionary, sharper, more ancient, physical, primitive, potent and penetrant ammunition; the (especially in a real or supposed pinch)proliferating, inventive mimic and mastery of short term self preservative, deranging into abstract self indulgent destruction of, among and boosted by monies which nowadays as ever need not merely symbolize freedom or appeal to reason, force of arms or symbiosis, etc, once (its?) hardware is aimed at it......
Why save the latter for later? why not know how now, I always know we wood know anew.
Karmic law versus tarmac wall, a thought versus a tender Love is a bluff, to leave be and let blossom Meritriciously made money turned to selfdefense will work. Speculatively made money spent on philantrop(h)y will not. Why would money remember its roots of gentility and truth if it can make it (a reel world) the rough way too? More spectacular power concentrations are what the girls will bid their busts and bottom up for and gullet-gobble gullibly.....
I suppose I am trying to say that self preservation doesn't always make it across the yellow brick bridge of golden mean logic to respect for others and so, the two were not always entering the books in a balanced manner. Vine Deloria is all for restoration of ethnic borders and leaving the few still respected ones in peace. He uses the sort of awkward language you see an exxagerated version of here (I'm still under the influence) to deride and ridicule Christianity.
If you learn to love death and your ancestors as well as your own life you may live it in a fuller but more detached way. He admires Jews (funny enough) cause of their supposed egalitarian outlooks in the same breath (or spirit I guess) he seems to applaud natives for claiming they are 'the people'. But we have to keep in mind that what he admires most of all is the (unmentionable selfevident) rootedness of the latter: the (right) people in their (right) place. Isn't that a tacit and implied condemnation of Jews? Wether they learned to like what is so loathsome to most and permutations thereof, or not (one need not like ones ineradicable habits to decide on trying to limit the damage). Who can, and how can one say such a thing of people swarming wildly? Weatherford claims it is something all races have had to learn to like and/or put up with, wether due to imposed or emerging custom, climate or catastrophy. I suspect that if Jews got displaced and pushed around a lot first and earliest, therefor longest of us all, it toned and honed them to the point where they got accustomed maybe even learnt to enjoy (turning the tables on) it. It is understandable if they also grew vengeful to compensate for feelings of inferiority resulting from the disrespect a people considered incomplete or in some whatever sense lacking; any partial loss has the loser scheming incessantly; memories of beauty turn cruel, the lot of some many and even more and more native peoples. Their long suffering certainly gave Jews a jump on their more barbaric and traditional, in the sense of local, neighbours and trading partners in as much as these were not becoming fatally and terminally threatening from a too violently and impatient sort of stirred up greed. The dosing and doling out of which is a wild science of desire naive gaiting the cataclysmates. Their former neighbours are still there and the havoc caused by a few centuries of roaming and routing has the most arrogant of 'm all backing them from sheer gratitude yet and well they should but how a fellow who knew the sober and simple causes for and solutions to ethnic confrontation way before the second world war which caused him to flee from Germany to England, should abandon them and later become a Zionist advocating the transformation of Jerusalem into some kind of interfaithcenter for the world
The ruthlessly selfish versions of profit motives and profitably motivated masses has co-opted both the tools of self defence and self expression into a bind and bond of mutual decimation and slavery that no opportune natural disaster can sever in a fortunate enough way to be taken for divine intervention. If that is what it took to free a brick baking tribe from rubbing shoulders involuntary with pyramid builders it certainly left 'm with a chip on it in the very act of liberated leaving; perhaps their skills were simply obsolete and they got the boot, there is no telling what aspects where buried and/or added to anything that ancient. Does the word pyramid occur in the bible? Why not? A case of rigorously editing out irrelevancies?
Jesus saved....(us all...from)....his hopeless and hard headed trouble about snipers, snappers and 'immudonation' I just finished reading Paul Biro's 1927 dissertation about Weininger. It gave me a lot to chew on: 1) the re- and precursion play on word possibilities of a sentence such as for instance: Ich sehe es als meine Aufgabe das Gegebene nicht auf zu geben (I see it as my task to not give up on the given (circumstance of reality). Below you can read my version of linking a 'fallen' creation to the fruitful falls of it, to giving up on it and them on- and into the tensions of, tides and gradations between universal and specific, intent and motive. I ain't no world saviour cause I can't be guilty of it all, so how could I have the faith, urge or need to work such a release (verlossing, erloesung = birth), nobody needs to shoulder the whole world's debts. Nor am I gonna pretend to posses an ability to save the world (can't even get to know it all nor describe it anywhere as good as my favorite authors, latest of which J Weatherford does a good job) any other way than from instead of by myself. I mean,...even that is (if not understood as a joke, perhaps misintepretable as) a boast worthy of megalomaniac fameclaimers; in reality most people cannot miss you cause only few really do get to know you, even if only from hearsay, never mind we live in an age of optic fibre and satellite power. I used to be fascinated with the saying that the world can't end till all people have had a chance to get to know the Gospel. I broke my head trying to get it around such a thought.
But what I can volunteer to do is this (I am even begging yall): strap me into some ultralight camcorder gear to point in every direction around me (I promise not to back up against the wall unless someone is there to hoist me up on it), hand me enough cartridges for continuous rolling, give me the most convincing access credentials available: a modestly sized, superiorly selfdefensive force (big enough to hold it's own at any roadblock (back up option available even without massive backup) let alone while backroading or bushwacking it if it comes to a dare, which maybe the case in the beginning before our reputation (for perspicacious inquisitiveness benefitting aidtargeting) is established. If such eyes of, on and for the world rich enough to afford themselves a perceptive conscience proves robust enough to bear looking their bad egg ega's and Frankensteinian pawns in the eye we will see ingenuity win out, thanks to prudent over merely violent force. The ever ailing and trailing leg of the succes formula for Atlas Shrugged will finally bear weight in reality as much as in myth, and the repellantly parted poles of respectable prowess and hide out hippies will flip into attraction.  Covert dissemination of sound self help principles, by the no longer too distant, cold and unfeeling richready to help others in need for and of a change full tilt will work all the better when in possesion of promise and mandate which both do not bear empty hopes and threats. I for one want to earn gratitude and respect from succesfully liberated and defected, formerly subdued, subjected, subducted and subordinated populaces and make their world a gentler place; it will take no more than a few scrapes (or crews at most) lost to belatedly 'loyal' blockblokes along the way to a final face to face fire and interview of a faulty principle personifying tyrant. I for one am willing to make a start forming one such motley crew cause we can't have private or national armies anymore if we wanna keep up on, let alone with and stay abreast of batches and globs of  'mogulowmiserly' monies and/or  battalions sucked onto the miserablest forms of socialization and assorted effects thereof gone haywire and where necessary confront it and them with some (pre-, re- and) presentable alternatives.
Vofelita = Voluntarily federated liberation taskforces
And so, I urgently call upon all even if only the sites listed in my alternative economics category to amalgamate, pool, co-ordinate, allign and harmonize their programs into a neat DIY package translated into Russian, Albanian, Palestinian and a host of African languages, equip stealth and mobile broadcasters and go for it. To such purposes I can pledge my text and time free of charge other than optimal food, sufficient clothing and minimal shelter.
If snob tops are out of reach and Soroses are not willing to come out and play media guerilla (aiming at the worst with monies made in worrying ways is perhaps the horse cure way to redemption), let's appeal to the armies, they should not have lost touch with ground zero levels completely yet but hurry before wars have turned into video games completely. How long since Mao prevented war by sending the opponent army home, each soldier with a clump of gold clutched in his hand? (Read Beckerath on that one) So, to recapitulate: To declare war on democrapitalism effectively one must back up the cheekyest (bij de hand=D) yet peaceloving press with a small but real force to tokenpresent and scout for, its own massive backup which in turn must be versatile and resourceful enough to handle and hand out handtools, seeds and such stuff no less handily than modern yet small arms to protect wealth of health in the making Milosevic, here I come!
Let's formulate, debate, legalize and implement the blabsabsolutely guaranteed perfor(man)ce preventing ethnic violence The promise of America and the Hopi Indians: The rainbow army, all races agreeing and co-operating on some minimal basic action (why does Russell Means object to the term: native?....maybe I'll come back to that)
Simply offer all refugees a job working with each other taking care to steer 'm into equal part mixes with every body pursuing his strongest talents wherever possible. Thus we will have superior enough forces to demand surrender and charm most people into incorporating. They will do it for the opportunity to learn, travel and truly help people, relatives to one part of their mates after another, taking good care to keep their 'humanning' well mixed (gender and ethnicity wise) yet coherent.
And now for something completely mellow: won't yall join, finance, receive inspiration from, emulate and attempt to surpass:
the effort? Their 98 summer gathering has been and gone meanwhile; they are still short a few thousand pounds to claim outright ownership for 'their' 23 acres partly hardpanned and sometimes practically waterless (at least till a few sensible ponds are dug). This gathering reminded me much of a (small, there were between 100 and 200 people during the 3rd week of their month long event) rainbow one with all proz and conz thereof: a + = easy access, a - = late risers, a + = big on faith, a - = small on works, etc but at least intentionally Natty is a giant leap forward. Many trees have already been planted (and a number of projects were left off half way through sometime during the everything but untypical recent past years worth of tenuous tenure) there; (legal) community benders are in place.
My trip over was memorable enough since I peddled and started off doing so after a lift from the fast (3 hour) catamaran ride, 11 at night, downtown Maidstone (not a breeze at that hour and day but plenty of crazed car drivers trying to spin their wheels from one traffic light to the next in a vain attempt to rid themselves of surplus adrenalin, in this inversion problem ridden town, needless to say the burnt brake pads and fuel scented the air very foretasteful of what it must be like more and more if we don't manage to forestall and -close on these highways to hell), guessing the right direction (south) correctly from their website description.
pith path patternizers don't patronize on the pit pat precipitation permutating trail.
It has been speculated about many times before: smoking could be related to an oral fixation stemming from disturbances during breastfeeding and echoing anxieties. Here is an easy way to test this tale and put it to rest: What if women got together to eradicate smoking by way of offering the greater attraction: their nipples; in the time it takes to ruin your lungs, endurance, stamina, etc, just to benefit from the socalled 'calming' effect, which is more like a queer indulgence in frusty anestheticism or a horse cure for sluggish bowels at best, one could get a whole arsenal of different juices flowing and dissolving barriers to ready up for real;
the trick of course is to use those precious minutes as a springboard, legup and boost to reach out for the weightless purity of well a while off yet  goals, a shiver rippling salivation which bestows optimism and humility instead of an opportune base short circuit and cut. Will we be able to tacitly agree on it, install it stilzwijgend as the beautiful Dutch word has it? How will people match up voluntarily without taking children as inspiration?
coming soon: lauter geklaute klabouter Lyricist and expounder looking for a flexunbounder. Quadrupled the park visitor numbers here, it's time to move. A bit of deconstruction style size reducing thanks to Hannah Arendt: The German word 'Urteil' means judgment, literally 'Ur' means ancient, 'teil' means part, 'Urgestein' means hard rock; conclusion: an ancient, grounding and pragmatic meaning of 'Urteil' could just happen to have been rock grinding maybe? Especially in view of the 'standard' by which one judges: a 'maatstaf' (D), 'massstab' (G) is easily associated with a handtool of sorts and the connotations to mother and mass make the whole thing more obvious to me still. The Dutch word 'beoordeling' means judgment 'veroordeling' means sentence,
'Beurteilung' is not used much is German (Verurteilung is) but 'beuren' means lifting in Dutch (beurs means sharemarket: paradoxical polarization requires these places to be frequented by greedy bastards; beurs is a fruit which fell and bruised itself, kept from hungry mouths and strong winds to live a sheltered life into the ripe old age of uselessness).
Judgements are often across the board, once and for all stake offs and outs, precluding closer critical and fresh looks, let alone line draws, parting particulates and fracture cleaves, once they degenerate into prejudices (Vorurteil) instead of vegetative erections and high standards....
This site is lush so don't be in a rush. Plenty to repiet reread piet, reap and eat, can your savouring detect all flavoring?
What shall we have Clinton do?: I think he should be sent to a whore house (regularly) under the watchfull eye of the public: into a rigged up space, covering the multiple angles from which it will then be possible to detect, divine and decide just how exactly his movements defuse the danger of conflagrations involving those mere surrogates and simulators of male potency: rockets, to wit, the plentiful plethora which the american public places into his pockets.
He too leaves a mark, trace, wake and weird record Why on earth and how did he do what?
We know where: Ireland to be exact. It had something to do with encryption and him signing with/in and/or using it,
It is epiphanous irony to me he should go to Ireland of all places to premiere such a ponderous move all the while never needing to try personify and play out the now turning out to be (to the T) quite prophetic performance of an earlier celebrity: HCE (Here Comes Everybody), who's acts were tough to follow in the tangled thickets of feelings public and private, and the fact that they were strewn amongst various collections of cluttering irrelevancies makes it hard to believe they were all to do with a 'single' man, let alone concocted by (another just) one. I speak of the mongrel and hybrid Irishman James Joyce of course who could not have thought of a better flesh out for his acronym HCE than:
Here Clinton Ejaculates me thinks. Meanwhile, what would we do without such a great scopegate?
We could be lost. Heaven forbid we should lead our lives at cost. Or....better yet, see what happens when we ease his testosterone pressures by feeding him perfectly ripened fresh fruit mostly, under the even more closely watchful eye of people of course, won't his plodding plop-ploef-plop-ploef pace not pick up and become a bit more pouncy, perhaps even a thunderous pound; his sight sharper, his nose clearer? Of course. Take it from a man who has been there, done that.
Perhaps tis time for a NA council of elders to run this country and not the bribed and bought out kind either, some of them are only human after all.
 the rest of this file had an earlier incarnation as: erratic and prhaps much too unripe precyclicxs
I haven't tackled it again yet sorry Is it just me or is there really too much low grade dust around? Had enough of garbage dust caught in tramrail, angeldust pill powders too? praps tis time to justify lust for dust with and from rock solidly garanteed pedigree given as we make an enlivening living, a way with the priceless stuff and it your community's worthily stylin wile.
this bit is having another life elsewhere right now:  This next yellow-orangy episode has ended up elsewhere (high up the hyrarchy) in a slightly altered version. Such displacements happen repeatedly. The title: 'defense spin offs' and its permutations (How to help defense....) worked well for a while but got pushed down into this elaborinthian site further and further (forword to be exact)
The will to powder can become an extension of organically mobilized will (t(w)o way( )ward) Fresh dust is the main theme here, welcome to the exciting world of mineral circulation.
The will to (mechanically) mobilize fresh powder which is not done.... quite the same way in which will mobilizing fresh powder proceeded, not to mention speed and magnitude rates,
but they can both organize it. give or take a few hundreds of billions.... The will to powder may follow the powder that 'willed'; there is more use, simplicity, fun, etc in mimicry of originativity (than in arguing about wether) such phenomena as life are accidental or designed. Therefore spin your head fast forward to
mobilized powder and keep it growing organically.
The will to mecamob powder for more backyard productshone, spin per spot, fun for fameflow family,
is like the will to circle the square and orbit the cute inclines to the incu(m)batiorrery ratiocinsifnicgate curveways. Tabulated dream residues are sustenterstrain(s)(ing) of thought. Bataillan battle found to fight for finest ground and spin some Gooable G Grit around, the right rite, right as rain acoming
sweep orbits, boen (scrub) stoopsteps pfropf zee proper treez propitiously prop it juicily? Yes, pleasingly pleached.
'Van alle markten thuis zijn' means to have returned from many a market unscathed; give or take a few hidden bugs perhaps, but since the eggs are not in one basket anymore it is fair to venture the nonetheless hazardous guess that risks enrich. After this blissfull spate of equilibrium one can't help but be propelled into or surrounded by circumstances which deliver one a bias all over again.
 Crush, brush and wet rock to broadcast the very finest dust. Rush into the park with a broadcastable brushing preduct which can feed all life living in it instead of rushing on- and taking to roads which costs us all long run worthyness. I’ll blow that stuff skyhi before the end of this shower. With my volcanomimic machine.  Hitting all the bumps with the sort of jumpumps that can only land you softer all along the way up. Brusher crush rock really fine with a will to powder, it goes down well with the little prepeople  mi cro-p opulations.
I Play the pup a whole life long so I aint responsible for a thing that goes wrong,
all ways attracted to that which blows strong. Bias for all done by the sun
 well contained and stored in fruit but not so charmed with terrestrially (f)laming fire soot.
Touchy toehold, touchy to hold, peeping from the fresh crack of a fold all them tales yet to be told.
coming soon: a waterman story; recounting my time at the Austrian Rainbowgathering and some other surely mars in pisces tinted stories like: the storm at Dan's, his installing one of 'm watermeandersculptures in a newly made concrete box against the house
or my early buddy's water in ear problems. the Colorado gathering pipeline crew I never got to really join. My runs down to the water for a kitchen at the Vermont Gathering. Seeing a river dry up during the course of my first job which happened to be in Saudi Arabia.
These bits are beyond repair but not totally dead yet
SFlinx is social fantasy methinks
Women unite means and ends, bliss and becoming, actualizing context with egalitarian yet hyrarchical extendings of surfaces in a gentle and superficial way, never stopping to impersonalize or impartialize, or thoughtfully penetrate cause and effect.
Mother’s day night at OCCI starring Olympic Gabriel's interactive multimedia show
A fingerpainting, a smear, a blemish; sacred and secret ashes of priestly prestige an ancient way
roast crush and perk piddly little life's bottom line rub some rocks together for vital fresh clay
down by the river where fee lay-way-stay mish mash readies the polishing stoffals, which can now be put to pacier periodicities, made an offer to touch base hygroscopated scrapolished scooped scupper readied for the clocky road from rocky raw to radiantly ripe life.
The different kinds of bandwith-habilamentation: are they like surfing, rodeo riding or harnessing 'working' (?) with a team of horses which as bad to worse is bound: will degenerate into the bioindustry; so, is it like colonizingly sap and weaken the matrix or up its metabolic appatite and zest by providing braidable variables? I still don't know, but I have a feeling.
Rock is capital for future symbiosis, we can precycle it to pallia(c)tivate our assimilables. Rock cram, kiddy pram, skiddy slam. the lawlower man has a lone boner plan. to sound out the sensitive ear zone in fast gear tone, start and keep it coming from the slow- and toughest bone. tie me limbs and make me merge 'm spoke the tree passionately pleach prone. Impart with impartiality, and thou shalt part with it knot; Please dear impelem-pimpland man: colonel kernelonely can't you once more with feeling try remember you was born from stone. Here, I know you can't help but hold this hot potato,  and I was told to pass it on to get and take a chance.
Biasless lablables lable laboratory lesbians as biased labiae.
Even though religion, physics and economics have so much in common being bloodrelative, they got differentiated irrleatively somehow. People who have staked a claim on me and/or on whom I banked are left with their scripts as much as I am so far.
Sacred senders, acre tenders. twist and twine, swirl and grind.
Further reflections on the female famosity I still fancy:  Dynamic dynamitricks by hansome bee in zombie land where zombies land on zombie landings close to where in former and happier times hansome bees paid tribute to their queenz..or did they keep the price of feminity at exorbitantly phenominal high price and scar city levels, maxed and bottomed out, as a matter of fact, at total slavery? Gotcha, preggers thru the mail coat of charmed alarm, a fabulour arm; we almost forget it behooves us to be heavy. I'm on the virge of a splurge anger wills but will don't anger,  her billers don't hang her cause she bills her bangers. The bigger the bust, the tinier the dust. big bigger bust, tiny tinier, tidyest.
looking for factors: sunblocks, return on capital and incremental sharevalue. I’ll outdo and turn the whole thing around, the ultimate monopoly, unmetered principle, lavishly dispensatisfies, fiddling the best factor: benefactory! An act for regrunpact, prepliable prof-fit; size reduction of minerals creates surface in creases to beat all budge it add up$huns together.
It’s really that most hypable inflationary mindblowblast breakthrough adolescents will seek in sex, drugs and (not really) rollin rock roleplay causing a load of down time rather than the slo and steady increment of calm balm recursive routine.
Does every male body suffer a particularly personal version of paternal ‘complot’ compliance to and with secrecy (made her fallus)?) which speculates on fore knowledge, denudes the feminine surface, scrubs it’s smoothed out waves squeaky clean to flash the fashionable folds, that is: preferably symbolized in neat credence cords?
Da gift economy raises morale and mood to a higher degree of expectancy.
The swiss, GM and voluntary combinatorics:  Recombine by all means: shape shift, not with mercurial poison and precision tool but without his humility; weren’t wings, antlers, mudsuits and brands allowances for contact; the de-, not incisive kinds: aiming for exactly them recombinant Fourier tranform(ing)s (both geniuses adduced and referred to here, the physicist and french social utopian; in- and voluntary levels of frequencies) focuses and grounds our need to cut something up, aggrandize our express sexpresaging roadcasts to voice- and votelessly inanimate, nonsentient (nevertheless for most cultures 'alive') substance and shape. It was a Joycean show such as only america can and unfortunately does produce massively...speech making; the american sonically coherent hands down victory, emigration toughens not only jews....talking of which... The Swiss are losing some battles (GM), yet on the whole still a standing stone versus our soupine sin 'geniethic', shame and sham, tree and soaked and softened rock,
but the money ain’t muddy enough again yet buddy...the way it used to be.... stamped tables and dryed tablets, from Moses to Cernunnos, from switch-swatch-wishthwuaorstbuckleblade land to Wholland .....the seam anow.
Does the net knot a neat knit?: The net is like a gathering, insecurably durable but joining a neighbourhood kitchen, gang, family, etc in being as social as they can, all people who advertize with oddball mixtures of artsy fartsy smartsy truthcovered lies co-opting a potent message to leave cargo uncovered and (lead)bleeds away to a better world; hope and hype are commodities as much as heaps and hips.....rosey lips.... ruddy, riddly, rosy, ready and red Will you be entertained by a petalimbwave while I make my way past wavey pavey?, wavily paved steepstopstones drool
rock grinder   rock grinder/ rock grinder   rock grinder/
fruittramp          fruittramp/  fruittramp/        fruittramp/
nutrition               nutrition      nutrition               nutrition
enhancing              enhancing           enhancing             enhancing
fertili                     fertility                  fertility                   fertility
consultant          consultant/                      consultant/          consultant/
dustdabbler/          dustdabbler/                        dustdabbler/            dustdabbler/
community             community                               community                community
inspirer/               inspirer/                                    inspirer/                 inspirer/
dustdowser/              dustdowser/                                  dustdowser/              dustdowser/
entertainer                  entertainer                               entertainer                   entertainer
 room and                              room and                  and room                                room and
board board                          board board           board board                           board board
worker/                                            worker/    worker/                                             worker/
child for life                      child for life             child for life                        child for life
peasant piet the problemsolver spoke up and shuts downow.

Nedstat Counter
installed end of october 98
last update took place in the middle of july 99
transiting to
colour and sonic tone synced in hancement  *T* raidemurk (deepending)