aphorism and essay headings list:
x x x credits
x x x democracy featuring crazy demons
x x x orderly and public accounting hubs and
centers held in check by responsible peripheries
x x x LETS level square about bottom lines
x x x the multiple means, mindsets, meanings
and media alignment to mint more moderate, measurable and moral monies
may remove morbidly monotone monopolies x
x x fold in, fi(b)re and tell, crease out,
water and swell x x x secret
secretion secretaries x x x and
now for a crash course in coherent and cosmologically correct commercial
x x mystical statuary for monastic unity
x x x from rock to man, from movement of people
to ecolonomikarma of clearly re- and accountably personalized currency,
from harvesting to propagation x x x blended
dusts and distinct digits reflect singular sentience and sussed sociability
x x x the sun saves you and spends itself,
so return the flavor, predeem and prime some rocky time, help it soak up
rain and shine
The (printed pulp) sources for
about autonomous, econo(r)mic ethics Destined
to outgrow the formal fashions of per-, ob-, in- and reversions of secretively
centralist, vantage point, bottleneck, privilege, pace and precedent setting,
defense, pharmaceutical, fossil and fertilizer industry complex condoned
by equally masterful movers of the IMF and world bank.
(3) Robert Graves's
small but truely historical essay: Mammon and the black goddess; (2) George
Gilder----(2) Bucky Fuller+--(2) Unwin---(2) Goux (see App)---(2) Lyotard
Cato Institute, 224
Second street SE Wa DC 20003 (academic quarterly: The Cato Journal), libertarian
thinktank with freebanking philosophy.
Durrell Foundation,
Box 847 Berryville, Va 22611, USA; inflation fighting thinktank started
with a legacy hailing from the handtoolbusiness,
American Institute of
economic Research,Great Barrington, 01230, USA LMP, Libertarian Microfiche
John Zube's efforts
at fixing the leaks to float the human rights boat. Without
the right to issue private money tokens unemployment can not be abolished
nor can harmless competition (differentiation and open centralisation)
be realized. c/o John Zube, 7 Oxley st, Berrima,
NSW 2577, tel (61) 48771436. The worlds biggest and cheapest collection
of drafts and deliberation towards social reform legislation (1/2 a million
A4 pages ) inspired by and featuring Ulrich von Beckerath+ yet to become
known as social reformer and matchlessly eminent historian and his friends
Heinrich Rittershausen+ and Walter Zander besides out of print constructive,
nonreactionary nor the bombing varieties of anarchism and monetary freedom
writings like Lysander Spooner, William Butler Greene+: "Mutual Banking",
Benjamin Tucker+ "Liberty", John Dewitt Warner: "The currency famine
of 1893" in Sound currency '95 and'96 ; Thomas Paine, Proudhon, etc, etc.
(all material averages 2$ for 120 pages per fiche, they are called peace
plans, PP 760-765 has the tables of contents of the first 3/4 of the collection)
Leopold Kohr+- --Judy
Shelton-- --Roland Vaubel --Lewis Hyde---- Donald Mccloskey-- --Mirowski
---Michael Lewis ----Tom Greco- ---E Riegel
here we go
Parable: Top down information,
open central, free and accesible as sunlight, augmented by bottom up growth
from inanimate crystaline per-for(m)ated formation thanks to pulling your
weight imperatively and the parallel, equally decentralizing
money emission commitments spell spirit and spunk, without these, there
frankly and in all fairness can be no free trade and certainly no free
migration, let alone full fertility restoration and mutual sustenance
on par.
Credits: My studies in search of a juster economics
started with my already mentioned frustrations concerning the causes for
the relative and as I found out very much related general ignorance about
the less verbally admitted and proclaimed than pronounced 'misted mineral
emission' meaning of mother earth's do it herself help for fertility, but
first I encountered efforts by the likes of Kitson, Soddy and Gesell with
sideway glances at conspiracy theorists who habitually point the apathetic
scape goating finger and look at personal causes for long since institutionalized
principles, all of whom make no bones about centralized emissions however,
just wanting a go at the controls themselves I guess. I
still have a debt owing to the Swiss "freiwirtschaftler, Rohkoestler und
Steinmehlstreuer" besides the in this respect sideways related work of
Arnold Keyserling for the lesson that material and spiritual heritage seek
to reflect and help each other out to achieve balance in the mediating
soul. Next came Wilken's parity pitch (still
adhered to in Acres USA which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 95), he
maintained that monetization measures must not exceed seven times the price
fetched for raw materials, which leaves one seventh of all wealth in the
hands of landworkers who ideally enhance its beauty through diversification
(he doesn't say this in so many words but the homestead as arc concept
was still very much alive in his day). Finally,
work by Rittershausen
(Unemployment as a problem of turnover credit, etc.), a popular professor,
befriended and mentored by Ulrich
von Beckerath (Bth) fell into my lap as a stroke of good fortune to
crown my efforts. Bth had the knack of presenting his readership with facts
that allowed 'm to draw and come to conclusions instead of giving them
the customary feeling of having to try translate some perscriptively alien
formula into their own circumstances; he was an unknown insurance mathematician
(some of his work was published in the thirties crisis: "does job creation
take money?", by Edgar
Milhaud in his Annals of Common Economy, Geneva, but his manuscripts
and library burned up in the war), his thousands of pages worth, personal
letter collection constitutes the core, inspiration, main attraction and
best reason to merit more attention for the worlds largest and cheapest
source of monetary freedom, libertarian and constructive anarchist documents
made available on cheap fiches called Peace Plans by Beckerath's trustee
Zube, who runs LMP, Libertarian Microfiche Publishing from 35, Oxley st,
lot 7, Berrima (near Sydney) NSW2577 Australia. I have little dispute
carrying command over the substance but hope to mend that by going through
closer study. I believe the rockdust saga (mineral cycle awareness) is
not going to make much headway into consciouness til the more mental currencies
are exposed, humbled and literally brought back and put in their proper
place. What one cannot visualize with all its springing points, returns
to chip away at, and/or break through the cracks of our reactionary dealings
with reality til we get it right. Keynes
versus Beckerath is as Jesus vs Cernunnos (see ch 6)
Democracy featuring crazy demons:
Beckerath relates a story about a vote for or against restrictions of some
kind, it turned out everybody was for applying these, but to except themselves,
voila the birth of a collectivism and an individualism all at one and the
same time,
receiving equal amounts of votes.
Mock the vote, clock quadrannual politics
out with your own daily businesscard/ad/valuestandard/moneymint- and minding.
Here is my attempt at giving you the
gist of what stuck after glancing through 4000 pages worth of Bth inimitable
style of drily conveying information:We
don't need: stampede mood making and breaking, anonymous manipulators
who bribe, tax and dictate the mindless stage pageantry aidience from behind
its theatrical buzzword patchwork facade (roughly with astrologically signature
like newspaperarticle-sequences sometimes, no doubt, but in the big and
wild blanding moneymixer nothing gets out alive), votes for these however
much charisma possesing but almost invariably to active or passive pissing
post degrading figureheads give the sheepishly silent majorities the all
too rare, illusionary and ineffective chance to influence the course of
e-vents, all this keeps us lumped into un- or at most reactionarily criticalherd
mechanisms of imposition.
But we do need: diversified
monies as truely specific, daily ballot tickets passing through all hands,
cause they originate from our extent of and capacity for bonding at basic
and bare necessity levels, not from volatile speculative bubble scum on
top, (and make no mistake about it, when a centralized issue is at stake,
the meanest and most ruthless will show off or cover up their fancyest
elbow work depending on how blatantly fashistic they hold power at this
front if we let them) bycause all projects need to have the support and
permission of all the ones entitled to a say (in proportion to the extent
they would be affected by it) about the matter before it ever gets to be,
however local to start with, common currency. This doesn't mean we lose
the equitable equating, balancing, liberating libra quality of a standard
of value as reckoning unit, just as long as nobody can hoard, hog and accumulate
it physically by force or finnageling, that is refuse compensation and
demand the real thing however scarce; by analogy nobody owns the sun, but
all can use their share of light as usuriously as they like and are able
to process and grow away with it, buying and selling the results.
Orderly, transparant and public
tabulating and accounting hubs and centers can
and must be kept (a wakeful (round
the clock) eye on)
and held in check by responsible peripheries.
and decentralization stimulate noncompetitive competence and dispersion
of surplus. Shortage calls for balancing with subsequent avoidance resulting
in abundance. Centralization must become
open, honest and simply registering, accessible thoroughfare, nonencrypted,
cooperative, nonsecretive and undistorting.
Fusing the libraries, parlaments, congresses
departments, ministries, media and banks together frees up the spectacle,
socialization and various types of theatrical spaces for more playful functionality.
Communism (state capitalism) turns to secretive
and private yet nontheless centralized capitalism which in its turn should
give the almighty manipulated means of payment the slip to let its constituents
free for the next step also, if it wants to get and stay ahead again. Which
it does, right?. Logo, no? A move that goes beyond democracy, dropping
majority rule dictates for systemically diversified (alphabetized) to and
fro each all their own hitlists choosings of ads, plans, businesscards,
vouchers, voting slips and every other kind current above board, on the
ledgers, in the papers, through the fibers, all neatly categorized, indexed
and dated, tying emotions to tangibles, which only emitters and associates
must redeem at face value if returned to be cashed back in while valid,
starts with the freedom to emit such money.
Personalized money (vouchers) were once called promissory notes,in an open
competition of potty training olympics, choosing and championing
from amongst many causes by confidently circulating their specific bills
unanimously rather than anonymously is a colourful, ongoing and therefore
decidedly undecidable but exact score keeping event to which the anonymous
yet exclusive black out and white wash blind, blend and bland, admini-
and demon-stratively crazy democracy, imposing on minorities and nonvoters
alike, as they do in our essentially secretive society, compares unflavor-and
your card upon the world, show off how well equipt and fit out you wiz.
Customized currencies can replace voting ballots
and polls, even dissolve gridlocked, duelling and dichotomous dualities,
simply through (p)articulate and specific attention given to the legitimacy
of choice: currency competition to rule out coercion.
A truly legal, open, honest and helpful tender is based on updatable, crossreferenced
resume's, both numbered and dated.
Mock the vote unless you can vote constantly
by choosing from amongst the many present and future monies (simple goods
and services after all), which were wanting, wished, hoped for and can
be planned (is printed, publicised, calculated emitted, financed
and executed into existence), so fuck one kind of money, people can only
learn to put their mouths where their monies are, if and when these in
turn teach them where the mouths willing to eat, drink and sing are, the
myriads of metabolic profusion now haunted with starvation and poison.
Mock the vote, unblock the rock, clock
the buck: LETS level and square about bottom lines. Money
may evolve to businesscard(called visiting card in Dutch)like ID and means
of payment in one, it will have date and time of birth, eyeball, hair,
nail, tooth, skin, frame and silhouette info; even enumerate, qualify,
categorize and index: tools, capital goods, instruments, toys and arsenals,
in short inventorize everything including talents and predilections, kinda
like the CIA, etc., except, here comes the clincher: open and accesible
like sunshine, serving accurate and reciprocal scrutiny by and for
everybody, processed efficiently into daily scorekeeping.
Plenty of decentralized every man for (but
not by) himself competition out there, yet relatively negligible amounts
in complementarily representational currency to reflect relative value
thereof and base capital demand (meet ready goods to be moved or plans
to be executed) and corresponding supply on.
We run into problems from too much money sooner than from too many monies.
In its socalled golden age the 17th century
Holland had a (valued in but not traded for gold) 1000 kinds of circulating
bills. Don't hang your most tender feelings
of security, justice and/or equality on "legal" tender. Look, you haven't
even the right to create yours at your own risk and that of those who choose
to deal with you! Money is not the root of all evil, not even the
love of money but the love of any one kind of money alone, which can and
will become a very mis- treat-, guid- and representing one at that. Instead
the love of monies (more than one coherent identity undoing kind) is like
the love of dictionaries and discernment, the
love of coordinates and success rates of microclimate and bioregional radiance
also has the ability to buy from and/or go help out with any growing
production that strikes your fancy, even merely projected ones. mellowing
the tides that stretch between abundance and scarcity.
Do any of the numberpushing global administrators
and debt reschedulers ever blow soap bubbles and deal in viral rumours?
a viably against all odds one today; cause under open conditions the good
drives out the bad.
M The multiple means, mindsets, meanings and media alignment
to mint more moderate, measurable and moral monies may remove morbidly
monotone monopolies: see
also: two in one is three (9L), a bit binary, inform and unfold (9B) See
"idee forte" in the september 94 issue of the magazine Wired about
superdistribution (pay for productuse, not info).
Monopoly money must be exclusive, expensive,
sacrificed and competed for to weed out lesser partakers and -ticipants;
it thus dictates for a deep sea politics of take over and swallow ups for
the bigger bullies.
The belligerently bloated and loafing monopolizers and inflators discourage,
preempt, restrict, ridicule, ignore, even forbid and outlaw small selfhelp-credit
and destroy value and its possible sustabilization insatiably, all dreading
and defusing the day brawn and brute go out for tact, honesty and
agility to come in to better mousetrap power.
Just as blind, bland and blend money hides
good and bad alike (to subsidize one with the other), so does who ever
came latest or even better, comes on now, harvest oggling attention while
obscuring perspective like toxic juvenile graffiti signature overlays.
But on the other hand however quite to the contrary, a selective intake
provision due to a no overdraft allowed policy makes all sinning aimed
at it bounce back at equal or greater tilt depending on viberate.
Just monies need space, time and quantity
specs (specifications) plus an accesible, recent and trustworthy (free
random check) rating, not a too undifferentiated, contradictorily and nonvoluntarily
coerced and collectively conglomerated cover instituted by real eased and
unleashed rock dreading, stuck up-tight-fisted lip serving nincom pact
poopering pseudo fundamentalists.
Soil banking; the save way for economic freedom of all life forms:
Clinton wishes to make change but doesn't know what humble, modest, grassroots,
effective, greatest need of tiny subjects satisfying small change is.
Put a price on the overhead growth ingredient reduction obstruction
and on biomass diminishing as well, free up and order the infoflow of associability
to the status of priceless preciousness, giving an inch and a hint to a
perceptive (meaning naive and young enough) audience is all it takes. If
info and sunshine are equally free you can still charge people for what
you have done with it.
Fuse post office, library, media and government
together in one networked, unencrypted, open and nonsecret agency with
terminal time slots for every literate body; I bet enough funds would come
in to keep it going even (and probably best), on a voluntary basis with
capacity to spare, arms will then gradually start to be recycled till none
remain and never revive again, turned into toys and tools like nonpolluting
cameras, musical and sporty model rockgrinders.
Fold in, fi(b)re and tell, crease out,
water and swell. I've had my share and fill
of all brawl and brash belligerence that makes the news punctuated by the
cynically make believe good news substitute: lying commerce.
The usefulness of access for many to multimega bitabled digital infocompaction
can start to outrun costeffectiveness of and need for secrecy to the same
degree reason loses its abstract strictures, i. o. w. when feelings are
recognized and acted upon as no less variable than reciprocal influence
on weather. If love is the degree to which you share viable information
even if you only leave the next beggar his place in the sun for lack of
the foremost sharable forms (like fruit) to offer, it still increases your
capacity to receive.
bullie at the other end of the spectrum is like a rock full of itself but
can lose and loosen content to gain volume and life, such festive heavens
we know not how to visualize, and those that try with any serious claim
to completeness can be concise and to the point only at the risk of losing
touch with prose.
If I went around or better yet staid put
to crush and spread rockdust with a side line in fruit quality control
as I once strongly aspired to do and describe daydreamily in other chapters,
some vitally important writings (Bth's) would perhaps be left to decay
in peace without attempting to revive and date them up, I would need harder
ware than a bicycle and dolly, (which is all I 've been handling for the
last three years) besides to be a trifle humbler and less ambitious or
plain smarter, then again, if the right big shots became enamoured by the
scenes of plenty I try to conjure and convey so poorly, (do we have any
painters on board? welcome, have a read... I know, I know, most thinkers
don't do and doers don't think) we could all be messing around humbly together
at permanently peaceful play very soon.
Secret secretion secretaries: Systemic infocompaction
obviates laboriousness and ultimately (bad karma of) coverups the same
way the analogous formation unfoldment and complementary more uniformated
solar info compaction, precipitation and differentiation must meet the
succulently solved riddles and secrets of rocks readied for lush secretions.
Give us a chance to employ, and return handsomely upon an investment of
fresh surplus energy which mirrors and completes this mind/body cycle.
People discern and bark the oxides up for
fuel, computers bite the bullet made to pass through church (Dutch proverb
about decisiveness).
Dissolve seemingly impregnable rock to help inform biomass, so flexed and
freed up relatively static uniformce feeds differentiation in rhythms as
old as the ones that our whirly world turnachurns out day after night at.
We have a mechano-technical policy whereby
nought may be sold or bought of thought and must bear life on death every
bit never in the least nitwitlike and/or without fitting grit. Todays
mass media is a bottleneck scarcity phenomenon.
The info-industries are as secretively cynical,
constricted, screwsomely fascist and infertile as their re- and presentative
monetary complements which compound, bloat, bland, blend, dare-flare-snare
and perpetrate the aggrand-brand trend subjected to uniformating loss of
vitality which allow and condone the passing of light work through too
many bottlenecks so it sure as hell remains dark at the redeem-ducible
rockbottom, nonetheless pining from our lack of mining for influence of
rain and shine current not to mention from our formation bashing and unpack
hacking lack which doesn't help its dusts up into trees.
True and simple currencies are selfhelp devices
that promote and stimulate truthful identity and quality.
To help wind up biotimers, get rocks relaxed
and unlocked, to ensure frisky freshness again, get the emissions
And now for a crash crush course in
coherent and cosmologically correct commercials:
The pump, soak and volume step up, content coax and quality inflation of
rock is an undamming sight smarter than the bloatment of social currency.
We must declare a jubilateous slatecleanse, start leaving the (s)pacing
of time and tangible credit to the "coin of the realm" minting industry
for creditable gobblable tidbits, give bad creation of blandly unspecific
wild cards, nondenominational jokers and compulsory legal tenders issued
by nitwits aided and abetted by hype adver(ti)sity spewing costly compound
junkmail, -food and misinfo the slip, before they wipe out saving grace
altogether. The
make believe world of advertizing has fallen victim to cover up, greedy
and facade cynics, witness the hairroot feeding shampoo commercial; a lady
with wet hair rises up through the desert floor but not a speck of dust
or grain of sand adheres to her. This is a perfect in- and perversion of
the urgent root hair, desert and attractiveness issue which probably leaves
most people fascinated with the enigmatic and paradox meaning of it all.
Time for Transpersonal airheads, grippies
and other more objective and detached reflectors to receive the reigns
from the sceptic, dominant, arrogant greed and fear-ruled suckers, who's
turtle minded snaphappyness needs to be teased, tickled and failing that,
most likely thumped out of their shells, however (d)evolutionarily succesful
such a brief but glorious moment of primal herd and hoard power stance
has proven.
Oxide reduction for biomass building has
been ephemeralized, cerebrated, transposed and usurped from the smallest
and simple to the smartest and symbolizing beings.
Although the general, grave and dark flip side of the photosynthesis coin
has been the best, oldest and most succesful game on earth, a mental version
don't work in the intended, equally big way as well, au contraire, it has
become termshortening and perverse, stunting all in its path with defoliating
disbeleaf (see page 30).
Economy, politics and religion are a triplicity;
father, son and holy ghost are a triunity; rock, scissors and paper are
a triviality; , rockdust making "timepieces", personalized money and fruit
are a timely necessity (see ch 9L).
Mystical statuary for monastic unity: Down with the
bias of anthropomorphic dominance. We had one God and one legal tender
fad long before we were trying to get at the indivisible particle.
We cannot have truly unified centralization
without equally open and accesibly decentral differentiation, 2 way
traffic all the way as in treesap and rain.
Everything is singular and manifold both and at once, preferably at 90
degree biangular swirligig webberishness.
Minerals and money:
The one truth, god, currency and /or central intelligence ideas must be
so all inclusive as to be acceptible and palatable to most organisms inhabiting
the biosphere. Monomoney:
specific gravity of mixed minerals per animate tensility ratio-re-cycling;
ethereal and rare, slippery and moist, hard and dry; trust, lust and thrust
in closed circuit combo-sequences.
Monogamy: means direct
fuse fit heartfelt conduit syncros. Monotheism:
aims at life through and beyond photosynthesis, earth's age old fluxuating
standard of ubiquitously biospherical value.
All three can be linked in the vertical
sense. Lemme see a show of hands:who's longing for terminal progress
from rock to man, from movement of people to ecolonomikarma of clearly
re- and accountable personalized currency, from harvesting to propagation.
Jean Joseph Goux's elucidations read like the oddest mixes of abstraction
and pragmatics which often result in circular and vicious reasoning but
is at times unintendedly brilliant if only he would not exclude minerals
from existential participation, but he too, like so many others of his
ilk has driven his love of sophistry to unwholesome abstraction (see appendix
2) even if lots more transparant and -posable, Here is a small sample of
his amply repetitive oevre: "..nothing irreducible beyond biological roots
of the subject.., (slavery, ?) gold as standard of value and monotheism
were complementary and simultaneous: credo and credit, debt death, depth,
pray, pay"..centralizing monopolized monies of imperialism are an outflow
of this.
us reconspire to link an interspecies generation chain, dont pass to ad-just
the merely symbolic, human and monotonously bland link (that buck), but
instead: pass the rock, your very own personal upholder and forebear.
Division of all labour doesn't work without
sharing (task rotation), nor when confined to one species.
Generalize greatest common denominators only, the eternally evolutionary
physical currencies of all terrestrial-like life sporting membrane, skin,
bark or hide. Polite policy police can break the dam, bank, wall and rocklocked
up secrecy open to spill into a sense of soils and savings.
Blended dusts and distinct digits:
handled the right way they may reflect singular sentience and sussed sociability.
Ground gravel is usually reemployed; graded and glued right back into compaction
in the form of lootcarrying and -hoarding roads or walls. Most of this
potentially fertile money is not taken to the epitome of diversity distributing
soilbanks but gets spent and pent right back up into the rigidity of compact
and secretively symbol shuffler sheltering structures where with all bulletbiting,
glare, flare and heartless cunning, the colours and spices of life are
bled into one black mass of mental darkness for as long, high, far and
wide as their compulsory legal tender manages to enslave and infradestruct.
(see ch 6).
The real rockcrushers are not performing their (p)ungrate- and progridfully
quarry crunch to increase credit for biomass crescendo; they do not mean
to mechanically prime the from then on more lively unfold and swell made
possible by facilitating rain and shine absorption, this very unpacking
percussion isn't followed by a pack it in and up again kind of audience,
nor do the kindly minded, mined kind currency grinding mints realize that
is what they are or intend to attract such come around, carry crushed cash,
go around current grounders that bank the biospherical way yet, but it
will take such customizers of and by true nature at the cutting edge of
evolution developing to save the day for civilization cause a more imaginative
purpose than spraying plasters, pouring concrete or driving pilons
lies in enhancing its mobility still further in the borderland between
in- and organic to make its moves in favor of soil life and almost
forgotten former glory.
basic, sharable and tenderly tenderized rock, the currency of and for aeonlong
bio-amass- and diminishment has needed no symbolic representation yet cause
it can be redeemed or cashed in everythere where moisture, its mate and
close relative is present, being most universal indeed, unlike derivatives
with a much shorter lifecycle and more specific extensions, but now that
our feelings and instruments are becoming attuned to the full spectrum
of frequencies thanks to our probing rationality and vica versa, (note
the Winter work on the golden mean and Callahan on magnetism), other sundry
rock predigesters than ice ages would add an ancient tender to count as
naturally legal, which (as we will see) means it can be forced back upon
the issuer only or hostbanks who's confidence and commitment he has gained
and secured.
Scide and collide: What more real meat and bones,
what all similar truth and consequences do I need to dish out before you
see the compatibility and tolerance in diversified life? Yes, we can each
have at least everything that counts on the double in a cosmic day's work,
so don 't worry.
Once upon a time in the perfect world an orchardist
was left his harvest even though the money he had writ out upon it had
found takers long ago, with the expiration date of both approaching; should
he be happy he may soon emit a new batch of homespun and printed means
of payment to his own short term credit in a two fer one style or would
he want to go to the central comptroller via optic fibre and see if he
can trace his first batch of informative tender?
Choose voluntary funding, association, subscription
and accountability or suffer taxes and evasive crime; spot the difference
between omens and hints versus laws and force.
Forcibly nominal valuation allows anomalously innumerate and unspecific
money emissions to become creeping inflation which is a requisition, silently
sanctioned theft, war by greed fueled cleverness perpetuating exploitation
and plain stupidity.
turnoverspeedlim-bb-its of variously formed lifespans and such ('spanning'
minerals) will be updated continually, accurately and accessibly divided
into categories between bedrock base and flights of fancy, from sub- to
supersoil bodies (tectonic plates and wheeling planets), registering dayly,
seasonal, annual, perrennial and millenial cycles.
Let us fill mailbags with essential oils,
gems, pollen, scions, seeds, and powdered minerals for an evenminded birds
eyeful view on the world. Take a company like
Seeds of change in NM as an example for future fostering. ..
The sun saves you and spends
itself, so return the flavor: Seemingly predeem and prime
some rocky time and help it soak up rain and shine. Religion, relics, redemption,
royalty and radiation.
F The sun's
golden riches run into our flimsy film of green filter foliae. I wonder
how we must return the flavor?
The sun's strenght, availability of suitable
dust and water determine the seasonal and local standard of value:
rate of photosynthesis.
Soil signifies savings, admitment hereof leads
to commitment for emitment and proplexpedition of current which in a real
and subcutaneously economic sense, every living thing shares and deals
Oxides of rock and water are nature's money,
please do mark it, expose and prespark it after miners undark it so the
valve-pump-fusing-supplicative sun doeth bark it up the tree..
Who would know the center stage sun if it
weren't for this lovely whirl weight catching a vital and free fraction
of its selfsame blessing?
America buys gas, England buys petrol, but
are the sun's savings ours to help ourselves to and allow letting it go
up in smoke?
A dab of fresh dust can adjust; soilbankbase
our (crust we bust-lustily and thus thrust into dust cause we just must
coin kindest) currency on oxide reducing photosynthesis.
My expertise lies with inner and outer
weather, foundation and firmament, the quintessential interphase of the
four elements as sustenance for most of life in the form of fresh, raw
and ripe treecrops grown in soils which are in their turn fed by outcropping
and powdered minerals, all of which may be presented by symbolic currencies
that stand for congealed and stored or harvestable sunshine.
The utter stillness, peace and patience of
dark crustal rock contrasts with its complementing pole: seemingly endless
space; the formal frigidity of terrestrial surface and super fluidity of
aquatic oxides revolving between tectonic and solar fire must be met and
mingled consciously by their harmonically selfreferencing descendants caught
in the middle.
Break, cleave and dissolve sun resisting crystals to weave its shine into
the fresh dirt, feintin n thrustin, one way or another we need make them
breathe and wheel free, for biobounce.
Economic indexes and predictions, moods and
speculations are like weather forecasts with expectations of sun and rain,
temperature and precipitation, photosynthesis and transpiration within
a margin of 5-6% accuracy, meanwhile optimal growth and other metaphors
between gravity and levity are the kind of terminology busied in both disciplines
and pursued with the same relentlessly reactionary and recklessly speculative
rumours, tricks, sleigh of hands and shortcuts, as if juggling ways to
smuggle is good enough for the hell of its appearance's sake.
Stimulus for photosynthesis takes spiderly
patience and pouncing speed both. I live for the day when succes rates
of various rockwatering devices, voted and funded into existence by voluntarily
organized, exterritorial as well as clumped participants, who believe them
to be required for optimization of harmony are recorded, tallied, turfed
and traded on Llawstreet.
A homeopathic fraction of the homeopathic
fraction of sunshine hitting the earth and its lands in growing season
is all we leave ourselves in the era of fiery confusion, until such time
when we open the wrinkily folded, crumpled, crustal and closed borders
of bioamassing photosynthesis fuel to call clear and wet oxides down which
in turn help this close kin of the ashlike troubled kind out and up, thus
showing ourselves capable of meeting the challenge to complete and perfect
the mimicry of rational thought about economy's roots, with dreamscore
keeping in order to share, care, sift and shift rock and seed, besides
propagation and grafting of the latter.
No sooner was the soilbankloan granted or he had his tree grove planted
and organized his heap of realm coin at a sunny pace.
"Mountains of commodities are born
on the rivers of money to the sea of consumption " J H Buechi
The holistic creditary effect occurs at
undistorted acknowledgment, transmission, acceptance and participation
of fresh dust specs for biomassaged growth.
Gently slaked maidenly thirst of rock upon
which the natural community as the bride of christ called church stools,
turns the tables on ungrounded bland tenders, the whim and fancy of symbolic
blur blenders, insensitive to a freeing golden mean movement which is bound
to bend and lend light access to cleanly muddled water.
Are you gonna give us our daily ashes or
do we have to go (get it) at the devils ourselves????
Jesus saves, love nurtures, the sunshine is vulnerable, mud is humble and
the pentagon fights its own alienating fears and schizoid mirroring misery
as if they were some external enemy's mysterious smokescreens.
A true king comes to the aid of his realms
fronts and helps'm to the fore pouring mud on the faithfully foliating
wheels of fate, rocks wait till kingdom come with all the organizable growth-reducible
time in the world at bay and on hold.
Loyalty to locality is a difference of only
one letter, attesting to the closeness of the king and the land which
as we all know, are one. I haven't got a mechanic,
I haven't got a king I don't have a father who got on with my thing.
Accept Jesus, repent and believe
he commissions our savings.
Harvest sunshine, 'prevent'(crush,
polish , spread)hard
rock to allow sinful
soil to save and redeem it.
correspondance + crestrisen
complementarity, yes, but chainletters are compound conpost! ! !
Correct response to nonconspiring pow(d)er pacts
such as those of stones and their standoffish yet considerably collective
moment is to breathe life into it.
Back that bone fast for a move to ward dominance
of uprightness. out with imposed rulers inside your biodome-homy sphere.
Needful deeds teetertotter about on the brink
of clarifying the deadly inert until bad habit divestment clears the way
to at least pledge this plight by bottle post or other messaging means,
so someone comes to cash in, helps make and take a way that set things
Stop the woundrous
wayz of perverted relay-string-ing and other sundry proclivi-things perpetrated
by short changers, inflaters or spare chain chinkers at the link lacking
brink of a backdrop down to gravity carry me but count thee out.
I don 't like 'm insurmountables full of
greedebty deeds, but I bank on our flirtility for good and tangible credit.
The exclusion trip drippy drops
no clue for the sun to shine into.
The mark it market traces the precious farfetchedly famousized few, so
every body helps think how to replicate, reproduce, propagate and breed
'm into common currency range, away from extinction danger toward optimal
trademanship is taking from the heart of superfluidity to bring to
the edge of scarcity like Robin Hood did.
The hedge funds
were designed to stop fluctuation but ended up as a tool and delegate
of speculation.
Best way to break inhibitions of, as well
asyour lance in, on and for bitches is to rag a rock for riches, cause
that leaves all of life laughing in stitches, so sow a blend of specks
that mends the dance of dust to a stand art of thrust.
Morphomimetic wake-fill-a-mentality. Winged
kindness of tender feathers has nothing to do with federal reserve, faith
in their funding fosters inflation.
Dis- and replace reactionary demands with active supply monstrations. Undulatory
adulation of diversity is benefitting the pioneers who have their heads
screwed on right now.
dry oxides into wet ones helps me puzzle their dry kin to pieces, my rivers
truly rock life well beyond their own ends.
get to heaven? Lighten up, you're standing on and moving over or past the
doors wherever you go on or near rocks, carve your name in 'm deep enough
to show for a long time to come and it will come up smelling like roses.
agents of the sun leave us with the symbol, tool and taproot of cristianity
after they have been here to plead for their employer about the humble
beginnings of lavish generosity sometimes arguing the fine points of selfforgetfulness
with a nevertheless massively passive and equally misjudged kind of urgency.
Gilgamesh and Cernunnos raised
roothairs from hell and Jesus's announced intention to, was considered
a threat. Sunshine comes to raise clouds and
leave trees at the same time.
A site
Switch to soundbite sampled files of the newer works at this site from
Use the links in the latter half to reach my older work (via
appetizing one or two line characterizations of the aphorisms, essays and
segments, which vary in size from a few lines to a page or two)(those
with titles are listed in the table_of_contents.htm
These most mulled over bits are again briefly described (differently,
including proper name plus keyword source(l)inks)in
the abstracts
One may prefer to switch to my guest appearances and check my credentials
first (sometime anyway I hope): /intro_to_currency_issues.htm
Then there is the off the cuff stuff: my several (11 files) list picks
and interactions via:
of contents for all list post files.
And finally my (another 11 file): correspondence
An older
Brief descriptions to the main features at this Bottom
and) arouse
piet the punchline pioneer
who shuns not hardest of tasks: (no, not leading
a paper and print free life or a personally owned phone, computer and car
free one too, that's easy; but) to pinch pith
to most universally assimilable of powders cause "it ain't so bad to be
a paracletic dabbler with all these newspfangled plexciting and gruesomely
growsomizing autonomobiles" site are at:
(1) Blabsabs_Index.htmSwitch
to any of all other files within this site via
(2): /guest_appearances/intro_to_currency_issues.htm
or (3):
or (4):
or (5):
1= (almost
as (internalinkrich as) 2+3+4+5
responses at: poetpiet@hotbot.com
tool Nedstat installed near the end of nov 98
file was created throughout the eighties and early nineties;
(minor) changes to it occured at the beginning of december 98
last major
corrections 1997;
still older site guide: Go see what else poetpiet can puzzle you with here
check the intro to my first batch of guest appearances
concerns all sorts of currency issues
especially relevant source material from this file was distilled