Webmistress Note:
Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. It is one of those times that Debra has vividly captured here (at right.)
Read, absorb, read again.
A Stitch in Time 12/25/00 © D. Tenney
In that space where origin and consequence collide... I embrace this uninvited guest... observing the Sphinx's Riddle.
Heaven is a two way street a shooting star heralding Ceasar's ascent and the descent of a savior.
Us mortals like an unwitting Herod grappling with the kismet of both, jackals, eating flesh from bone, the remains transformed into promise upon the desert floor.
Metamorphose, eternal saga rearing its onerous head in this inevitable dance.
Like the Pharaohs... I have built my monument upon the shifting sands of occasion... weaving a perennial dream, spun with gossamer and stone... Cleopatra and the asp caught between eternity and moment.
In that moment, purpose unraveling like thread in a hand stitched quilt... caught between the stitch and the seamstress.
Desert Summer
Shredded tire rubber strewn along highways, evaporating into forever mirages, token pools of cruel illusion. Tin cans, broken glass swept along sand, dry arroyo beds offer windless shade to torpid lizards, scorpions. Seared watering holes, cracked mud adorns mesa tops like desert lace. Castoff refrigerators, chicken-pocked with 22 holes, coolness bled dry beneath gathering summer clouds, spitting lightening - unfulfilled promises. Fervid sunsets boil like swarms of red ants, soothsayers of preordained fire-storms, purging parched mountains. Buzzards pick clean the bones of decaying carcasses shielding dormant seeds, coiled like rattlesnakes in sand and ash awaiting the first drops of rain.
© D. Tenney
In the Next Yard
Between the rhythm of a rocking chair and hard wood, loneliness cries out . . . in the next yard a robin, red on brown lights on a limb, paling green with spring, dichotomy running sweet and sour sequestered in each note the bird sings.
Peering through metal links, which embrace exile within exposed symmetry, sitting beyond the edge of gray a tulip blooms, solitary inside a whiskey barrel . . . splintered by thirst. Its fragile bloom wilting above the dripping faucet as weeds lap up the moisture below.
© Debra Tenney
Awaiting the Bus
Dragonfly wings whir to the thrum of the city. Sky leaking through the cracks of downtown monoliths.
Circular hum of rubber churning asphalt.
Honey bees buzz around patches of color trapped inside geometric stasis, creating harmony in the midst of discordant structure.
Singular atonements in this connect the dots labyrinth of one way mayhem.
© D. Tenney
The argument was a mullein dream deep violet on emerald, velvet passion cut short still drooping from years of drought.
A mute swan, broken wings beating within the ken of my desire, I found myself drowning inside tears, those sapphire sisters of pain, engulfed in lovers pride, consumed in crystalline despair.
You reached out limitless in your compassion transforming iron pyrite to gold gently unraveling the filigree cage which bound my heart, breathing essence into stone, impregnating it with joy, making it transparent beneath your gaze and I am lost in free fall your tenderness the mossy bed into which I surrender, at peace at last.
© D. Tenney
Ode to Poets
Lines explode like hailstones, remembering the joy the pain the love despair, tender moments, eruptions of rage.
Moments captured Blow by blow caress by caress.
Words woven into mosaics, like origami birds, folded twisted into static form... seeking to contain emotions which strike like lightening then evaporate. Leaving ghostly notions an aftertaste, vague memories spun dry of essence by time. Making poets of average people, who try to capture in words this fleeting moment called life.
© D. Tenney
I awaken to a bed devoid of sharp angles & deep furrows and I am reminded of a light house on a windy strand, September waves rolling over its base, and of yesterdays when that was enough. Of time when the chilled wind of February did not fill me with spring longing.
buried beneath this desert of tangled bed, in which I am drowning, in a space once my asylum, I am a winter cottonwood surrounded by tumbleweeds, static form amidst chaos.
I lay awake and drink deeply of your pillow's essence hoping as the first hyacinth purples March's burnt umber I will hear your footsteps in twilight's first blush.
© D. Tenney
Suspended in time, I sit here in trembling stasis between twilight fever and remembrance. Your being explodes through plastic and passionless wire, voice rekindling the fervor of a day old touch.
This current raging, feeding itself... fire and air, until the water bearer spills her urn upon the crystal pool which is your domicile
Intoxicated by every nuance, I am drowning in the golden umber of eyes that look beyond my soul, exposing me to myself, naked and unashamed beneath your gaze.
These are the moments that myths are made of, the obsession that sends young men into battle and poets into eremitic frenzies of verse, The Authurian chalice, from whence pours the sweet nectar of Gods.
© Debra Tenney