Bulletin Board, excerpt

Cuisine Nostalgique

Headline, (St. Paul Pioneer Press) Bulletin Board, May 4, 2003:

Everything was better at Grandpa and Grandma's

(lead-off entry)

"Everything was better at Grandpa and Grandma's, of course.

"A piece of serving ware I'll never forget is the green glass pitcher. It didn't have a face on it, but it reminded me of the Kool-Aid pitcher in the commercials of the day.
"Kool-Aid is all I can remember being served in it. And the taste of Grandma's Kool-Aid was magically different from the taste of the Kool-Aid at home. I suppose I thought it was the pitcher itself or Grandma's loving attention, but it was a couple things: The water at Grandpa and Grandma's was well water, with a lot of iron in it, and the Kool-Aid was a liquid poured from medicine-shaped bottles, unlike the powder packets Mom used at home.
"Even ice cubes were different at Grandma's!" (Bulletin Board speculates: Frozen iron.)

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