Ai-Chan in... Poke Interviews!

Interview # 1 - Vidalark

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Vidalark: okay I'm here
Emily9263: Okay Vidalark, Why did you start writting pokemon fanfictions?
Vidalark: Well that is kinda what I do with anime show which I really like. I was also bored one
Vidalark: night so I began to play with some ides I had. Plus I fugured that it would be pretty cool
Vidalark: since I read so many on line. Also I started write after I joined the fan fic list and
Vidalark: threw a few ideas together and bingo I started writing them
Emily9263: interesting... when did you start writting? Do you remember the date?
Vidalark: uh no wish I did though.
Emily9263: By the way remember the pokemon movie? Do you think it'll help with your writing?
Vidalark: yeah 'cus it'll give me some new ideas. Though I won't be seeing it until it is on tape.
Emily9263: I hope it comes out in video quickly for you, did you give any people inspiration to start
Emily9263: their own fanfictions?
Vidalark: Uh I don't really know. I hope I did give some inspiration. Though my chalenges might have
Vidalark: helped
Emily9263: Have you gotten many comments on your fanfiction when you started?
Vidalark: When I started it was more of if I have no respones I won't finish the story but now days
Vidalark: I get a few coments but not many. Though when I do get them I am very happy and tend to
Vidalark: write more or finish that fic faster if it is in parts
Emily9263: What was your first fanfiction? Pokemon and any others
Vidalark: My first fan fiction? I believ it was "Pikachu Becomes Human?"
Emily9263: How long did it take to finish?
Vidalark: hmm... I think about one month and a week. I was very unsure about it that is why it took
Vidalark: so long to finish
Emily9263: Did you have writers block while it?
Vidalark: not really I was just nervous about how it sounded. Though towards the end I did have
Vidalark: writer's block
Emily9263: Are here any other authors you admire?
Vidalark: well there is you for one, then Matrix, Ace, Miyu, and a few others.
Emily9263: Hee ^^ thanks, what are your favorite fanfictions?
Vidalark: oh man there are so many, um one that I can think of is Ace's current one "Soul Mates" then
Vidalark: there is a whole on going list after that
Emily9263: Leto one of the popular authors I think seems to like 'Why I Chose Not To Evolve' which number was this fanfiction?
Vidalark: "Why I Chose Not to Evolve" was fan fic number 16
Emily9263: Have you ever thought of yourself as a popular writer? Considering many link to your site?
Vidalark: Me popular? Nah, many people tend to like my site, but I doubt that I am popular
Vidalark: Leto deffinatly is one of the most popular authors, an I guess that you, Martix, and Ace
Vidalark: moght be among the popular authors
Emily9263: Like you I don't think I am ^^;;; must be normal for writers...
Emily9263: have you writen comedy fanfics?
Vidalark: yes I have. My 12 days of Christmas Pokémon stayle is actually my first comedy
Emily9263: oh... like some authors have you ever thought of writing a new trainer fic?
Vidalark: actually yes. I am currently working on putting one together.
Emily9263: Can you give some info on the character?
Vidalark: well for one she is from Hawaii like me, she has a Pikachu much like Ash's and she is chased
Vidalark: by her own Jessie and James duo
Emily9263: I'm guessing like Miyu and Me your using a character a bit like yourself ne?
Vidalark: however she is 18
Vidalark: uh yeah I admit it
Emily9263: Police : ::barge in:: you are under arrest!
Emily9263: what did we do?
Vidalark: yipes I hope we didn't do anythign wrong
Emily9263: Police : ::drag us off::
Emily9263: Interview is over thannnnnn!!