Emily9263: Is this thing on? *taps microphone* Hello and Good Day, Pokemon Fans. We are here with Kasagi, the author of Vacation From Victory. Hello Kasagi how does it feel?
Akane739: Hi!! This feel great! ^_^
Emily9263: Please sit down, oh yeah were too poor to aford some for the guests, um sorry ^^;;;
Akane739: It's okay ^_~
Akane739: I'll just stand
Emily9263: Great! Um... be careful of the wild parana beneaf you the glass could break easily
Akane739: LOL... okay
Emily9263: Alright, lights, camera, wait... we didn't have enough money for that either... oh well, Kasagi when did you start writting fanfiction?
Akane739: Well it all began when Ii went to a Message Board
Akane739: and after... maybe 2 or so weeks there I decided I wanted to write my very first fan fic ever, and I already decided that it was gonna be an AAMRN then and there. ^_^
Emily9263: ::nods while feeding parana:: mmm hmm?
Emily9263: How did you like it when people emailed you saying they liked it?
Akane739: BTW, the Message Board was the PFFA (Pokémon Fan Fiction Archives) MB.
Akane739: oh, I love it!
Akane739: I was so happy when I got my first comment ^_^
Emily9263: Who was it first? ^^ do you not remember or do you 'think' it was?
Akane739: It was a friend from the MB, Scyther46
Akane739: we still talk now ^_^
Emily9263: Must be a great friendship, what are your favorite authors?
Emily9263: Parana : ::snap::
Emily9263: Okay, okay
Akane739: oh, I have a lot...Leto, Weepinbell, Nova, Miyu, Dr. What, Nurse Joy, HyperChu, Misty_Kasumi, Mystic Vaporeon, and a couple of others...
Akane739: ^_^;; heehee, a lot, huh?
Akane739: nice pirana, BTW
Emily9263: It's natural I guess ^^ Miyu is known as... Misty, WRmistyRW, and Willow. So I don't know what to call her, but when I IM her I call her Willow. Thanks! I had them uh... since when...
Akane739: I wrote "Lost Love In Cerulean City" afetr reading "Don't Want To Lose You Know"
Akane739: ack!
Akane739: typos... darn Typochus...
Emily9263: Don't worry about spelling mistakes, Don't Want To Lose You Now, is getting popular and I'm guessing one of the favored AAMRN's
Akane739: I didn't even know Miyu was known as Willow before I read DWTLYN
Akane739: *sniff* the ending was sad!
Emily9263: I found out when I went to the PFFA ^^ also let's stop talking about her she might be reading this ^^, yeah it was...
Akane739: same here
Emily9263: *looks around everywhere* whew she isn't reading it... or is she? *ahem* What are your favorite Fanfictions? I've been saying favorite alot ^^
Akane739: heehee... anyway, my favorite fics are Weepinbell's Pokémon fan fic series, Midnight, The Human Paradox, You Can't Buy Love, Nothing Hurts More Than The Truth, a lot of Leto's fics, and a lotta others..
Emily9263: That's alot... -_-;;;
Akane739: yup...
Akane739: But there are even more... which I won't get in to, though.
Emily9263: I'm mad at me self I think me self has writters block
;_; I'd get headache seeing more titles ^^;;;
Akane739: oh... I have a lot of writers block, too...
Akane739: It's a pain, I want to write and finish, but it seems like I get really stuck! But there are some nights when I can write like, 1/4 of the entire fic continuously and the ideas just seem to flow from my mind onto the paper, with no troubles at all.
Emily9263: ::blames school:: I think school is the problem,
(currently today people have been picking on me.. poking or hitting me in the back it's a annoying) I HATE SCHOOL! ::ahem:: I'll be happy when school is over tommorow. Do you want another question?
Akane739: aw, that sucks about school... yeah, I'll have another question ^_^
Emily9263: What is your other favorite type of fiction?
Akane739: Besides, AAMRN, I like Comedy
Emily9263: I should'a expected that ^^ What type of people do you think like your work?
Akane739: Hmm... I guess many some peeps who are looking for a light AAMRN
Emily9263: Oh
Akane739: Except I've been told Lost Love In Cerulean City was "emotional"
Emily9263: It sounded emotional to me ^^
Akane739: Thanks... (that was a good thing... right?)
Emily9263: Uh right
Akane739: okay, just making sure ^_^
Emily9263: Hee ^^ What are your favorite pokemon characters?
Akane739: Misty.
Emily9263: That's one...
Akane739: And I love Squirtle, Articuno, and Mew...
Emily9263: ::nods while writting it on a notepad::
Akane739: hmm... the Jennys and Joys are okay, too
Akane739: So is Ash...
Emily9263: dum dum dum
Akane739: I don't really like TR, or Brock, but I have nothing agaist them
Emily9263: ooo =o
Akane739: okay... anymore questions?
Emily9263: ::thinks:: any flames?
Akane739: I got one a week ago
Akane739: otherwise, not really
Emily9263: Was it bad?
Akane739: Well, it was kinda bad, but basically he was just telling me that I was becoming unoriginal when I added Articuno in AVFV... that's why I wrote a revised version.
Akane739: Actually, it helped me, so I appreciated it...
Emily9263: Oh did you thank the person?
Akane739: yah
Emily9263: What was your favorite pokemon episode?
Akane739: I liked The Ghost of Maiden's Peak, Ditto's Mysterious Mansion, *thinks some more*... there are more...
Akane739: I think I would have liked "The Misty Mermaid" eppy if I saw it... but I missed it -_-
Emily9263: I recorded it ^^ on your request I can give you a summary
Akane739: okay! that would be great, Ai-Chan!
Akane739: Thanks
Akane739: Oh, I also liked "A Chansey operation"
Akane739: and the Bridge-Bike Gang one
Emily9263: Misty's Horsea is upset and she calls her sisters telling them she'd visit because her Horsea wants to swim in a huge water area they find out about the underwater ballet and it turns out the rehersal is tommorow, her sisters convince Misty to take the part... ::sweatdrops:: it's pretty long
Akane739: oh
Akane739: thanks
Akane739: hmm... I also liked Princess vs Princess (I still think Jessie should have won...)
Emily9263: blah blah blah... Team Rocket... try to steal.. blah blah blah... she tries to stop... Ash and Brock tell Daisy to not go in there (she's playing the prince in the story) and they jump in... blah blah blah... leave Horsea and Starmie there..blah blah blah... well I feel sorry for Jessie.
Akane739: oh, thanks for the sammary... yeah, I feel sorry for Jessie too
Emily9263: ::steals the princess dolls and give them to Jessie:: Hey I have knack for this
Akane739: heehee. good job!
Emily9263: MWAH HA HA HA HA!

Police : there she is she stole this place!

uh oh
Akane739: heehee. uh oh...
Emily9263: Police : you are under arrest!


Police : stop in the name of the law!
Akane739: Run Ai-Chan, run!!
Emily9263: Police : there's that author! Get her too!
Akane739: ack!! *runs*
Emily9263: Police : get back here!

Not again!
Akane739: ahhhh!!! hmm... Articuno (got it for my b-day ^_~), Blizzard!
Emily9263: Police : ...G..Growlithe..

Growlithe : ::melts the ice::
Akane739: ... fine then... hmm... go Squirtle, water gun!
Emily9263: ::runs happily::

Police : Stop in the name of the law! Arcanine get those girls!
Akane739: You're not gonna catch us!!
Emily9263: Police : Arcanine, Agility!

I have fanfic characters!

Ames : ::mutters:: have to get her out of her messes... Alright, I choose Blastoise! Bubblebeam!

Police : ack!!
Akane739: Yay! Go Ames!
Emily9263: Ames : Wah?

Police : Vileplume, Go!

Blatoise : blast blast toise (your on your own)
Akane739: darn... I have me own Growlith...
Akane739: Go Growlith!
Emily9263: Police : Arcanine, Fire Blast!
Akane739: umm... maybe we should just run... *runs* *sweatdrops*
Emily9263: ::runs like crazy::
Akane739: We didn;t do anything wrong... *continues running*
Emily9263: This happened last time -_-....

Interview OFF