Finally Smiling

By Ai-Chan

The Beginning

Sitting on the kitchen floor I bend some spoons with my mind... When my parents
told me to stop I push them away. I don't need them! I take away my childhood to train
in my telekinesis, the house collapses I don't care, I keep trying to perfect my telekinesis.
I am already better than my father.

A few years later I am the leader of the Saffron Gym the master of psychic pokémon,
I see a young boy and two other people with him, my childhood the doll next to me goes
to lure him into the cliff and he calls him pokémon to lift him back up. Now I see his Pikachu
is captured, my childhood saves his Pikachu and teleports him outside.

The old man... he seems familiar some how... he warns the boy... later I see my
student bending a spoon which he wasn't able to do... I nearly laughed when the boy
broke it with his hands. But I have no need for emotions... I freeze my student with telekineisis
when he tells me not to battle. He learns his lesson and the boy named Ash says I'm only
a little girl... he get's a surprise!

Abra evolved into Kadabra I am surprised he still wants to fight even though his
Pikachu is now badly beaten, it is impossible to win. I see the old man... it can't be! He's
my father!


I'm smiling I can't believe it! I start laughing I am now happy, my Kadabra is rolling
on the ground with laughter. I thank Ash for getting me to laugh and reward him with a
smile and the Marsh Badge. That boy will surely become a pokémon master! I stare at
Kadabra maybe it'll be a Alakazam someday... I can only hope... finally... I'm finally smiling...
