Chapter I
The Luck Machine

It was business as usual for our heroes and their enemies, depending on who you call the heroes. Ash, who was tied up with Misty and Brock, was struggling to reach his pokeballs; James and Meowth were struggling to put Pikachu in a bag. Taking pictures of herself with a camera she found.
Suddenly, Ash yelled, "Pokeball, go!", not knowing which pokemon would soon come to his aid. Upon realizing which pokemon it was, everyone yelled, "Oh, no!". "I've still got 21 pictures to take," said Jessie, "I don't get to do this every day." It was Ash's unruly, fiery, lizard pokemon, Charizard.
"Flamethrower! Now!" Charizard grinned as it turned toward its master and unleashed its devastating fire attack. Ash, Misty, and Brock, now totally fried, just sat there and blinked. They did not realize the attack had also destroyed the ropes restraining them. "Hahaha!" Jessie and James were very pleased. Charizard turned to face them and used Flamethrower again. Now, both parties were lying on the ground, unable to move. It then threw each party whichever way it felt like and then settled down for a nice nap.

Awakening in the middle of a forest, Jessie, James, and Meowth awoke to find themselves Pikachuless... "Sigh. Why do none of our wonderful plans ever work?" said Jessie.
James said, "Maybe we just aren't destined to win."
"Or maybe it's just because the plan is carried out by two idiots!" said Meowth.
"Just shut up Meowth. After all, you come up with most of our plans."
"Well, now I have a plan that can't lose!"
"Yeah, like we even want to help you. We'll only get hurt," said Jessie.
"Well, no matter. I can do it by myself."
"No way! You know you need our help!" said James, seeming hurt that Meowth was not in need of he and Jessie's assistance.
"Nope, I can do it."
"Oh, come on! Tell us what it is!"
"OK, fine. I'll let you help. My plan is to construct The Luck Machine."
"A casino?" asked Jessie.
"No! I'll tell you what it is later. For now go get me three Chansey eggs and a Zapdos feather. In the meantime, I will build the machine."

"What for?" asked James.
"I'll tell you later, but the stuff is necessary for my device to work."
"Fine, we'll go get your stuff. You better have this whatchamajig done when we get back," said Jessie.
"And you better have the stuff here when I'm done!" replied Meowth.

Later, Jessie entered the Pewter City Pokemon Center disguised as a nurse. She could have been disguised as anything, because NO ONE in this world EVER sees through ANY of Team Rocket's disguises. "Hi, I'm a trainee nurse," said Jessie to Nurse Joy, "I'm supposed to come and watch for a day. My name is Jessie." N
Hi, I'm the new nurse here. My name is Jessie." Of course, the name Jessie, the long, black boots and gloves, and the shiny spiraling hair was not enough to let Joy know who "Nurse Jessie" really was.
"Oh, you came at a pretty good time," said Nurse Joy, "We're not too busy, but the Chansey's are off duty. They have to part with their unfertilized eggs. It's very hard for them, as they are so motherly to even the unfertilized ones."
"I mean, it must be hard for them. Maybe I should observe them for a little while."
"That's a good idea."
Jessie then went behind the large, white double-doors and followed her ears to where the Chansey were.

Later, at the Pewter City Museum, James entered in a guard's uniform. It was 7:00 p.m. at the time, so James said he was reporting for the night shift. The real guard was aware the night shift did not start until 8:30, but he believed James was new and could be taken advantage of. "You're right on time," he said.
"OK, the museum closes at 8:00, right."
"That's right. Don't forget to lock up."
"Don't worry. I won't."
The real guard then left the museum and got in his car. As James saw him drive away, he walked over to a map of the museum. "Ah ha!" he said, "The Zapdos exhibit is right down the hall." He then got on the PA system and said, "The museum is closing in 15 minutes. We sugest you leave now."
Later, when all the people had finished complaining about the early closing and left, James cautiously approached the Zapdos exhibit. The room was bright, although it was dark outside and there were no lights on in the museum. James put his hands on the glass cover containing 3 feathers from the legendary bird. He lifted the cover and took a feather. The alarm immediately went off. James quickly exited through the back door.

Jessie and James were returning from Pewter City and Meowth had finished assembling the Luck Machine. When Jessie and James returned, they presented their steals with pride. "We got them and slipped away perfectly," said Jessie, "except Einstein here set off the alarm at the museum.
"Idiots," mumbled Meowth under his breath.
"Now, tell us again why you need this," said James.
"Because this machine produces "luck spray", and it has to make it from something. So, this is like its fuel."
Meowth then cracked the 3 Chansey egss, and had Jessie bring out Arbok. He needed some Arbok venom too. Then he inserted the Zapdos feather and the brew began to bubble. He poured it into a small hole on the side of his glimmering contraption, and within seconds a small bottle of "luck spray" was produced.
"Now, spray some of this on," he said.
"Uh, where are you supposed to srpay it?" asked James.
"Just spray it on your face or something. It doesn't matter."
James sprayed a little of the spray on his face and handed the bottle to Jessie. She then sprayed it all over herself, saying it smelled like perfume. When her two colleages managed to pry the bottle out of her hand, there was barely enough left for Meowth.
After Meowth had used the remaining spray, he told Jessie and James to get the balloon ready. "Pikachu, here we come!"

Chapter II
In Search of Pikachu

The so-called heroes of the show also are awakening. They too have lost the Pikachu, and they also assume their enemies now have it. Also, Charizard is missing. Did you think it was going to come back?

Ash was the first to get up, and of course, was the first to notice his missing pokemon. "Oh, no!" he cried. "They got Pikachu! We gotta do something! Come on. Let's go! Uh, wake up!" His companions were still asleep, or rather, knocked out. "Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up! WAKE UP!" Then he got an idea. He pulled out one of his pokeballs and threw it. "Squirtle go! Use Water Gun!" It used it all right. It also knocked Brock and Misty about twenty feet back.
"You idiot!" Misty yelled, coming to her senses. "What did you think you were doing!"
"Well, you wouldn't wake up, so I thought maybe some water..."
"Sigh... Just forget it. Now what were you screaming about?"
"They got Pikachu! We gotta get it!"
"I guess that is worth screaming over. So where do you think they went? Wait, why are you so sure they even got it?"
"Well, uh. I just thought that since we don't have it..."
"C'mon. We time to figure that out. Let's just go find Pikachu."
"Do you know where we are?"
Then Ash, Misty, and Brock walked aimlessly through the forest until they reached a small town. They immediately ran to the police station and reported the missing Pikachu, and Charizard, to the local Officer Jenny. "Well, chances are slim you'll survive, you know. It's going to have to take a miracle."
"HUH?!?! What do you mean, 'we won't survive'?" they all shouted.
"Oh, sorry that's the wrong case. I'll go take some Growliths and start looking. You stay here and watch the place," she explained.
Then she went and did what she said she would do. Brock was able to persuade her to let him come with her. "It takes a beautiful person to train such pretty Growliths," he commented.
Meanwhile, Ash and Misty were anxiously awaiting the results of the search. They decided to stand by the window to watch for Jenny and Brock. Suddenly, they saw the fence of the station shaking.
"Ahhhhhh!" "Hey!" "Get back here!" "Grrr..." Ash and Misty could not tell what was going on. Then several figures jumped over the fence. "Hey, it's Jessie and James! And Jessie?"
"No, I think the one behind is that wierd uh, Jezz-something."
"Yay! The Growliths are right behind! And here come Brock and Jenny."
"Uh oh! Charizard is coming!"
"And Jigglypuff! Look! It's Pikachu!"
"Run Pika! Meowth is right behind you!"
The two kids glanced nervously at each other, wondering what would happen to their friends, pokemon, and enemies. Then, they looked at 'the next wave'. They were quite happy to see the results. Brock and Charizard were lulled to sleep by Jigglypuff. Officer Jenny had Jessie tied up, and had numerous scratch marks on her face too. Jezebel attempted to kidnap James again, but she got Jigglypuff instead. James and Meowth sneaked away and plotted to rescue their partner. But where was Pikachu? Then, the Growliths carried Pikachu into the station.

Chapter III
Some Luck...

"That's the last time I listen to Meowth," Jessie mumbled to herself. "And I'm serious this time! They won't even let me get hairspray in here!" Jessie was in a jail cell in the police station. This time, however, the police were smart enough to not give the prisoners shovels or a dirt floor to dig through. They must be learning...
"Psst! Jessie! It's me!" whispered James, who was disguised as a dad. Meowth was beside him, dressed like a little boy. Unlike the prison system, James isn't learning. The poor guy actually thinks they will fall for the disguise. Like parents take their kids on a fun trip to the jail!
"You idiot! What are doing sneaking into a jail!?" shouted Jessie loudly, too loudly. Then a guard walked in and locked up the father-son pair. "Ya know, Meowth. I think your luck machine is broken!" she yelled. "Did you happen to know what kind of luck it brought?"
"Well, it said it took some time before it would start working. Maybe this is like a side-effect that happens before the main effect."
"Well, I sure hope so," said James, "because we can't stay here forever. I just hope Jezebel doesn't come bail me out and kidnap me. That woman is wierd; she looks wierd too."
"She looks like me!" screamed Jessie. "Are you saying I look wierd?!"
"Yes, you are and you're going to regret it!" Then she pulled her malled out of thin air like usual and whacked James. He went flying into the ceiling, the straw ceiling. Obviously, they are learning quite slowly. "Come on! Let's get outa here!"

To Be Continued...