Misty's Diary.

Disclaimer: You know the stuff. I don't own them, I write them for fun, Nintendo, Gamefreak, 4kids productions own 'em. Now, don't waste your time reading this, read the story!

July 22nd

Dear Diary,

How could I have done such a thing? I yelled at him more than ever. And, for some strange reason, he ran off and cried. Why did I have to go so far? I was humongusly hugely stupid. You and I both know how much I like him. It's not really a crush, is it??? I mean, I wouldn't want to hurt him or anything, but still, I can't believe that I could be so much like my sisters! Selfish and rude, that's what I was today. I think that if he hates me for this, in a few weeks I'll leave, bike or no bike, so that he and Brock won't have to put up with my annoying, yelling presence. Maybe I'll start my own journey finally. Traveling with Ash must slow up my journey. Why? Because, think about it. He's caught several pokemon, and the only ones I've caught are Psyduck and Horsea. I'm tired. 'Night, Diary.

July 23rd

Dear Diary,

Just as I expected, he didn't talk to me at all today. Not that I tried to start a conversation with him, mind you. He talked to Brock and Pikachu, but ignored me. I could have fallen into a hole and broke my ankle, and he wouldn't even notice. I was silent today. I didn't really have much to talk about. Maybe tomorrow I'll go branch off to search for pokemon. I don't train only water pokemon. There are a few exceptions that I would like to catch. Such as Jigglypuff, Eevee and believe it or not, a Meowth. I also could stand having a Vulpix or a Growlithe, but they're not my favorites. Pikachu tried to make conversation, but I didn't answer. I just stared at the ground I was walking on. "Yawn". It's only 8:00 and already I'm tired. I'm going to bed. 'Night, Diary.

July 24th

Dear Diary,

Still not a word from Ash to me. It pretty much went the same as yesterday. We passed a lake. I wanted to stop and fish, but I didn't say anything. We went on. A Shellder looked at me from the water. I think Ash knew that I wanted to stop, but he kept on walking. Pikachu walked up to me. Once again, it tried to talk. I didn't say anything. Why should I? I think I'll leave the day after tomorrow.


July 25th

Dear Diary,

Rain today. Ash is still not talking to me. I'm leaving tonight instead. I can't take any more of the silent treatment, even if I'm giving doses of it myself.

July 26th

Dear Diary,

I did it. I left. I left a note for Ash to find. I placed it on a tree stump. I'm writing a copy of it here, so I'll never forget. Why would I not want to forget? Anyway, here's how it goes.


I am sorry for what I said. But since you hate me now, I guess it's too late. Oh well. You should probably know. You don't owe me a bike any more. I have left on my own journey. Goodbye, Ash. See you in the Pokemon League. I kinda like you a lot, so leaving is hard for me. Here the paper that I wrote was smudged with tears. Anyway, Ash. I'll see you again someday, but I guess you won't talk. We'll probably pass each there or battle each other without recognizing each other. 'Cause from now on, I'm letting my hair down. Once again Farewell, Ash.

Your once was friend,



That's my letter. I aim to go shopping in Fuchsia. I wish I could see Ash's face when he reads the letter.

July 27th

Dear Diary,

I can't believe it! Only one day after leaving Ash, I caught an Eevee! But, I'm asking myself. Was it worth it? Anway, about the Eevee. You'll never believe who helped me capture it. "Starmie?" You ask. Nope. "Staryu?" Nope. "Goldeen?" Nope. "Horsea?" Nope. Yep, Psyduck helped me capture it! But I'm still not very excited. I still feel very, very sad. I know it'll hurt for a while, but how much longer? How much longer will I have to endure this?

July 28th

Dear Diary,

The pain still hasn't gone away. In fact, it seems to be getting stronger. I keep my Eevee out of it's ball so I'll have someone to talk to. I wouldn't have needed that if I had stayed. But, I'm still wondering. Was it for the best? Today I caught a Shellder. Even though I'm moving very fast, my feet seem to be dragging the ground, along with my heart.

July 29th

Dear Diary,

I'm in a small town, big enough to have a shopping mall, but small enough for Ash to think I passed on through. I bought a whole new outfit. It's wonderful! It consists of a shirt just like my yellow one, only blue. My hair has a Horsea clip in it. I also have some blue pants. And even blue shoes! Plus, I have Starmie earrings. I look totally different. But though I'm excited, I'm hurting even more. I've heard people say that time heals hurts. I don't think it can heal this one. I stopped at the pokemon center. Ash was there. Luckily, he didn't see me. I healed my pokemon and got out of there. I'm staying overnight in the hotel here. This town is called Snoozeville. I wonder why I've never seen it before.

July 30th

Dear Diary,

I found out where this town got it's name. There's a whole bunch of Snorlaxes out in the field! They were asleep. I'm still hurting, about ten times more, in fact. Probably because I saw Ash yesterday. Well, I must leave this town, or Ash might see me and recgognise me. I'm very tired. I'm going to bed. Goodnight Diary.

August 2nd

Dear Diary,

I know I've skipped a few days, but I didn't feel up to writing. The ache inside me has increased much more. I am asking you this. Will it ever go totally away? I guess not. I have a new pokemon. And I didn't catch a single one! Yup, Psyduck is Golduck! My words may sound happy and excited, but truely, I'm not. I hope I won't loose my speech. I haven't spoken a word of English since the fight. Well, hardly a word. I still command my pokemon in english.

August 3rd Dear Diary,

The pain is increasing. It's starting to make me sick inside too. Why does it hurt so much? It's not like I love him or anything. We were just friends, weren't we? Well, it's too late for that now. I can't help but wonder. Does Ash feel the same way? One month until my birthday exactly. I'll be 12. That age, which seemed so important just a while ago, now seems unimportant. I caught a Jigglypuff today. What seemed to be a wonderful thing at first is now forgotten. What is happening to me? I'm doing better in my journey, but I care less and less about it with each passing day. What has gotten into me? I'm in Fushia. It's only been a short while since I left and already I'm in Fushia!!! Well, I'm going to look at some things. 'Bye, Diary.

August 4th

Dear Diary,

How come I did this? I so want to go back, but I can't. I can't believe it. I really do miss him. A lot. Why? Why? Why was I so stupid as to yell at him and then leave??? Well, I caught yet another pokemon today.A Pikachu. I decided to call it "Ash", just to remind me of him. I think my Pikachu likes it's name. Well, I looked around town, and I thought I saw Ash. I didn't though. It seems like everywhere I go, I see Ash. I see his face in reflections from a mirror or a puddle, I see his face on anyone who looks remotely like him. Why do I see him everywhere??? I do not love him, but someimes that seems like the only way to explain this sick-painful feeling when I realize I'm no-where near him, and the happiness when I do see him. I wonder;Does he have the Volcano Badge yet?Well, here I go, seeing Ash's face again. It looks like he's down in the hotel lobby with Brock. Wait a minute, it is him. I've got to go, to try to get away, for surely all he's doing is checking in. More tomorrow.

August 5th

Dear Diary, I'm so sad it makes me want to cry. As I write this I'm crying. You can probably tell because the paper is wet. After Ash left, I went and inquired what he had done there. The hotel clerk told me that he was "Lookin' for a Miz Misty". Now why would he be doing that, diary? I thought he hated me. Why did he look for me???It seems like when ever I try to do the right thing, I end up doing the wrong thing.I thought it was the right thing to leave, and now, right before my eyes, it's proving me wrong. Now I'm not sure if I even want to go to the pokemon league any more. Why, you ask? I just don't have the heart to train any more. I think I'll go to the pokemon center and talk to Nurse Joy-or should I say, my cousin-about it. Well, I think that's all for today.Besides, I have a hard day tomorrow.

August 6th

Dear diary,

How much longer can I stand this? I mean, even though my pokemon have increased all of their levels by ten, I'm still not happy. I feel sicker and sadder inside each day. I can't bear to look at anyone except Nurse Joy in the pokemon center, for fear it might be Ash. It's my fault I have to go through this. Why do I allways seem to mess things up? I ruined my life and Ash's by leaving.It ruins me even more when I see him and can't go talk to him- to tell him "I'm sorry." You don't know how much it hurts, Diary.I think I'll avoid towns for a while. I'm going out in the woods for a while.

Augest 7th

Dear Diary,

I have avoided towns, but I can't seem to avoid seeing Ash. It's like his face follows me everywhere I go. Oh, Diary, you're just a book and can't understand, but I'll still write things down in you. That helps a little.That pain is hurting more than ever. Why won't it go away? I think I saw a lake or something over to my right, I'll go check it out tomorrow.

August 8th

Dear Diary,

Would you believe it?! This is the exact same lake I have passed with Ash!!! I have walked in a circle!! My heart must have been guiding me.I think I must have miscalculated my directions. I wonder how Ash is. Oh, never mind about that. I caught a Seel of my own today, using Ash. Not the human, the Pikachu. When ever I mention that name, I feel strange... Well, that's all for today, Diary.

August 9th

Dear Diary,

I caught a Vulpix today. It is adorable. No exclamation points for me anymore, thank you very much. I have nothing more to be excited about.Why, you ask? Because I left Ash, that's why! Oops. I said no exclamation points, didn't I? What Ash doesn't know, is that I allready have all the badges. My sisters do own the gym, but I battled Daisy for the badge, way before I met Ash.Why? Why do my thoughts always turn twards Ash? He doesn't know it, but I'm folllowing him. I couldn't resist. He doesn't even know I'm right behind him, walking about 10 yards behind him.

August 10th Dear Diary,

Ash got his Volcano badge today. Ah, that brings back memories about when my water pokemon "estinguished" his fire. Why does he seem to care about his pokemon more than ever since I left? Maybe he and Brock aren't as good of friends as I had thoguht. Well, Ash does have to put up wth Brock's Girl-craziness by himself now.If I had to do that Brock would probably end up on the ground with a shoe print on his little pink face. Togepi seems happy enough with me, yet he still seems sad that he can't talk to pikachu. I've decided something. Togepi rightfully belongs to Ash. Tonight I'll leave him with him.

August 11th

Dear Diary,

As of last night, Togepi is now Ash's pokemon. I left it on a stump with a note. The note goes like this.


Yup, it's me again, the ever-annoying Misty. I just thought you should know. Togepi is now yours. It is rightfully yours anyway. I'll miss him, but hey, things aren't always fair. Like what I said when you battled Pidgeotto for the first time. Remember Ash? "Things won't always work out if you try hard enough". I tried as hard as I could, but it didn't work out. I should warn you, he may cry for a little while, but I informed him before leaving him with you. I'm not abandoning him. Think of it as a gift. Please Ash, you don't know how hard this is for me. You don't know how much it hurts, but I did the right thing. At least, I think I did. Well, I must tell you this. There's no need to come looking for me. I'll see u in the league. I already have all my badges. Bye Ash, and tell my precious little Togepi goodbye, too.

The ever-annoying, horrible, nusiance called Misty.

P.S. Take good care of my precious Togepi.

Well, Diary, now I've left two of the ones I l- no, the one I love with my friend. This life is getting harder and harder.

August 12th

Dear Diary,

You should have seen Ash's face as he read the note. His eyes got real big and then he handed it to Brock. He got up and started walking around looking for me. But unknown to him, I quickly climbed a tree, and came face to face with a…BIG UGLY BUG!!! Of course, I was unable to keep myself from screaming. I heard him say "That sounds like Misty!" And, as my luck would have it, I fell out of the tree and right at his feet! But for some reason, I cried. I cried and ran off. How silly and babyish of me. I would have gotten away, too, if it weren't for that hole in the road. I didn't see it and fell in. And, would you know, I couldn't get out. I was trapped. Then Ash had come running up to me. He asked me "Why did you leave, Misty?". The only way I could answer, Diary, was to tell him "For one reason, I'm just a bother, for another, you hate me." Diary, you would never believe what he answered back. "What do you mean, hate you? And you're not a burden." Oh, I see there's no way to explain it without writing the full thing. " It sure seemed like it when you ignored me." "But you were doing the ignoring." "No, I wasn't Ash.If you had looked at me you would have noticed that I was feeling upset. I thought leaving was the only way. Ash, you'll never know how much leaving you- Togepi and you hurt me." "Believe it or not Misty, I do know. I felt the same. Are you going to stay alone, or come back?" "I'll tell you as soon AS YOU GET ME OUT OF THIS HOLE!!!" Instead of yelling back, Ash grinned. "Yup, you're Misty all right." "Just GET ME OUTA HERE!" I shouted, because there was a very big Caterpie and a very large Weedle at the bottom. Ash had reached his hand down and helped me out. "One more question for you, Ash." "What's that?" "Should I go back to my old outfit, or stay in this one?" "Um, well, uh, well, I...kinda think you should stick with this. I mean the outfit does look ok on you..." "Are you saying I'm cute?" I said. "Well, uh, um, well, um well..." "Spit it out, will you?" "Kinda...Yes, actually." Ash hadn't needed to say another word.We walked back to find Brock, hand-in-hand.

August 13th

Dear Diary,

You should have seen Brock. He went kooky over me!!!! But I bet you can guess that he got a swift kick in the face. I'm so happy. I'm part of the group again.Well, what do you know, Team rocket showed up. They tried to nab Pikachu. Yawn. They failed. Snore. They "blasted off again". Boring, Boring. Ash, what are you doing writing in my Diary? Just peeking.WHY YOU!!! Well, I'm touched at what you said in a lot of those entries! YOU GET BACK HERE! Oops, sorry Diary.That's it for now Diary, 'cause I gotta go get Ash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Note: So, how did you like it? Would you like

Ash's point of view in diary form?? E-mail me at Patchzgrl@aol.com