Bertha And Beth Online

Hey manure happens, just clean it up

Welcome to my home and Bertha's home on the web, please book mark this page and feel free to make suggestions to it.

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So who is Beth anyway?

Well my name is Bethany Chapleau,  I live in Whytby Ontario.  And I own a great horse named Bertha, I got her for Christmas, you don't understand how overwelmed I was, and how long I was in shock. I ride at a really cool barn called Southwind Equestrian Center. I take lessons on Saturday and my instructor is Jen. I am not sure if I will show Bertha but...... I probally just will for the heck of it.  I have some friends online they are: Erica, Calie,  Danielle, and Shannon.  That is all I know of right now. I love to check out horse sites so if you have a good one please e-mail me with it.

Now who is Bertha?

Nicker, did I here somone call my name? Hey,  I did, I never knew people actually looked at web pages but I guess I am lucky today. Well hmm, let my just finish my grain and I will tell you about my horsey life. (  Boy that grain was good, I havn't even mentioned the beet pulp yet )  Well my name is Bertha,  I am half Perchon Mare. I have a beautiful Flea Bitten colour coat. And did I mention I got the best Christmas present ever in my whole life. I got a new owner named Beth.  I am so happy I am no longer in the school, all those kids kicking me, yanking my mouth, and they blame the horses geeze,  I tell you these days.  Well Beth is a wonderful owner,  I hope we never will be without eachother,  I am absulutely 100 % sure she loves too.  We make a good team, and I think I am even lucky, I hear some people talking about showing. But I had a love his name was Joker, but on December 31, 1997 we were no longer in the same barn for I was moved to the boarder barn, oh well, but I got my eyes on this elegant sport horse named Trick, he is way younger than I am, maybe I should go with Dickens, yes that is it Dickens. Well gonna go gallop off into the pasture. Whinny!!!

Horse Site Of The Week:

Kris Carrols Horse - Country

Horses Of The Month


Bertha was recently bought by Bethany AKA Beth.  She didn't really appreciate being in the school, and for Christmas, Beth's parents bought her for Christmas.  Boy both the horse and the owner got a very special gift for Christmas I would say.


Sharon the owner of Southwind Equestrian Center had a pony named Chieften, people didn't like the pony very much except for Erica.  Sharon told Erica that she had found a buyer for Chieften, Chieften was going to be used as a games pony.  Sharon told her she had first choice to buy the pony since she knew she loved him that much. And for Christmas her dad bought her that pony.

Both Bertha and Chieften had very excelent gifts for Christmas.

If you a horse that deserves to have Horse Of The Month award please e-mail with the following Imformation

List Of Equine Related Links:

Chieftens Stall


TACK A Cyber Horse Game

HOCK A Cyber Horse Game

MANE A Cyber Horse Game

REINS A Cyber Horse Game

Jr Riders A Very Cool Page *MUST SEE*

If you would like to submit a link please e-mail me

Horse Tips:

If you have a tip you would like to add please e-mail me

Horse Treats:

Horse Cookies:

You will need

Mix all ingridients together EXCEPT for the mollases, once mixed add just enough mollasses for everything is well stuck together.  Spoon them onto a oiled foil cooking tray, and cook until dark brown, and hard on the outside. It is ok if soft on the inside, will harden when cooled down. Feed them to your horses as treats.  A GUARENTEE your horse will like them. Also you can paint some apple cidar on them before you put them in the oven, it will give it a nice apple taste. Cook at 400 degrees.

Training Tips:


Pen Pal Listing:

Erica Jones =

Hello my name is Erica Jones, I own a pony named Chieften and I am looking for a equine pen pal please e-mail me people I would love to hear from you.

If you would like me to add you to the listing please e-mail Me with this info

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E-Mail me at:

Last Updated:  January 1, 1998

Page Created By:  Beth and Bertha

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