I am making this page to give credit to all the wonderful sites I have used to create my pages. With out them there would be nothing but a lot of text here. If you use the sites listed here you can't go wrong. Again Thanks to All!

The sites are in no certian order. This page will be constantly updated. Please come back anytime to see who else I have added.

If I have listed someone here that would prefer not to be. E-mail me and I will remove you promptly.

Graphics, Tools, HTML Tutourials, and on and on.....


Bruce's Banner

I do not have banners for these sites, but they deserve no less attention.

I hope that you get as much help from the sites as I have. I think you learn something new everyday. For me it is usually quite a few things and I have a long way to go. Good luck on your project what ever that may be. If I can ever be of help feel free to email.


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