Sounds from This Island EarthHere are some sounds I captured from this classic 1955 sci-fi film. tie-interociter1.wav - Cal Meacham: What exactly is an Interociter? tie-interociter2.wav - Exeter: You have successfully accomplished your task, Dr. Meacham. You've assembled an Interociter, a feat of which few men are capable. tie-neutron.wav - Ruth Adams: It's only Neutron. We call him that because he's so positive. tie-transformer1.wav - Brack: If you're so concerned, why don't you let me use the Transformer? |
![]() And here is my photo autographed in 2009 by two stars of T.I.E.: Rex Reason & Russell Johnson (also famous as The Professor on TV's Gilligan's Island). Click for larger size. |
tie-transformer2.wav - Brack: That cat! I could...
Exeter: ...put Neutron under the Thought Transformer? Why not, Brack? And perhaps you'd like me to step in with him.
tie-communication.wav - Cal Meacham: Tell me, Exeter. Why should a communication device be equipped with a destructive ray?
tie-metaluna.wav - Ruth Adams: Where are we going?
Exeter: To a planet we call Metaluna.
Cal Meacham: Metaluna?
tie-toothbrush.wav - Cal Meacham: You okay?
Ruth Adams: And you?
Cal Meacham: I feel like a new toothbrush.
tie-zegon.wav - Ruth Adams: Is Zahgon a planet?
Exeter: A planet that was once a comet. As you can see, their spacecraft are actually guiding the meteors against us.
tie-mu-tant.wav - Exeter: This is a Mut-Ant. We've been breeding them here for ages to do menial work.
tie-flashes.wav - Exeter: Those flashes of light... they're meteors. Hundreds of them. The intense heat is turning Metaluna into a radioactive sun.
tie-home.wav - Ruth Adams: Home.
Cal Meacham: Thank God it's still here.'s T.I.E. page | T.I.E. high-rez screencaps | Excellent T.I.E. write-up at Wikipedia | T.I.E. photo at |
Funny review & info at | Review/discussion at | Buy the novel of T.I.E. | Movie details at IMDB |
T.I.E. poster | T.I.E. soundtrack | T.I.E. write-up | Write-up & video clip |
T.I.E. DVD review | Another DVD review | Another DVD review | MST3K: The Movie |
T.I.E. video clips at | - official site of the man who played Cal Meacham. Buy an autographed photo! | || - official site of the man who played scientist Steve Carlson. Later famous as The Professor on Gilligan's Island. Buy an autographed photo! |
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