Select a Memory
- Dan and I with the ghost of Crysi
- Messing around, partial water fight.
- Mont and Senti
- Mont, as over-protective father, attacking Senti
- Mont and I
- Me attacking Mont to get Senti's soul back ^^;
- Mont and I
- Daddy dearest as my lawyer ^^;;; I have a lot of him because as P* died and I actually though about doing txts, we were the ones that were left to txt.
- Senti, Dan, K (Shaddah), me
- A CF party with a non-CF (: It's all organized because I posted it on the 'board as well.
- Senti and I
- Senti being his usual adorable sillyness <g>
- Senti, K, and I
- Messing around...something about a pokechardinosaur ^^; and very near the end.
- P* Sightings
- Mostly with Mooj and Bookie, these are Mont's collection, not sure the story behind them, if they're just txts or what.
- The last moments...
- Me, Senti, K, and Kenji/Jimmy in our last moments of P* insanity ;_;
- O.O Just read it.
- Senti (Worty), K (Happy), Tala (Pringles) after drinking spiked orange juice O.O beware, some nude asciis. Funny as LAVA.
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