Additional Resources Page

Table of Contents:

IMSEnet (Instructional Materials for Science Educators)

Planet K-12

My Virtual Reference Desk

Science Net Links


Collaborative Learning Environments Online

Classroom Connect

Science and Math Education Resources

Educational Services Online

PBS Cyberschool

Frontier High School

PBS Net-School Primer

IMSEnet, this site contains a variety of links to instructional materials for Science Educators. You will also find here shareware, access to science listservs, tutorials on the use of HTML, grant info and interdisciplinary resources.

Science and Math Education resources is another site with a list of links. It seems to be quite complete! Curious? Follow the hot link below...

Planet K-12 contains a teachers lounge, curriculum corner, research desk and a list of professional development opportunities.

Collaborative Learning Environments Online provides info on projects developed by teachers and their classes who are looking to share data or information. You can review the data, reanalyze it, or challenge the author's conclusions.

Educational Services Online offers resources for teachers, students and parents. There is a forum for sharing ideas. Follow Ed (below) to this fine site!

FRONTIER HIGH SCHOOL in Red Rock, Ok. has an outstanding website featuring biology, chemistry, physical science, and environmental science links, course outlines, and student tutorials.

My Virtual Reference Desk is an incredibly interesting site with many, many useful links. I've personally checked out Quick Reference/Research and My Weather Sites links, each looks quite thorough. The Quick Reference link may prove to be an invaluable tool for any student looking to write a research paper.

CLASSROOM CONNECT links you to best educational web links and in-depth information about using the Internet in the K-12 classroom worldwide. More than 3,000 online educators have made this free online discussion group a vibrant forum for sharing information about the Internet in the K-12 Classroom.

Be sure to checkout the PBS U.S. Olympic Cyber School site. This exciting, educational web site has been produced by a collaboration involving Thirteen/WNET (the NY PBS affiliate), PBS, and IBM. The site uses the recent Nagano Games and the power of the Internet to teach middle school math, science, social studies, and history. For example, the new Olympic sport of snowboarding forms the basis of a series of interactive lessons on friction and aerodynamics; educational challenges on ice skating focus on the concepts of geometry and center of gravity; while a group of downhill skiing learning activities center on diet, training, and timing. (Thanks to the WNET School Bulletin for the summary of this site.)

Another PBS site, one of great value to all educators enables you to assess the quality and value of a website. It is called "Beyond Searching Smart: Assessing and Evaluating Web Sites." According to the WNET School Bulletin, once you collect a group of sites that appear to be relevant to your teaching goals, you still need to assess the sites and decide whether they support your curriculum. With so much information online, how does an educator begin the process of evaluation? This month's Primer selection features "What's 'Good' on the Web?" -- a guide to assessing and evaluating Web sites. The selection walks you through grading the web, two case studies, and applying evaluation criteria. An evaluation form is included that helps in determining what sites are "good," have reliable content, make appropriate use of the technology, and offer something beyond traditional resources.

Science Net Links is a comprehensive science rich website. Sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and MCI, this site contains links to Science websites, Curriculum Connections, and Internet Help. Monthly Features highlight a particular topic in science. May focused on Physical Science with an emphasis on forces and motion.