Fanfiction by Alexander Adkins

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By Alexander Adkins,

"Emerald Nights"

A Xenogears Story

Chapter 2

Arthur’s preface: well, this is my second shot at making a fan fic. I know I’m just “borrowing” the characters from Square’s Playstaion Game “Xenogears”. I don’t mean any harm to them (so PLEASE don’t sue me, I don’t have any money.) but I just wanted to fallow up on them after the end of the game. So if any of you fine readers have comments or suggestion they are very welcome to me, but so are MSTings as well. ^_^ enjoy the show!

Emeralda sat down in her cockpit chair and wires moved to connect into her body. With her silent will she closed the door to her Crescens. The lights, readouts, and the view screen turned on with out any problems. The nano machines that are Crescens’s control interface unit completed the body/mental hook-up with Emeralda and Her gear. The gear proceeded to move with flawless ease in its procedure in being launched from the Yggdrasil’s magnetic Gauss gear launcher. Every thing seemed to be fluid perfection in its purpose and thought. But that’s not true in Emerald’s mind. Her thoughts and emotions where like a tempest. She has only been with normal people to learn and adapt to normal society for about two years. She is full aware that she is having problems in dealing with her emotions.

Emeralda kept on pounding into her mind that she shouldn’t get so angry at Maria, but she couldn’t help her self. Her emotions where just too strong. She now knows that wonderful emotion called love (the kind towards a non-family member of the opposite gender kind), but Emeralda was not ready to handle the resulting effects of that emotion. The jealousy, the over protectiveness, the worrying is just swamping her mind. It’s just so hard for her to handle. She’s never had to deal with all these emotions before! Emeralda knew darn well that Maria wasn’t any real threat to Billy’s love for her, but she couldn’t rationalize away all the possible threats that an over active imagination could generate (and having a super nano computer for a brain doing the numbers, this can be A LOT).

As Emeralda’s gear cleared the launcher, she immediately put away those thoughts. She had work to do, and those giant Wels are still violent. She knows how to handle them and (by some weird way) both her and Maria STILL worked together in this battle. All of her communications with her were this side of rudeness, to the point, and short. The battle was going rougher than she had thought it would. Those Wels where absorbing far more damage than they normally would. But she didn’t really think about it too much, until a spotter from the Yggdrasil saw that some of the “fallen” Wels get back up to fight once more.

“WHAT!” Emeralda practically screamed in surprised. She quickly turned around and faced the “Night of the living dead” Wels. Billy and Maria were both surprised by this turn of events as well. “Maria! Emeralda! I know you don’t like each other right now, but we don’t have time for these petty squabbles! I need for you two to hold those Wels off long enough for me to try something to stop these zombie Wels!” Billy said in one of his best field commander voice he could make. Emeralda knew Billy had leadership like the greatest general in the world in him (and he probably got this from his dad but he wouldn’t admit it, yet), but he just had to bring draw it out.

“I wonder what he is going to do?” Maria asked Emeralda in a supriseingly nice tone. Billy backed out of the fight and moved his gear out of the way and hopped out of his gear and opened up this ether cannon cover and leaned in to manually change the special ammo in it. As the onslaught grew worse, Emeralda noticed that her Thermo Gord and Thermo Giest ether attacks where unbelievable effective on them. Better yet, they where making sure those Wels were not getting back up! “Maria! Maria!” Emeralda said in a panicked, yet optimistic way. “It’s fire! Fire permanently hurts these things! If you got anything that burns, toss it at them!” “I wish I had any! But my poor Seibzehn isn’t equipped with any of those fire ether attacks!” Maria replied in an exhausted way. Emeralda isn’t suprised by it. They have been fighting for over an hour and even she couldn’t take much more of this. Her ether abilities are quite powerful even after the fall of the Dues system and the reduction of ether level in the world. But even now her energy was fading away, she noticed that even her hair was turning into a light lime green color.

As the Wels that was about to strike Seilbzehn and exploded in a column of fire from Emerald’s Thermo Giest ether attack, Crescens’s wings drooped and the gear slumped. Inside her cockpit, Emeralda was just about ready to pass out from exhaustion and the heat that was building in her gear. The flashing red warning lights and alarms wasn't helping her condition. “I… I can’t…(gasp) do it any more…I’m sorry… (Heavy breathing) I’m out of energy.” Emeralda said as best as she could though her weakness. Right then and there, another Giant Wels tackled her gear and threw her to the ground. It stood over her, gave a victory roar and raised it massive claws to give her the final blow. Emeralda looked over to Maria and saw that the Wels was swarming her, and will not be able to save her. Even if she wanted too, Emeralda added mentally. She closed her eyes and let her tears to flow. She lowered her head and quietly said, “I did the best I could to buy you some time…(sob) I’m sorry I failed you…(she then opened her eyes to accept her near immediate demise) Billy, I LOVE YOU!” The Wels drove its massive claws down on to her cockpit. Right before it hit there was a Blinding flash of light and a tremendously huge explosion shook her gear. {Wait a second, something is not right here} Emeralda said mentally from her huddle posture she just took from an involuntary reaction.

Emeralda just barely moved her arm away from her face to take a peek around her. “Am I dead?” Emeralda spoke in a tiny voice. Her cockpit was the same as it was a few moments ago. The power is still on, as she could tell from looking over her gauges in front of her. She then nervously looked out of her view screen. The Wels was gone! Her gear was not damage at all! Well, at least not damaged from that explosion. Emeralda quickly looked around and saw that same Wels that was just about to kill her was laying in a burning heap off to her left. “What!” Emeralda said in udder confusion. On a hunch, she immediately turned the view screen over to her right and on a hillside she saw Billy in his Renmazuo! Even though he had its cape taken off and had a red and blue color paint scheme, it was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen in her entire life!

“You will not, EVER, do that, AGIEN, you accursed Wels!” Billy snarled over the communication links. He brought his gear’s ether cannons over in Maria’s problem and with his Pyro ammo loaded, he made short work of the Wels that was slowing tearing her gear apart. Emeralda, even though she was extremely tired, she felt that very rare feeling of beyond joy, beyond happiness, she was in heaven! This rallied her back up to the point to try to get her gear to stand back up. Which she final was able to do. The rest of the Wels where easily finished off from the hail of shots from Billy’s ether cannon. Emeralda staggered up to Billy and used the hands/wings to warp around his gear. And it was good timing too. It was just then her knee joints gave out and she collapsed into his arms. “Oh, Billy…(she started to cry from sheer joy) Please don’t leave us hanging like that again…” Emeralda said weakly to Billy over a communication line. Seilbzehn limped over to the both of them. Even though Seilbzehn is THE heaviest armored gear the world has ever known, it’s has much of it’s bulk damaged or ripped off. “Well, if you two have had enough of your little love feast, would you two help me finish clearing the landing zone?” Maria said in a jealous huff.

“Um, sure, I’ll be right there.” Billy replied and blushed a bit. “I wish I could join you but, (she looks down at her battered Crescens) my poor gear is just this side of junked. I have to return to the ship’s repair hanger.” Emeralda told Billy with a smile. She could feel her exhaustion returning. She need to get something to eat and quick. All those spells have drained her more than she wished they did. “All right, can you get your self back in your condition?” Billy asked. “Gimme a moment. I think I can make it…I hope.” Emeralda said with uncertainty. She engaged the hover unit (which it bearly worked) and flew to the Yaggdrasil. Now that the fighting is over, the ship can safely land. It was already in the docking position when she approached and she called up Sigurd to have a hanger ready for her gear. He had the crew to scramble to be ready for her.

She did (bearly) fly in and landed in a heap (as compared to how it normally is parked in the hanger). She staggered out of the cockpit and the workers descended upon her gear. Emeralda walked her way though the hanger to the door to the living quarters of the ship. It was getting to be tough for her. Her vision was getting blurry, walking was getting harder to do. She needed food, more exactly, she needed energy. By the time she cleared the sleeping quarters, her breathing was becoming labored. By the time she reached that potted plant the crew always kept here, her stomach was growling! That was a shock to Emeralda. You see, she was never this drained before. And the fact that she never realized that she HAD a stomach before also sent her mind reeling.

It was too far for her to reach the cafeteria in time before she would pass out. But she did stumbled into Sigurd’s bar room in a last desperate attempt to find food. Then she had an idea when she saw the rows of Whisky, Rum, and other assorted wines and liquors. Emeralda had never drunk any alcoholic beverages before, preferring to let the other flesh and blood people to enjoy it. She truly believed that she couldn’t process those kinds of drinks. But she also remembered hearing that alcoholic drinks had “empty” calories in them. Emeralda didn’t need nutrients and vitamins like other humans did, but she did need to consume calories. So she took a gamble and lifted up the section of the bar and staggered behind it. Maison wasn’t there at the time, but she didn’t think that would have mattered now. But at least she had unrestricted access to the bar. She was fading fast she took her first gulp of ’34 Bledavik Blue wine. Emeralda was totally surprised to the fact that as almost as soon as she took a mouthful of the wine, her situation turned around and she woke up. She could feel the energy coarse though her body! It wasn’t a complete recharge, but it slowed to her power drain down to noticeable level. She finished off the bottle quickly.

After polishing off the bottle, she slumped to the floor behind the bar. She finally got some time and stable enough mind to think about what just happened to her. For one thing, what she just did just broke her long-standing belief in that she couldn’t process/digest alcohol. Another one is that she has only slowed down the power loss to half of what it once was. Emeralda needed to drink more, and quick. As she reached up for another bottle (a whisky this time) she pondered why she is doing this now? Before the destruction of the Zohar modifier, she could push her ether powers to the limit, she could even exhaust her ether energy and not suffer like this. But yet, after the removal of the modifier, she still retained her ether powers, so did every one else who had any before. Again, those powers where greatly reduced levels, except for Elly, whom her powers have accurately increased to an inhuman levels. This, as Emeralda thought as she turned her hand into a cork remover, has got to be the result of her having temporally become one with the Dues system.

She opened the bottle with a loud pop and drank deeply. And there is something else as well. Emeralda wondered if the Dues system was destroyed, then why is there any ether left in this world at all? She smiled the memory of her good friend, Dr. Citan, (and now she had to add that he’s become a professor too now) told her that there is a lot of ether energy in this world and it will take some time to drain away completely. But he doesn’t have the powers of the ether, she does. She can FEEL the levels of ether around her. True, the levels of ether have gone down, but it’s not going away anymore. As she was polishing off the bottle, she pondered what was keeping the ether flowing? She raised and eyebrow as to why she hasn’t stop to think about this yet. Even still, with her decreased ether powers, she DID cast more spells than normal in this battle. Emeralda pondered this for a few moments before realizing that this could only come from an ether well.

Maybe, Emeralda pondered, there was another ether generator that is similar in nature to the modifier. And if that is so, who made it or who controls it? Well those are questions to be answered later. Emeralda reached for another bottle and popped the cork out of this one (she couldn’t remember what kind it was). Strangely enough, she was beginning to like drinking alcoholic drinks. The effects from drinking were having a strange effect on her, along with recharging her back up to normal. It’s making her body feel very…different. She looked at her hand as it was reforming from being a bottle opener (one thing she loves about having a nano colony for a body is that you do not have any need for a tool box or kitchen utensils.) Then she brought both of her hands up for her to look at. For all of the hard work she has done though out her short (yet long) life, she hands have not been scarred, hardened, or callused in anyway. They looked just as perfect as they were 2 years ago when she “grew up” into her new body. But now they seem to have a new quality to them. They were becoming burred, as if they were vibrating at high speeds. Emeralda looked around from where she was sitting with her back to bar. The bottles around her were not becoming distorted like here hands where. Something was wrong, something very wrong with her.

Emeralda tried to stand up, but she was becoming very shaky at it. She lashed out her with her right hand to grab the side of the bar to support herself. Just as a second thought, she reached in her pocket and grabbed a fist full of Gs and dumped it on top of the bar. “Sorry about the mess Maison.” Emeralda said to no one in particular. All of a sudden, an intense pain shot though her body, especially in her back. “EEEEEYYYYYYAAAA!” She screamed at the top of her mighty lungs. She stumbled forward though the haze of pain that his flooding her mind. “What! Is! Happening! To! Me!” Emeralda screeched in an increasing higher voice pitch. She continued to walk away from the bar, but then another bust of pain locked up her legs and she fell over the railing. She hit the floor below real hard on her shoulder blades. If she was a normal human, she would have easily broken her shoulder blades, collarbone, and probably her neck, but she wasn’t. Her nanos quickly put everything back to normal in a matter of seconds. Her vision was changing. She was seeing translucent squares to appear in her vision, and there was something like a dot that kept moving around her sight as well. Every so often, that dot would stop over a spot over a square and that spot would darken for a moment and then the square would vanish completely, then another square would appear some where else in her view.

Emeralda rolled over so that she was lying on the floor face down. Her vision was getting worse from those squares, and now there was other shapes appearing too. Much like computer read outs and graphs. Why was she seeing those! Her vision wasn’t the only thing going crazy, Emeralda could swear she was hearing things! These “things” she was hearing were very much like a hard drive processing information, and much to her horror (or surprise) was that she could hear voices! Those voices were strange; she couldn’t understand what they were saying. But, some how, she could recognize them. She couldn’t place a name with them however. Emeralda (barely) got to her hand and knees and crawled to the room she normally stays in during trips. Just as she reached up to hit the open button, the pain returned in vengeance. “Ooohhh. EEEEEEEEEYYYYAAAA!” she screamed. Emeralda collapsed in the doorway from the pain, she was practically in fetal position from the pain. And with this new bout of agony, she was generating electricity arcing over her body! She finally crawled into the room and the door closed with a hiss. She was developing a small glow in that dark room. I was bright enough for her to be able to crawl next to one of the beds and yanked the bed sheets to wrap around herself. “What is (sharp breath) happening (sharp breath) to me!?” Emeralda said in confusion.

The room was spinning around Emeralda. Then she heard a building roaring sound and at it’s loudest, it stopped and everything went black. She couldn’t see anything beyond a few feet from herself. Gratefully enough, the pain stopped and everything seemed to return too normal. {Have I blacked out?} She thought to her self. “Hello? Is anyone there?” Emeralda asked the darkness around her. “Oh, I’m right here Miss Emeralda! I’m glad to see that you finally where able to get over here to see me!” Said a young child’s voice (it was a harmless sounding boy’s voice) from behind her. She turned around to see nose to (um) snout with a baby black pig that was hovering at eye level by white feathered wings coming out of it’s back. But that’s not only the wildest thing about it, it was also appeared like it was an anime character! [It’s a type of show Emeralda knew of that was recovered from an ancient “TV” station in one of the Zeboliem ruins] This made Emeralda’s jaw to drop. Besides from staring, she tried to slap herself to attempt to wake herself up from this. “Oh god, I really did drink too much. Now I’m seeing anime characters!” She said in a confused way. “Greetings Miss Emeralda! Welcome to your inner systems! I’ve been created to help guide you though out everything in here and to answer all questions as best as I can.” The pig said in a cheerful way. “Ok…(Emeralda looked around and could see in the darkness that faintly glowing objects are appearing. The she looks at herself) WHAT! I look like and anime character too!” She said in a very surprised way. “Of course you do, well in this is due to the lack of importance here in the programming of you. Kim never expected for you to come here in the first place.” The pig said in a matter of fact way. Emeralda was checking her pockets. “Um, um, … where is it? (The pig pulled out of no where a mirror and held it up to her) Oh! Thanks, um. Say, I DO look good even as an anime character! (In a lower, sexier voice while making a few poses) I wonder if I don’t already have a fan club some where? (She giggled a bit then got serious.) Do you have a name?” She asked the flying pig. After putting the mirror away the pig looked sad and said, “No Miss Emeralda, I was never given a name.” “Well then, I’ll give you a name.” Emeralda replied. She thought for a while. “How about ‘Little P’?” She announced. Little P perked up and said. “Oh thank you Miss Emeralda!” Little P announced happily.

Emeralda stood up and dusted herself off. “Well first of all Little P, just how did I get here? I was very drained after that fight, but I thought that all that alcohol would restore me!” Emeralda asked Little P. Little P looked quite embarrassed. “Well, it did restored you. It did its job too much! Your body was very depleted and then you had that massive energy influx. Um, to make a long story short, you crashed your mind. But don’t worry, it’s being repaired right now.” Little P said sheepishly. Emeralda just took that in.

“Well, now that I’m here. Let’s see what I really am. And what I can do.” She said. Just then a silver orb floated next to her. “This is your memory from when you where created back in the Zeboliem era. Are you sure you are ready to see this?” Asked the pig. {Yes, I wanted to know about my past too. I want to know.} Emeralda thought. {Maybe I can find out more about myself this way} “Yes.” She answered. “Ok then! But I can’t recall ALL of your memories. But I will do my best.” Little P replied happily. The orb seemed to expand and become thinner until it enveloped both her and the flying pig.

A room replaced the darkness they where once in. While Emeralda and Little P were in the room they was transparent, like a ghost. Emeralda looked around the room and realized that it was VERY familiar to her. The room was a large and well-equipped laboratory that seemed to be geared to advanced robotics and electronics. The room was bright from well-maintained lights over head and the metal of the tools and the walls are shiny and new. The panels of read-outs, and various computers terminals where fully functional and giving readouts of their systems and in general, they where on stand by. The most important and prominent item in the room was a Huge armored glass tube that rise from the floor to a large machine “plug” on top of the glass tube that had a flexible metal tube stretching from the plug to a port in the ceiling.

“I, I think I seen this room before, but not like this…” Emeralda said in a surprised way. “You should.” Replied Little P. “This is the original room where Kim created you from the data of his D.n.a. and Elly’s D.n.a. with the most advanced nano technology. It’s your assembly room.” Little P said in an informative way. Emeralda turned to look at the flying pig in astonishment and the pig smiled back. She looked back to the tube and she walked right up to it to peer in. She could see something forming. It took a few minuets, but after a while, a human fetus formed in the tube. It was floating in some sort of medium. Then the computer terminals sounded an alert. The screens were flashing with an unknown text. In matter of seconds Kim rushed in (he appeared as he (or Fei) would in real life) and was checking the computer and instrument screens. He was franticly typing on various key broads and then turned around to look at the tube. The mix of shock and surprise spread over his face as he ran over to the tube and saw the fetus grow into a newborn baby state. Kim then rushed back one of the keyboard and franticly typed away and the alarm stopped and Kim dashed out of the room. “He, he, I WAS a cute baby, wasn’t I?” Emeralda said, as she looked at her baby self in the tube. Little P flew over on the other side of the tube and said, “Yes you where, and you still are!” The pig grinned from ear to ear. He then landed and perched on Emeralda’s shoulder.

After awhile, baby Emeralda grew out some of her bright green hair that has been the key characteristic of her life. The baby stopped growing then. Fifteen minuets later, Kim returns and he is dragging a rather reluctant looking Elly. “Don’t tell me that your nano project really worked?” Elly said skeptically. “Yes! Yes it did work! Take a look at the holding tank!” Kim answered very happily. Elly looked over to the tube and her eyes widen. She dashed over and held her face close to the glass. “She just formed this morning. She’s beautiful isn’t she?” Kim walked up behind Elly and rapped his arms around her waist. Elly turned to face Kim, “She should be! She’s our ‘daughter’ isn’t she?” She replied sarcastically but smiled and gave him a quick kiss. “I hope you haven’t named her yet.” Elly said. Kim looked a bit sheepish. “Um, I still haven’t figured that out. How about Terra?” He said. Both Elly and (adult) Emeralda made a face and stuck out their tongues at the suggestion. “That’s not a good name for her. Hum.” Elly said. “I’m glad that they DIDN’T name me that, it reminds me of some old video game RPG character.” (Adult) Emeralda said. Little P just nodded. “How about ‘Emeralda’? I mean, she already has that bright green hair and all.” Elly stated with confidence. “That’s a very fitting name, I like it.” Kim said with a smile.

The movement in the room seemed to pause in mid action and the room fades to black. Emeralda turned to Little P and said, “Well, that was informative. But what else can you show me Little P?” Little P pulled a lap top computer from out from behind him and typed on it for a sec. “Ah ha! Here is something that you probably didn’t realize.” Little P said enthusiastically. The darkness brightened up to show another room that she didn’t recognize it. It was a vastly larger room than the one before or any one that she could remember. It was like a massive assembly room with many glass tubes like the one she was in. She easily finds herself and her baby self has grown into a terrible 2’s stage. But Emeralda also looked into the other tubes and saw OTHER babies in there as well. So many of them appeared to be mostly robotic than organic. To be more accurate they were robots that were pretending to be human. But as exception to those, there were two other children in two separate tubes. One was a slightly older girl than Emeralda, it was reasonable to say that she was around 3 or 4 years old and she had long curly, bright red hair. Much like the opposite of her own. Her skin was reddish, like it was sunburned, but it seemed to be a natural color. And the other child was a boy, at a newborn’s age but had jet black hair and very pale skin. He did not seem to be very healthy or robust, but then again, with nano, appearances are deceiving.

Right then, another man entered the room via a pair doors to her left. Emeralda jaw was about to drop (again). “WHAT IS KRLIAN DOING HERE!” Emeralda screeched in angry surprise. She grabbed Little P and shook him. “WHY is HE here in the PAST! TELL ME!” She demanded from the rattled flying pig. “Erk…please…ack…let me go…ugh…and I’ll…gack…tell you!” Little P gasped. Emeralda let him go and with some trouble catching his breath and he flew back up to eye level. “Well, (deep breath) we both know that this isn’t the same Krlian that used us and Fei had to defeat up there with Dues. But we knew back then that he existed long before as well, this one is somewhat different than the one we knew last. (This Krlian checked various clipboards and computer screen read outs while Emeralda and Little P are talking) Please pay attention Miss Emeralda, something is about to happen.” He said in a mix of frustration and pleading. Right then, Kim barged into the room via the same door as Krlian came into. Emeralda never remembered seeing him so mad before. “Dr. Grellen! Where is my Emeralda!” Kim practically yelled at the top of my lungs. The Krlian of that age turn to Kim with smile on his face. “Ah, Dr. Kim, glad to see you have returned! You are just in time for the signing of the final contract with the Army for the production of OUR Nano colonies.” Dr. Grellen said with a sickening smile. Kim practically got into his face. “I NEVER agreed to let the Military use them! I never made them for warfare! I made them to SAVE humanity!” Kim said with absolute steel in his voice. But Dr. Grellen responded with absolute cold-blooded calmness and a glaze of ice, “You signed that contract with. I provide the funds for your research. YOU provide the end product for me to get my money back out of. If you refuse, I’ll stop your research, seize your work. I’ll make sure that you’ll never touch a test tube again. Understand me?” Kim backed down, he knew that he was defeated. “Their programming are still incomplete. I’ve barely started on Onyx, and Ruby is only half done.” Kim said in a defeated tone. “Get them ready, and soon. I think the Military will need them in the upcoming conflict over the northern territory. (He turned to leave but stopped) Oh yea, I looked over the morals and humanity programs. I they are have too many holes in them. So just scrap them, they are just taking memory space.” Dr Grellen left the room calmly.

Kim turned his back to the door and fumed for awhile. Emeralda had her mouth open slightly. She was in total shock. “I, I didn’t know. I thought I was the only one.” She said quietly. Emeralda looked closer to the tubes that held ‘Ruby’ and ‘Onyx’. “I never realized that I had an older ‘sister’ and a younger ‘brother’.” She said with sadness as she reached out to touch the tubes of Ruby and Onyx with both of her hands. Kim looked around the room and then went to a computer panel. He typed a sequence and the doors lock and all the viewing windows had shutters close over them. Then he walked over to the tube holding the young Emeralda and opened a panel at the bottom of the tube’s stand. He then careful took a small black box from his lab coat. “Well, you wanted to know WHY my morals and humanity programs seemed to be a waste of space, Dr. Grellen? (He opened the box and took out a small tube of silver liquid and a computer disk) That’s because I didn’t show you the real one. (Quiet laugh) I will save humanity, and no one will stop me…” Kim inserted the silver tube and the disk. Then he dashed over to a counter and grabbed a portable computer. After dashing back to Emeralda’s tube he plugged into the computer systems and downloaded the programs and injected some of the silver liquid into the tube. After Kim was finished with Emeralda, he moved over to work on Onyx.

He was halfway finished downloading Onyx when red alarms started flashing. “Hum?” Kim said distractedly. The room shook violently and there was a large explosion was heard in the distance. “WHAT!” Both Kim and (adult) Emeralda yelled in surprised as they tried to keep their balance. “This is a very realistic memory!” Emeralda said. “We aims to please.” Replied Little P with a sarcastic grin. “They CAN’T be attacking now!” Kin said with a bit of confusion. He pulled out of his pocket a cell phone, hit an auto dial button, and held it up while he was removing the small silver tube and disk from Onyx’s stand. “Elly! Are you all right! What’s going on!” Kim said into the phone. He went silent while listening, but he opened a section of the wall to the west away from the windows. It seemed to be a small vault. “Great! Just great! (He put the tube and the disk into the vault, then closed and locked it.) I can just guess the Army will come for Ruby, Emeralda, and Onyx.” Kim went silent again, but kept moving. He started flipping switches on the tube’s platforms. “It’s because they are the ones who are functional enough to battle. But I’ve only just completed Emeralda and I was only half finished with Onyx. Ruby will be too dangerous to be released with out my programs!” Kim explained as best as he could in this emergency. Kim paused to calm down a bit and listen to Elly though the phone. “Look, I will not destroy ANY of them and I WILL NOT let the Military have them either! They will save the human race, even though we all are screwed up. (Sigh) I’m going to lock up our children in the stasis vaults. Please get here as soon as you can so we can get out of the city to a safer place until the raid is over. (Pause) Ok! …I love you Elly…” Kim hung up the cell phone. “Thank you for saving me…Father…” Emeralda said with a weakening voice as tears filled her eyes.

Little P landed on her shoulder and gave her a hug. “It’s ok Miss Emeralda, I know this is hard for you to see this.” Little P said simpatheickly. “Please. Can you stop this flash back Little P? I’ve seen enough and I can guess very well what’s going to happen next.” Emeralda asked. Little P nodded and the memory stopped and faded to black. “Maybe I’m more luckier than I though to have the life that I’ve got. (She looked to Little P) do you know if Ruby or Onyx survived?” Emeralda asked the winged pig. It shook its no. “I only know what you sensed. And they where separated from us. I’m sorry.”

Before they could say anything more, the darkness around them started to flash with various colored lights. “AH! They have finished repairing your mind! You are going to return back to reality in a matter of moments!” Little P said happily. “What! Not now! There is so much more I want to know about myself!” Emeralda said panicking as she was now fading out. “How will I get back here?” she ask Little P in a hurry. “Don’t worry, if you really need us, we’ll find you!” “Um, sorry about knocking you around back there.” “It’s ok, you didn’t hurt me in the slightest. You got a job to do, don’t forget that!” Then Emeralda woke up.

She woke up lying on the floor of the bedroom, or what was LEFT of the bedroom. It looked like a pipe bomb went off in here. The walls were scorched and smashed. The bed was burned, and the rest of the furniture was either burnt, broken, or both. The door was opened and Billy, Maria, Sigurd, Maison, and some of the ship’s crew were out side of the door in a circle and were talking (And they looked real life, not animeish so this was the real world). Maria said, ”Do you think she exploded?” “I hope to god not! In the condition she was in, it may have killed her!” Billy responded with horror in his voice at that thought. “Miss Emeralda was apparently in good enough state of mind to pay for the spirits she drunk.” Maison said. “It won’t take the crew too long to repair the room, but the furniture where antiques. (Sigh)” Sigurd stated.

{Didn’t those guys see me? I’m right here! } Emeralda wondered to herself. She looked over the blasted room and saw that it was blacked, except for one spot on the floor that was still bright metal. More bright than it ever was before. Then she realized that she WAS that shiny spot on the floor! Apparently when her mind crashed, she lost total physical cohesion and turned into a puddle on the floor so thin, that most people wouldn’t recognized her. It was time to let them know she’s still in the land of the living. “It’s so nice to know that you all still care for me and all. But don’t worry, I’m all right now.” Emeralda said even though she was still a pool on the floor. The people in the room turned around to look into the room. “What? Emeralda?” Billy said in a confused way. “Hold on a sec, I’ll just pull myself together now.” Emeralda said. She reformed herself starting with her headfirst, rising out of the pool of herself. The liquid metal shaped itself into the exact shape she was before her mind crashed. The natural color quickly replaced the reflective sheen of the metal. The crowd were wide eyed at Emeralda’s return form her assumed death. When she was fully formed, she quickly walked over to Billy to hug him and Billy also walked to her. They quickly embraced and they kissed for quite some time.

It became very quiet while they kissed, until Maria cleared her cleared her throat loudly. “Aren’t you a BIT drafty, Emeralda dear?” Maria said with sly amusement in her voice. That brought Emeralda’s thoughts and off of Billy and she stopped kissing him to look at her. Maria was leaning on the doorframe blushing a lot and giggling a bit. Sigured had the biggest grin on his face. Maison looked very flustered and was trying to avoid look in her direction. The rest of the crew was a mix of dropped jaws, (and just now) whistles and some one talking about “getting a camera”. Both Emeralda and Billy looked at each other’s eyes, She looked at where she first collapsed (Billy followed her lead) and saw a pile of ashes that were once her cloths, then they returned to looking at each other. Billy got the hint, and Emeralda was absolutely dreading what she has to do next.

They both looked down. Emeralda wasn’t wearing a thing.

Billy turned the brightest red anyone has ever seen. Emeralda just screamed and franticly try to cover up her naughty bits with her arms. Billy spun around and pushed everyone out of the door and then closed it until there was only a small crack in it. “Back! Back! Everyone out!” Billy shouted. In her room, Emeralda flush so red she could swear she was glowing. She walked over to the closet and opened the door. Her luggage was still in there and still intact. She quickly pulled out a new change of clothing to flow into it. “Um, Emeralda? Are you all right? I hope you are not mad at me about what just happened.” Billy said in a humbled way though the mostly closed door. “It’s ok, even I didn’t know that was going to happen.” She replied right back with out an ounce of accusation in her voice. Sigurd was giving orders to the ship’s crew and they started off to their chores. Emeralda looked though her cloths that she packed. She decided it’s time for a change from her old style.

When Emeralda stepped out of the room, she met Billy (he had a bit of Kleenex in his nose trying to stop a nosebleed), Maria, and Sigurd in the waiting room. She was wearing a green tank top (showing her bellybutton), broken in blue jeans (not too tight, but far from floppy), tiger (it’s a worldwide brand) high tops, and a long sleeve, blue, button down shirt over her tank top like a jacket. She also had her hair tied back into a long ponytail. “Thank you for waiting for me guys and gals” Emeralda said in somewhat happy way. Billy looked her over and gave a smile that he was not just giving his approval of her dress, but was also thinking impure thoughts as well. “I presume that the expedition is ready to go? I know there’s something very important waiting for us down there in the old H.Q. and we have got to find it.” Emeralda said with authority “What makes you so sure about that? I still believe that that place is ruined from the gate exploding.” Maria said unbelieving of what Emeralda said. “Don’t worry about that. I can FEEL it down there.” Emeralda replied. Her eyes glowed red and she smiled.


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