Fanfiction by Ahmad

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By Ahmad Putra Arifin,


        It was once the world
        Child after child
        Man after man
        The door to the future
        Has been locked
        By fate
        By two hands
        Several two hands
        By desire_ 
        I am born 
        Deep within the dark 
        Engulfed in the cold
        I open my eyes
        Not a single soul 
        Even before I am born
        I know
        I am hope
        It was once the world
        Man after man 
        My world_
        Lies inside this tube
        Behind the looking glass
        And you look at me
        Touch me, though you can't
        Because you live outside 
        But you always say 
        We will change the world
        We are different
        And always as you say that
        In your eyes 
        I see myself 
        And there
        I was looking at you  
        I hear, everyday 
        I am the hope
        I am the saviour
        Though I am timid
        I can't even move
        I can't even repay your words
        I can only look 
        In this cold, dark prison 
        Inside this vessel of life
        I can only see you 
        And you touched the barrier
        Behind the glass
        It is cold
        But I feel warm_..
        Once was a world
        But my world goes no longer
        She came crying
        You soothe her
        She fell down 
        You rise her
        You hold her
        You care for her 
        Candles lit the room 
        Because I am a year 
        But it was dark and cold 
        A world of faith 
        I woke up alone 
        Among people I could never met 
        Who knew loneliness
        After flashes 
        Of forever  
        I see the world
        The blue of the seas
        The green of the earth 
        Images I could only dream
        Everything you told me
        Of the world you want to be
        Of what I am to bring
        But you were nowhere
        I see you
        Talk to me, 
        Like you used to be  
        When you didn't know I listened
        But you were not there
        Just a blink 
        Before sunshine
        I had a dream
        You died
        She loved you 'til the end 
        And you loved her all the same
        No !! 
        I followed you 
        Into the city in the sky
        Into the vast desserts
        To the cold recesses of the earth 
        I found you nowhere
        You died in my dream
        And without you 
        My dreams will die
        Along with me...  

        But in the dark streets
        Above the world long gone 
        Hidden underneath 
        Once was bright
        Once was alive
        Once was warm....
        A million cries
        All gone 
        Buildings once tall 
        Skies once bright
        I left them in a blink 
        Of a thousands of years
        I remember 
        My eyes burning
        Tears, burning..
        I remember
        It wasn't a dream 
        She died
        For you and me
        You died..
        And set me once again 
        To forever sleep 
        You dreamt for the world
        And all I could do was stare
        I watched you 
        When she was close to death 
        And you whispered the oath 
        I will live...
        I cried for you 
        Hold me now
        Like you would hold the woman 
        With the pride
        and Faith 
        Of a father
        Take me with you 
        Trough time and fate
        To what the world used to be
        To return to yesterday 
        To the joy of hope amongst fear 
        To the eyes of the faithful 
        To outcries and kisses
        To love
        Once again 
        I see you closely
        And now
        I found you there 

                              E  N  D

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