Fanfiction by Chad 'Graeystone' Harger

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By Chad 'Graeystone' Harger,

"The Fading Jewel"

Part One

Author's Note: This story starts two weeks after the fall of Deus.

Bart observed the ruins that was once Lahan. Bart looked at the rebuilding effort taking place. It was ironic that the people of Lahan, who did not depend on technology like the rest of the world once did, was actually rebuilding at a rate faster than say Nortune. Already three houses halfway finished.

"So this was Lahan," said Emeralda. "Where Fei once lived."

"So it is," replied Bart, looking at green haired beauty. He still could not get over it. After her, Fei, and Citan returned from the lighthouse, everyone was shocked at her change. He recalled when the three of them walked into the gun-room. Everyone was surprised at Emeralda's new body, especially the men. Unfortunately for Bart, Margie was there also. It was also unfortunate for Bart that Margie elbowed him in the ribs.

"Thank goodness you arrived," said the construction foreman. He came up and shook Bart's hand. "If this wasn't so important, we wouldn't have called you in."

"What's the problem?," asked Bart.

"We have a giant boulder we can't move," replied the foreman. "We are out of explosives, and it's buried to deep into the ground to get a pulley properly attached to it."

The three of them walked over to the boulder. Bart realized the foreman was correct. There would be no moving this thing by conventional means. Know he knew why Citan had asked him to take Emeralda.

Bart asked Emeralda, "Do you think you can do it?"

Emeralda smiled, "No problem." She then cracked her knuckles, a habit she picked up from Rico, and walked over to the boulder.

"What's she going to?," asked the foreman.

Bart smiled broadly. "Just wait and see. You'll be surprised." Yet Bart was concerned. A few hours after the fall Deus, Emeralda suddenly went back into her reclusive shell. She was like that for two days. Then she disappeared for three days. She returned two days ago and continued on as if nothing had happened. Although she seemed alright, she had the look of the inevitable.

Emeralda looked at the boulder. It was to wide for even her stretchable arms. Normally she would just rap her arms around it and toss it. She was a lot stronger than people believed. If she still had access to Ether, she would have used Dark Beast, and be done with it, and Hammerhead would take to long. Emeralda finally decided on Divider. "I am going to use Divider. Make sure everyone is clear. This rock will no doubt throw shrapnel all over."

The foreman looked at Bart, "What is she talking about?"

"You'll see soon enough. Just do as she says and get everyone out of the way," ordered Bart. He had seen her do this only once before. When they had infiltrated Solaris, they ended up being trapped in a room by a guard robot. Emeralda just stood in front the giant machine. Billy told her to get back, but she ignored him. Instead she looked the robot in the eye. She smiled and then her body stretched like taffy and disassembled into it's individual nano-components. Then the components passed through the robot. The robot shook and threw sparks as Emeralda passed through it. The robot shuddered even more after Emeralda passed through and reassembled herself. The robot then fell to pieces. Bart shuddered. He hoped he never had to see her do that to a living being.

Bart now watched as Emeralda passed through the boulder. He heard the foreman whisper, "What the hell?" Bits and pieces of the boulder flew out from the inside. The boulder shook as if it was being destroyed from within.(Which it was.)

Emeralda finally passed through the boulder and became whole again. Suddenly she fell to her knees. Bart realized something was wrong with her. He ran to her side. "Emeralda, are you ok?"

Emeralda looked at his friend, "I seem to have over-exerted myself." She then passed out.

Bart looked at her in shock and horror. This should not have happened. Not to her. He grunted as he picked her up, she was heavier than she looked. It was then that he noticed the right side of her hair was white like Sigurd's.


The Yggdrasil was the only piece of working technology left in the world. Knowing the ship would be needed in the months to come, Fei, Rico, and Citan took the power core from Xenogears, and rigged it to ship. Fortunately the power core was more than capable to handle the job required of it. Yggdrasil became a flying hospital and relief ship, and most importantly a symbol for the future.

All of Emeralda's friends were in the gun-room, with the exception of Citan, who was examining Emeralda. After nearly two hours Citan walked in.

"How is she doc?," asked Elly.

While Citan wore the mask of professional detachment, he was in turmoil on the inside. He remembered what one of his instructors had told him while he was in medical school. "When you tell a patient they are dying do get emotional. Show them compassion and kindness, but above all, do not become friends with them. You do not do the patient, their family, or yourselves any good. Our jobs are to repair the body and to provide comfort for the dying body. Leave the mental and spiritual matters to the shrinks and priests." Citan being who he is had asked the obvious, "What if the dying patient is a friend?" The instructor simply said, "Then you, Hyuga, have a problem." Citan always wondered what his instructor meant by the answer. Now he knew, and he didn't like it one bit.

Looking at his friends he started to talk, then stopped. He finally said, "She's dying."

The only sound in the room was Maria choking back her tears. Her, Emeralda, and Primera had became like sisters when they first met.

"That's impossible!," demanded Fei. "She was meant to outlive us all! Hell, she was meant to live for, well, forever!"

Citan walked over to a chair and sat down. "That may have been true. But that can no longer be. She is almost out of energy. Her hair is also an energy indicator. When her energy levels are full, her hair is green. But when her energy levels drop, her hair gradually turns white."

"Wait a minute Citan," said Rico. "I may not know how she works, but I've seen her eat and drink. Doesn't she get energy from that?"

"No," said Fei. "If I remember Kim's memories correctly, eating and drinking were only a form of stimulus response to the actions, and also as a part of her learning about social skills and interacting with others."

"Then why don't we find what her energy source is then recharge her," said Billy.

Citan shook his head. They still didn't understand. "It's not that easy. Even if we found another source for her, it would probably be to late." Citan took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "When I talked to her earlier, she told me were she was for those three days. She told me that right after Fei and Elly returned to us, she was feeling weak. She decided to return to Kim's laboratory to see if she could find out the problem. She found out that when Kim had originally intended for her to absorb solar energy like one of the solar panels that once powered Solaris. During his testings, he discovered an energy source more effective than solar energy and used that instead."

Bart was the first realize it, "You don't mean!"

"Yes Bart. My energy came from the Ether. Like Citan said, I absorb Ether like a solar panel absorbs solar energy.," said Emeralda. She was standing in the doorway.

Maria got up ran to her. She rapped her arms around her and started to cry. "Ni, Tolle! Ni, Tolle! Mec! Mec, nel hiel nife yi hiriel yi hol!,"*she blurted. *(Solarian, Oh Sister! Oh Sister! Why! Why does this have to happen to you!)

Emeralda returned the embrace. "It's all right Little Sister. Everything will be fine." She pulled Maria away. Emeralda then asked Margie, "Could you please take Maria for a walk and talk to her? There are things I have to do here before I can talk to her."

Margie then took Maria in hand and left the room. After they had left Citan said, "Emeralda you should still be in bed."

Emeralda shook her head. "No Citan I cannot do that. I have seen people who are dying, yet are still be able to preform their duties. While I can no longer help humanity, I can still experience what it is like to be human. According to my internal diagnostics, I have four weeks of reserve energy left. I want to use that time to live life as much as possible. I want to explore the facets of humanity before..." Emeralda paused. She never did that before. Taking a breath she finally said, "Before I die."

"Emeralda, I would like to talk with you in private later," said Fei.


Later in Fei's room, Emeralda and Fei sat in silence. Fei had a hard time thinking what to say. Every time he thought of something he would look at his hands and change his mind. Every time he looked at his hands he would think, Are these the hands that created Emeralda? Are these the hands that painted Sophia's portrait? Are these the hands that destroyed Lahan? Are these the hands of the only survivor of the Eldridge? While he told the others what he believed was the truth about himself, there would always be a part of himself that would doubt these things.

Fei look at the woman who may or may not be his surrogate daughter. One of the things he had to do was to clear the air between them. When she first joined them, he acted like a jerk. "Emeralda, there is something I have to tell you."

Emeralda looked at him. Fei smiled at her. He then realized something. She was an innocent thrown into the war.


After everyone was reunited, and escaping from Solaris, Fei took Emeralda with her. Her superior fighting techniques would help make things easier. They had run into a group of guards. He and Elly had dispatched three of them. Yet Emeralda would not attack.

After Fei finished off the last guard, he turned Emeralda and demanded, "Why didn't you fight him!?"

Emeralda answered, "Because that not I am."

He did not have time to ponder what she meant, but now he understood. Like Krelian, he figured she was created to fight. That was not the case. She was created to bring peace through other means besides violence. Granted she did kill when necessary, like against robots and monsters. And she did fight against the Wels and Seraphs, although she was careful to make a quick kill without making her target suffer.


Fei smiled at her and said, "I have to apologize. I know you have apologized to me, and said that you realized I was not Kim. Yet apart of me is Kim."

Before Emeralda could say anything, Fei held up a hand for silence. "When you first came to us, I treated you badly. That was wrong of me. When you first came to us something came over me. I don't know what. Maybe a part of Id's anger and resentment leaked through to me. But that doesn't matter. I was in control, and I have to apologize. For all the hardships I caused you, wether directly or indirectly, I am sorry for all of that, and I hope you can forgive me."

Emeralda reached out and touched Fei's hand. "Of course I forgive you Fei."

Then a change came over Fei. His eyes flickered. And the part of him that was Kim spoke to Emeralda, "I will always love you my daughter. I will always be proud of you."


During the first part of the week, Emeralda learned as much as she could. She knew of only of person who could help her. Emeralda stayed at Citan's as a student learning. They talked about many things, history, science, and other things that made up the sum of human knowledge.

On her final night she was sitting at the table eating supper with Citan and his family. She asked, "Citan, what makes a person turn to evil?"

Citan leaned back in his chair and tried to think of a proper answer. Finally he said, "I believe that nothing turns a person to evil. It is the choices they make in a situation that determines what do for good or bad. Some people believe it is better to die than to commit an evil. Sometimes a good person will commit a evil act and turn to evil." Turning to Yui, Citan smiled and said, "And sometimes an evil person will commit a act of goodness what will turn them to good. What it all amounts to is the ability to choose. Granted Miang and the Gazel Ministry manipulated things on a vast scale, yet in the long run we were still responsible for our own actions. If we choose good, then we do good, if we choose evil, we do evil. Although what I have said is just a generalization on the subject. There is so much more on the subject."

"I know that killing is wrong, so I wonder, did we do evil by killing the Wels and Seraphs?," asked Emeralda.

"I can't truly answer that. All I can do is give my opinion," answered Citan. "They were once human, that were changed drastically. I am sure we asked ourselves, 'How much of their humanity still existed? How much of their human mind is gone? Did their souls leave their bodies after they were changed?' These are questions that no man will ever find the right answers to."

Smiling at Emeralda, Citan said, "This much I do know. You are good person Emeralda. When you fought against us at the Gate, your goodness broke through Krelian's tampering. That proves you are indeed a person with a good heart. Don't ever forget that, even in this short amount of time you have left."


For the rest of the week Emeralda spent it in Bledavik with Elly. Emeralda helped her and the others find survivors. While she did not get directly involved, she helped comfort the survivors as much as she could. They real reason Emeralda was here was to do what Fei did with her. To ask Elly for forgiveness.

After was shift was over, Emeralda went to Elly. "Could I speak you please?"

Elly smiled. She smiled more these days. It was if she finally found her purpose in life. "Sure," she replied.

"Fei apologized for the way he treated me, when I first joined you all. Now it's my turn to apologize to you," said Emeralda.

Elly frowned in confusion. "Apologize for what?"

"The way I treated you Elly," answered Emeralda. "When I first saw you anger came over me. It was only after I gained my adult body that I understood were that anger came from."

Elly blinked, "Resentment, from what? We never truly met until the battle at the Gate."

"No, but I knew you as Kim's Elly and Sophia," replied Emeralda.

Now Elly was throughly confused. "I still don't understand."

Emeralda took a breath. Partly from figuring out how to explain it Elly, and also her own tiredness. She finally said, "Kim was angry at Elly. Although he never told her, he was angry and bitter toward her for being barren. I know that sounds unreasonable, but that was the way he was. As he was programming me, he must have transferred some of his bitterness over to me. He was almost as angry of a man as Fei was before he found peace with himself. Krelian resented you because you looked like Sophia, yet was not. Once again some of that resentment was transferred over to me when he reprogrammed me." Emeralda paused again. She lowered her head in shame, "I personally resented you because you didn't rescue me from Bishop Stone and the Ethos."

"Oh, Emeralda," said Elly smiling. "There is nothing to forgive. What the others did to you was not your fault. As for what happened, well maybe there was something more we could have done after we found you."

Emeralda nodded. "There is also one other thing I need to ask."

"Go ahead," replied Elly.

"What happened to Krelian?," she asked.

"He died," replied Elly. It was true enough.

Emeralda frowned. "Elly, you are not fooling anyone with just a 'he died' line. We all suspect something else happened. Something you and Fei didn't tell us."

Elly looked up at the sky, then looked at Emeralda. "There is much more to what had happened. Fei and I decided not talk about it for awhile. The ramifications would be terrible for everyone. Not only at what happened to Krelian, but also the spiritual aspects. You see Emeralda, there is a God. At the last moment, Krelian found redemption. God had forgiven him. Krelian then died and went to be with God. If it got out that there is a real God, then people might be angry with God for the events of the pass ten-thousand years. They may even be more angry at God because God forgave Krelian of his many sins. Someday when things are more quiet and stable Fei and I will tell the world the truth. Hopefully people will once again able to accept God into their lives."

"Thank you," said Emeralda.

Elly walked over to her and hugged her. Tears were streaming down her face. She said, "Someday Fei and I may have children of our own. If we have a daughter, I hope she turns out to be like you."

Then the facet of Elly that was Kim's Elly whispered into Emeralda's ear, "Soon, soon my beautiful jewel we will be reunited."


Over the weekend, Emeralda decided on how to make her next objective come about. It fascinated her ever since that night. She wanted to experience it. She had to pick someone who would go along with her plan. One was to old, the other was to young. Two were already involved. That only left one person she knew of.

The start of the second week and it was the middle of the night. Sigurd was laying in his bed with a headache. He went through the effects of alcohol quickly. An hour after he woke up from passing out, he had a hangover. I am going to kill him, thought Sigurd.

The 'him' in question was Jessie. Because today was Sigurd's birthday, Jessie decided to throw a private birthday party. The other party member was Hyuga. "There's no alcoholic drinks," assured Jessie with a wide grin. Sigurd shook his head. He should have known Jessie was up to something. There was no alcoholic drinks, because Jessie had made a rum-cake! Even that little bit in the cake was enough to get him plastered.

The door-announcer dinged. Sigurd wondered who it could be. Sitting up in bed, he said, "Come in."

The door opened. A silhouette of a shapely woman stood in the doorway. Sigurd's eyes widened. His first thought was she was a 'gift' from Jessie. Yes, Jessie is a dead man, he thought. Jessie should have known better.

The woman then said, "Hello Sigurd."

Sigurd blinked. He said, "Emeralda? Is that you?"

Sigurd got up and put his robe on. He raised the lighting a little bit to get a better look at her. For the first time in his life he was speechless.

Emeralda was wearing a light green-robe that accentuated her remaining green hair. The left part of her robe hung down enough to expose her shoulder. Her hair was done in up in a ponytail in such a way that the green and white colors of her hair almost had a hypnotic effect. Sigurd could smell the intoxicating perfume that emanated from her body. Her emerald eyes sparkled in the dim light. She was smiling at him seductively.

Sigurd sat down in the bed. He looked up at Emeralda, who was now standing a little bit to close for his comfort. "Can I help you?," he managed to say.

"I think you know why I am here," she answered. "Or don't you remember what I asked of you that time?"

Sigurd realized what she was talking about. In spite of the situation, Sigurd tried not to laugh. It was quite funny in a way. It happened the night that Fei and Elly finally admitted their love to each other.


Sigurd was just retiring for the night. He had just taken a couple of steps after getting off the elevator, when the child Emeralda had nearly knocked him over. She seemed to be upset. Sigurd asked her what was wrong.

"Kim hurt Elly! He hurting Elly! Her in pain!", she cried out.

It took a second for Sigurd to understand what she was going on about. He remembered that the girl thought Fei was someone called Kim. Suddenly a chill went up his back. The only way Fei would hurt Elly was if Id had taken over!

"Come with me!," he ordered. The two of them went to the entrance of the gun-room. "If I am not back in ten-minutes, or there are sounds of a battle, then get help! Do you understand?" Emeralda nodded.

Sigurd then opened the door and barged in. He skipped the stairs and jumped down to the lower level of the gun-room. He was about to open the door when he heard sounds coming from the room. The sounds reminded him of Hyuga's bachelor party. In particular, the holo-movies Jessie had provided. Sigurd tried not to laugh out loud.

He went back to Emeralda. He told her, "Fei is not hurting her."

Emeralda asked, "How she no be in pain when I hear screaming?" Sigurd knew he had to tell her about such things, lest she went back there and bursted in on the young lovers.

After he talked to her, Sigurd nearly jumped out of his boots when she asked, "You show me?"

"I cannot," replied Sigurd. "Even though you are four thousand years old, your body is that of a child. People would accuse me of seducing a child. That is a crime. Someday when you become an adult, you will find someone, or someone will find you. Then you will discover what Fei and Elly have discovered between them."


The adult Emeralda sat down on the bed beside Sigurd. "I have a body of an adult now, Sigurd." She placed a hand on Sigurd's knee.

Sigurd flinched back violently. "I don't like being touched," said Sigurd.

Emeralda thought for a second. "Because of what they did to you in Solaris?," she asked.

"How do you know about that!?," Sigurd demanded.

Emeralda realized she brought up something she should not have. "I am sorry Sigurd. I didn't mean to. When Krelian was examining and trying to reprogram me , he would sometimes be in his office. One day he left and forgot to turn off his computer. Through the window, I saw with my enhanced vision saw a list with everyone's names and their medical history. One of them was yours."

Sigurd said nothing. When he told his brother and Fei what he went through, it was the watered down version. They had done worse to him, a lot worse. If it was not for Hyuga, Jessie, and yes, even Kahr, he would have been broken physically, mentally, and spiritually. Turning to Emeralda with sad eyes he said, "Because of what I was put through and the trauma of the events, I cannot give you want you want. I maybe never be able to..." His voice suddenly trailed off.

Emeralda looked at the ceiling and sighed. "In a way I went through the same thing. I never knew what had happened to me, because I had little awareness at the time. Lately I have become aware of had happened to me. Although I don't recall the pain, I still have the shame. When I chose you for this endeavor, it was just to experience the act. You were the logical choice out of everyone I know. Later when I was preparing, I found out it was something more. We have a lot in common. We were both used by other people for their own gains. Isn't it time for us seek that which brings us pleasure to the body and to heal the trauma?"

She reached out and touched Sigurd's hand. This time he realized he did not pull back. The next thing he knew they were holding hands.

So far she was right. Then he continued. It was if he knew the rest, "It is also because we are alone in this world Emeralda. Although we have friends, we are still alone, because of who we are, and what we went through." Sigurd reached out and took Emeralda's other hand into his.

Smiling, he said, "Maybe you are right Emeralda. It is time to heal the wounds. If what you set out for us to do will help heal some of the trauma, then so be it. As I said before, though, I do not have any experience."

Emeralda looked Sigurd in the eyes. (He never wore the eyepatch in his room) "Neither do I Sigurd," replied Emeralda. She drew closer him. Their lips almost touching. She whispered, "Then tonight we learn."

Then they kissed. To Emeralda it seemed to last forever. Yet when they finally broke the kiss, it only seemed to last a few brief seconds.

"Almost forgot," said Sigurd. He went over to his desk and pressed a button on the control panel. The room was filled with a fading hum.

"What was that?," asked Emeralda.

Sigurd came back over to the bed, and embraced her. "It's sound buffer. Basically is makes a room soundproof. All the private room have them." He laughed and said, "I guess nobody told Fei or Elly about it."

It took a second for Emeralda to understand. Then she laughed. She kissed Sigurd again. And for that night they did so much more together.


Near the end of the week, Emeralda went to Nisan. There was something about her that always concerned her. She hoped that Billy was able to help her.

Billy was busy interpreting some of the data that Citan had managed to download from Razael's Tree before Grahf and Krelian showed up. Citan had asked him to translate some of what he found. Billy was amazed at the data. The Ethos claimed that they had created their religion to control humanity. Yet after a day of translating, Billy discovered that the Ethos had told another lie. Apparently this religion was a lot older and almost a complete opposite than what the Ethos taught. The Ethos had just twisted the meaning of the older religion. What amazed him the most was that, among the chaos, the Nisan Sisters were able to get all of it down on paper before the world's technology failed. All that remained was to finish translating it.

Emeralda finally found Billy, as he was working on the data. "Hello Billy," said Emeralda.

Billy turned to Emeralda. His heart went out to her. Almost three-fourth of her hair was almost white. The remaining green hair was light and faded. Forcing a smile he said, "Hi Emeralda, how are you?" Billy then wanted to kick himself for asking a such a question. He already knew how she was. She was dying.

Emeralda saw the look on Billy's face. "It's all right. I know you're being nice," she said smiling. "I am fine all things considered."

"So what brings you here?," asked Billy.

"There is something that has been bothering me," she explained. "Even before I knew I was dying, there was always this one thing on my mind. I need to know Billy. I need to know if I have a soul."

That last comment made Billy pause. It would have been better if she tried to seduce him. He wanted to say she did, but that was an answer he was not even sure of, and that would not be fair to her. In all honesty, he still didn't know what to think of Emeralda.


When she first came on board, Billy thought she was another war orphan. He decided to introduce her his sister, Primera. He hoped they could become friends. He took Emeralda to the room Prim, Chu-Chu, and Margie shared. All three of them were in the room.

"Emeralda this is my sister Primera," he said.

Emeralda went over and said, "Me Emerelda. How you?" Of course Primera said nothing because of her past trauma. Billy had forgotten to tell Emeralda that.

Then Emeralda turned to Billy and said, "She no talk. She stupid?" Margie dropped the book she was reading, and Chu-Chu made a squeaking sound of surprise.

Billy grabbed Emeralda's arm and yanked her out of the room. "Don't you ever say such things about her!," he yelled. "Her mother was killed in front of her eyes. The trauma was so great she lost the ability to speak! Now go back in there and apologize!"

After she left, Billy had to go for a walk. Even the worse kids at the orphanage had better manners. He ended up going to the gun-room.

To make his day even worse, his father was the only one in the room. Before Billy could turn and leave, Jessie asked, "What's wrong boy?"

Billy answered, "It's nothing."

Jessie shook his head, "I know that look Billy. There are only two things that set you off like that. Since I haven't done anything you would object to lately, I assume it has something to do with Prim."

Billy explained what happened. "I can't believe that little punk said that in front of Prim," he said.

"In way I can see it happening. She doesn't know much about the world." Before Billy could object, Jessie continued, "You don't know who or what that child is do you? Hyuga told me earlier. That 'punk' is roughly four-thousand years your senior. While she looks human, her body is made up of nano-machines. On top of that, Fei told him that she witnessed her mother's death right in front of her eyes. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Yes, what she said to Primera was wrong. But you have to understand, she has no understanding of how the world works."

Billy did not know what to say. He decided to go back and check on his sister. To his amazement he found Emeralda and Primera playing!


"I think I've just realized something," said Billy as he was desperately trying to change the subject, while hoping for a proper answer to Emeralda's question about having a soul.

"What's that?," asked Emeralda.

"Well when we all first came together to fight, we had our own reasons. Later on it was for a common goal, to fight against the Gazel Ministry and to ensure our futures. Yet on an even deeper level it may have been something else. Our mothers."

Emeralda thought her hearing was starting to fail. "Did you say...our mothers?"

Billy replied, "Yes, our mothers. Think about it. You, me, Rico, Maria, Bart, whose mother was killed by Shakhan in front of his eyes, Fei, Elly, whose real mother died in the lower levels of Solaris and later Erich's wife. As for Citan, well he's a big question mark. Anyway we all lost our mothers through violent acts, or like Rico who was alone when his mother died. Granted that the Gazel was trying to get us together, but I think it was that common element of our mothers' deaths that brought us all together. Deep down we realized that we all suffered the same loss even though we just at the time met each other, and through our friendships helped each other move past the pain."

Emeralda thought about it. It did seem right to her. Something to think about later. For now though, she had more pressing matters. "Billy you still didn't answer my question."

Billy sighed. He decided to try a quick prayer. Folding his hands, he lowered his head, and said, "God, please tell me if Emeralda has a soul." It was not the most fancy prayer he ever said, but he was not sure what to say. He hoped he had enough faith left in him to receive an answer.

Billy sighed. He did not expect a quick answer. After the truth about the Ethos came about, his faith was shaky at best. He was about to tell Emeralda he had failed, when he noticed one of the untranslated parts of the old religion. He blinked as he saw the translation appear before him. It was if somebody just told him what it meant. Turning to Emeralda he asked, "You were created to bring peace, right?"

Emeralda nodded. "Yes that is my primary objective."

Billy pointed to the untranslated manuscript. Smiling at Emeralda, he said, "Here it says, 'Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.' Yes, I think that answers your question."

For the first time in her life, Emeralda felt complete.

To be continued...

[Part 2]
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