Fanfiction by Mike Lipkin

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By Mike Lipkin,


It seemed as if Ramsus had finally fallen, sent to a watery death in the murky depths of the southwest ocean. But that was far from true. "Die, you bastard!" came the intercom message on Fei's gear. A retractable torpedo rammed him head on, icy water flooding his cockpit. He tried to scream, but it was muffled by the water filling his lungs. A sickening gurgle was all that came out. Before darkness descended, he saw her face...

He found himself floating in emptiness, voices accusing him. "You could not save her! You could not protect her!" they shouted.

"Noo.." Fei moaned, trying to defend himself, "It's not my fault."

"Yesss!" they hissed, "Now she shall surely be lost. You have failed her, just as before."


A scene came on before his eyes. He was pounding on glass doors inside a laboratory. It was sterile, cold and heartless, the droning hum of blinding fluorescent lights overhead shattered one's concentration, the walls were a shade of red which for some difficult to grasp reason was unpleasant to look at. Through the glass doors, he saw soldiers closing in on her. Each step resounded against the sterile walls, the guards slow, steady, even advance, and her slow, steady, even retreat. She precariously took a step back, one after the other, until she was pressed against the glass wall. She turned to face him. The glass doors were soundproof, except for the footsteps. She mouthed, "Good-bye...," tears streaming down her eyes. She reached out to him, but the glass separated them. She turned back around, in time to see the soldiers raise their laser rifles. They aimed, unflinching, and fired.

She fell to the ground, slowly. She was facing the glass doors, and as she slumped down, her life-blood leaving a dragging stain, she mouthed, "I love you...," and tried to reach out again. Then her body lay lifeless, a pool of blood forming around her. The soldiers walked away, each step still resounding. They walked away with a still even step, content and satisfied with having done their work for Lord Krelian. Soon, the echo faded, leaving him to his thoughts. He slumped on his knees, looking over her, bloody, lifeless body. Tears began to stream down his cheeks. He felt the anger welling inside him, and he was trembling. He cursed the God who allowed this to happen. He cursed all those who had hurt her. Then, he felt himself pulsing, trembling with anger and hate. Then, he fell into blackness again.

"You see?" the voices started again, "You could not protect her. It was your fault!"

Fei covered his ears, and tried not to listen to the voices. Then, another scene began to unfold. A dark, stormy sky watched overhead, rumbling with thunder, pouring rain down upon them. They were running. They were breathless and exhausted, but they still forced themselves to run. Behind, them, the congregation followed, holding the Exalted One on his throne. They marched forward, with the same even step. Then, the Exalted One discharged a bolt at them. It made a loud crack as it hit right between them. Their hearts were racing, but they were thankful that they were still alive. Then another bolt crackled behind her feet, missing her by inches. They kept running. The mud squished under their feet, puddles splashing under their shoes. Then another bolt crackled, and he turned his head to see her fall under the bolt, a look of terror and pain on her face. Finally, she looked up, and reached her hand out, until she was trampled by the congregation.

"That was not my fault!" Fei pleaded. "There was nothing I could do…" Fei pleaded, but he saw the truth in their accusations. A last scene began to play.

The sky was red with flame, and smoke. The sounds of gunfire were around, followed by flashes, and the sharp reports of countless guns. Countless rebels fell, their bodies slumped into the mud. The heartless Solarian soldiers moved in with rhythmic precision, and a quick even step, and raised their guns to fire again. Another slew of rebels fell under their fire. He turned to his companion. Krelian's blue hair fell into his eyes, as he looked up, and shouted quickly, "What the hell…?" All looked up to see Sophia's battleship, heavily damaged, smoke belching from its engines, the flame engulfing it lighting the sky . Krelian picked up his radio, and shouted, "Sophia, what the hell are you doing?" There was no answer. Krelian, shouted with frustration, and looked back up to the sky in time to see. The battleship then rammed right into the Solarian's main gunship. Both went up in a huge explosion, and plummeted to the ground. The enormous fireball landed right in the Solarian flank. One of the rebels shouted with glee, "We can escape! The flank is open!" The rebels rushed quickly through the opening, and to safety, but he and Krelian stood, planted to the ground, unable to take their eyes off the flaming wreckage which stood in front of them…"

Fei begged, "No more…please…," and the voices gently subsided. Then, a soft chuckle was heard. Then it turned into giggling, and then mocking laughter. Then, a gentle voice started to speak.

"You want them to pay, don't you?" it began.

"Who, Who are you?" Fei asked.

"I am you. But a better way to say it would be, you are me."

"Huh?" Fei blinked.

"You want to kill them, don't you?" it spoke, still gently, "You want them to pay for what they did to her…"

Fei struggled to resist, but he could not answer. "They must die. You can't kill them. But we can, together. We will make them pay. We will rip out their intestines, and tear their cold-blooded hearts to shreds."

"Y-Yes…" Fei said, now coaxed by this gentle, dreamy voice.

"After all, isn't that best…for her?" it questioned.

"Y-y-yes-s-s," Fei sighed.

"Don't worry. We will make them pay for the suffering they inflicted on her…on us…" the voice gently called."

"B-b-but, who are you?" Fei asked.

"I am Id," the voice answered. The emptiness began to throb, and pulse as with a heartbeat, and then a sharp ringing. And then Fei was dormant, as his "friend" walked onto the stage, with a quick, even step.

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