Fanfiction by Mike Lipkin

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By Mike Lipkin,

"Love Lost, Faith Lost"

A Krelian FanFic

I live the life of a man who has longs since lost faith in humanity.

Life is cruel.

Life is filled with obstacles.

Life has become no different than hell.

Always on the attack.

Always taking things.

Never giving back.

500 years ago, I was a naive fool. I had faith in god. I though that if I prayed, he would answer. I thought that the key to humanity, to salvation, was faith. Ha! That world fell apart the second her ship disappeared in a cloud of smoke, crashing to the ground, like a fallen star. My life crumbled as the ship became swallowed by the flames.

She was taken away from. Ripped away, as if by demons. Those demons still haunt me. Now I understand who she was. She was a stone, cast into a pristine pool. Catching countless lives in her wake.

I was one of those who experienced her first hand. I knew her. I saw her everyday. I felt her warmth, her love for humanity. She often told me there is salvation for those who have faith. That those who have faith will get what they ask for. That vision burned before my very eyes. Before the eyes of countless others. They did not understand. They did not know her. They did not believe her. They brushed off everything she said. They were not true believers. They did not know the true repercussions of her death.

When I saw her die, when I saw her sacrifice herself for humanity, for her faith, I still did not understand. Why?

Why did she sacrifice herself for a humanity that was not deserving of compassion? For a humanity that thought that god will answer all of their problems so long as they had faith? That shall be their eternal punishment. To pray for an eternity for a salvation that will never come. They will only understand too late.

I would only sacrifice myself for her. Only she understood. Only she is worthy to die for. She was more than a friend, more than a lover. She was my very soul mate. Only she understood my soul. Only she understood my emotions.

Then why, why did she sacrifice herself? If she understood my emotions, why did she sacrifice herself? Now I will never know the answer. She has slipped beyond my grasp. Beyond the grasp of fate, beyond the grasp of science. No matter how advanced science is, they shall never recreate her. If there is a god, even he will not be able to recreate her. The only happiness will be in death, in heaven, or in hell, when we shall be together, hand in hand, soul in soul. The only true peace. The only true escape.

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