Deus Ex Machina: The Xenogears Tale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSONA SHEET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Player Information ------------------ Name or Alias: Angelgear8 Age (optional): 17 Sex: Male E-mail address: ICQ/AIM/Yahoo! Pager/etc. (if applicable): none Character Information --------------------- -Name: Jacinth Rolias -Age: 23 -Sex: Female -Occupation(s): Housewife -Substitutes which Xenogears Character? (if applicable): none -Birthdate: September 6, V-475 -Height: 5'9" -Weight: 125 -Eyes (colour and shape): Her eyes are the faintest shade of violet, a soft, pale color, a ghostly hue that twinkles with the slightest reflection of light. They are round and innocent, full and with an openness that displays her curiosity and wonderment. She has the eyes of a child, eyes that look up into the sky and marvel at the stars. -Build: She is tall and with a shapely build, strong arms and sturdy legs. Her fair frame always walks upright and with pride, with beautiful grace and delicate steps. She has a small waist and rounded hips, curving into shapely legs. Her two slender arms are draped on feminine shoulders beside her firm breasts. Her gentle head is placed upon a smooth neck. Her form is flowing like the trickling of water on smooth stones. -Complexion: She has a fairly tanned complexion, a rich bronze of color on her skin. She has pretty skin that glistens with perfumed oils in the afternoon sun like the surface of a sparkling pool. -Facial Features: Her face is pretty, yet hardy, not drenched with makeup, but rather she has a natural beauty, a lively face. She has thin lips, always attempting a weak smile. It is blemishless, quite smooth and fair. She is not exceptionally beautiful, but her radiant personality shines through her appearance and into the hearts of those that see her. -Identifying Marks: none -Hair (colour and style): She keeps her long, dark blue hair loose, reaching just past her knees. A few strands of shorter hairs frame her gentle face, carefully pulled behind the ears or occasionally held with a small clip. She prefers her hair loose, however, so that it dances free in the presence of a breeze. -Voice: She has a pleasant, sweet voice, evoking the true kindness that she shows to everyone she meets who treats her the same. It is high and elegant, yet she speaks softly, somehow fearful of speaking too loudly. When she sings, though, her voice is powerful and inspirational. It resonates like echoes in a conch shell, and it carries like the waves of an endless sea. It drifts in the air, at times, fraily, like a lost leaf in the breeze, then suddenly picks up as if blown by the wind. She is most skilled in singing and playing the flute. -Dress/Attire: She wears a very short sleeved, tight fitting shirt, blue and black, and a wrap of purple cloth around her shoulders. She has a blue, silky sash clasped with a lotus blossom bound around her thin waist. A long piece of light blue colored apron-like cloth hangs from it, both in front and in back, and beneath it she wears black leggings. She wears on her feet laced and tied sandals, or sometimes just goes barefoot. On her hands she usually wears black and blue leather gloves. -Jewelry (if any): Sometimes she may sport a golden armband, or a dangling anklet, but other than that, she does not care for jewelry. -Weapons/Tools (if any): none -Armour (if any): none -Personality: Jacinth is a warm and caring individual, at times being even quite motherly. She takes it upon herself the tasks that would normally befall a housewife, never complaining and always doing her work with a happy smile. Yet inside she yearns to see the world, to escape the sheltered and tame existence she has lived her whole life. Her one solice she finds is in singing, composing music spontaneously by the sheer feeling that comes inside her and her compulsive need to sing out loud. Sometimes she can be very quiet and pensive, if she is left alone for long, making her seem shy. She is by no means timid, however; she always is the one who makes strangers feel welcome and guests feel settled. She knows how to comfort, how to please, and making others happy comes naturally to her. Making others happy sometimes even crosses over into her own happiness, sometimes sacrificing it altogether. -Background and History: Jacinth was born on a small, remote island in the Aquvy Islands chain. Her father had owned a small farm where they cultivated the abundant fruit and raised some livestock. Her mother was a humble housewife, weak and frail, her life almost extinguished when she gave birth to Jacinth. She finally died when she was ten years old, giving birth to her younger brother, Mason. It was then that she assumed the role of both mother and homemaker, taking care of the young boy and tending to the needs of the house. She had learned to become complacent and accept her role quietly. Although her father was not an angry man or a drunkard, she was still afraid of him, or perhaps the idea of him, fearful of breaking some old tradition if she had voiced her true yearnings. She kept her budding ether powers a secret, using them only when no one was around. She had control over the water element, and living so close to the sea strengthened her power. She was not fearful of her powers, nor did she think anything strange of them, for her mother had taught her some things before she died, how to produce a needed rainshower or resupply a dried well, but nothing wonderfully fantastic. She kept them hidden because she thought they were a curse, the curse of having a special gift which one could not use freely, like her talented voice. She kept them hidden out of shame. Her powers did not go unnoticed, and her father, truly a compassionate man, despite her reverence for him, hired a tutor that would teach her to use her skill properly. A tutor came, a man sent from the Ethos, Master Thular he called himself, when she was only sixteen. She was very distraught when she learned that her father did this, and at first tried to avoid the man by occupying herself with tons of chores. Thular was very patient and kind, and when he finally coaxed her out of her shell, she opened up to him like a blossoming flower. She heightened her skill at controlling the water element, and her power became stronger as time progressed. She also grew to love him, not as her master, not as her teacher, but as a man. Her heart grew warmer towards him, and he too, although he was at least eleven years her senior, grew to love her as well. By the time she turned nineteen, they had notions of marriage, and finally they did marry and took up residence on another island in the archipelago near her father's farm. Oren had since remarried, to a solemn, hard woman, more to fill the chores that Jacinth would be leaving behind than out of love. She was hesitant about leaving, but Thular convinced her that it was for the best. So she and her husband moved, and he continued teaching her to control her ether power. -Birthplace: Aquvy Islands -Mother: Janus Raley Rolias (maternal) Eteia Rolias (stepmother) -Father: Oren Rolias -Siblings: Mason Rolias (brother) -Mate: Master Thular -Children: none -Other relations: Maylis, pet cat -Affiliation: Master Thular -Secondary Skills: She has an ether power over water, and uses it rather skillfully; she can control the waves of the sea and summon the clouds at her will. -Abilities/Disabilities (in addition to Ether): She knows nothing of the fighting arts, and she has yet to learn of any disability as she has never engaged in battle before. -Hobbies: Singing, writing, reading, playing the flute, and watching the sea and sky. -Current residence: Aquvy Islands -Current Life Conflicts: Her main conflict is with her yearning to travel and her devotion to maintaining the home. -Deathblows (name and function): [Arcana's note: I recommend leaving the Deathblows section blank when applying.] -Other notes: She has a pet cat named Maylis, a fluffy white cat she found lost and is a companion of hers. I named it here since it has no other significance other than a pet friend. -Gear name: N/A -Gear model: N/A -Height: N/A -Weight: N/A -Gear description: N/A -Class: N/A -Primary function: N/A -Weapon(s): N/A -Abilities/Disabilities: N/A -How your character acquired the gear: N/A