Deus Ex Machina: The Xenogears Tale


Player Information

Name or Alias: Azusa
Age (optional): 19
Sex: F
E-mail address:, or
ICQ/AIM/Yahoo! Pager/etc. (if applicable): AIM: AzusaEris

Character Information

-Name: Tetsuya Kaminoshi
-Age: 39
-Sex: M

-Occupation(s): Scientist, prisoner of Solaris

-Substitutes which Xenogears Character? (if applicable): Nikolai Balthasar

-Eyes (colour and shape): Dark brown; often marked by an unnatural droopiness due to their bearer being in an almost perpetual state of exhaustion. Those who associate frequently with Dr. Kaminoshi say that looking into his eyes is like drowning in a well of unshed tears.
-Build: During earlier times, his build and physical health were quite average; since the beginning of his captivity in Solaris, however, both have leveled off sharply and he remains noticeably emaciated and underweight.
-Complexion: Light tan, the same as his daughter Mariko, although his skin is marked by discoloration in patches much like an old man's.
-Facial Features: Although Dr. Kaminoshi is only approaching middle age, an average observer would likely take him for a man in his mid-fifties. Within the span of his three years of imprisonment, he appears to have aged more than ten years.
-Hair (colour and style): Black-brown, usually dangling limply to just above his shoulders because of the lack of opportunities for frequent haircuts and washings in his imprisonment. Although his hair is not yet beginning to thin, it already shows streaks of white and grey at the roots.
-Voice: He has rarely spoken for the past six months or so; when he does, his voice is a feeble whisper compared to his firm and confident voice of three years ago. Though his words are perfectly audible, they seem forced and clogged thickly with unspoken sorrows.

-Personality: Dr. Kaminoshi is a man slowly dying of despair. Ordinarily, he is a passionate personality, fiercely devoted to his work, his family and his ideals. He might aptly be called a humanist; although not a religious man, he believes strongly in the sanctity and dignity of human beings, from whence much of his outrage towards Solaris originates. Although highly learned, he comes across as intensely emotional rather than dry and academic. His capture by Solaris, however, has stolen away his great loves: his family is gone and his work perverted for ends completely opposite his ideals. As a result, the only emotions he has known for the past few years have been misery and frustration; he tries to hide these in the presence of his captors, sacrificing them for a cold, logical facade, but remains as emotionally intense as in his younger years.
-Background and History: Known as a brilliant scientist within Shevat, Tetsuya Kaminoshi displayed scientific promise quite early; as a child his many experiments with construction, electricity, and various chemicals frequently ended in showy disasters. He was pushed into the world of academia at a relatively young age and completed his first doctorate at the age of 21; although he would have socialized like any ordinary teenager if given the opportunity to do so, he felt so much pressure to give Shevat a new hope to fight against Solaris that his social life during those years was virtually nonexistant.
At the age of 24, while working covertly in Nisan to study information gleaned from excavated Aveh Gears, he met his wife Sarah, a woman whom he likened to an angel in purpose and appearance. She was the factor that helped him pull out of a slow downward spiral of despair and a sense of purposelessness; soon afterwards they married and had a child, Mariko. Dr. Kaminoshi spent the next ten years working on the surface world with his family; his ultimate scientific goal was to find a way to somehow fuse the mechanical strength of a Gear with the mind of a human.
As he became known as the world's leading, and possibly only, expert on Gear biotechnology, Solaris became increasingly aware of the fact that Dr. Kaminoshi had been able to pioneer new developments where their own scientists had not. It became obvious to the Gazel Ministry that Dr. Kaminoshi's assistance was "needed"; however, even in his early years he had been known as a bitter enemy of Solaris and their objectives. On a routine flight to Shevat, his "disappearance" was arranged; he remembers only that his transport ship was intercepted and he woke up some time later in a prison cell in Solaris. For the past three years, he has been living in captivity, forced to share his work with his worst enemies; for better or for worse, his work led to Solaris's eventual development of fusion gears. Having gotten what they wanted from him, however, Solaris's intended fate for Dr. Kaminoshi is something he would never have requested...
-Birthplace: Shevat

-Siblings: A sister, Kaori, currently residing in Shevat.
-Mate: Sarah Kaminoshi
-Children: Mariko
-Other relations: Genian Koha, brother-in-law; wife to Kaori.

-Affiliation: Though he spent most of his married life living in Nisan, his primary alliance is to Shevat, the country of his birth. He sides with the surface-dwellers where Solaris is concerned.

-Secondary Skills: With degrees in both biology and mechanical engineering, he knows just about everything there is to know about Gears. He has a wide range of knowledge about science in general.
-Abilities/Disabilities (in addition to Ether): Although he can operate and pilot Gears, he prefers not to engage in active combat, and will do everything possible to avoid taking a human life. His pacifism puts him at a disadvantage in this respect, because he has virtually no combat skills outside of a Gear.
-Hobbies: Spending time with his family, reading; his original job gave him little time for recreation.

-Current residence: Solaris
-Current Life Conflicts: His imprisonment, and the fear of never seeing his family again; the knowledge of what will become of him once he outlasts his usefulness as a scientist.

-Other notes: Although it's a bit of a spoiler for his story, he ultimately becomes a pawn of Solaris and is eventually defeated by Mariko.

-Gear name: Nijushi

-Gear description: Almost identical in build and form to Mariko's Gear, but its primary color is white as opposed to Nijusan's blue-black.

-Class: Same class as Nijusan, his experimental prototype (which is also Mariko's Gear); a fusion Gear, using human neurons to power its systems.
-Primary function: Basically, kicking butt in combat. Possessing the same size and strength as Mariko's Gear, it's also significantly faster and possesses several additional weapons, including a wider range of Ether devices. (Hey, anyone who knows me and my anti-munchkinism KNOWS I'm not gonna let this Gear survive.)

-Weapon(s): Its body, missiles which can be launched from its arms, and an experimental Ether cannon which amplifies the Ether power of its user.
-Abilities/Disabilities: Not many disabilities, really, although in terms of speed it wouldn't stand up to something like Crescens or Fenrir. See above. ^^;; The only thing which can inflict serious damage to it is an Ether attack, such as a blast from the prototype cannon Mariko's gear possesses.

-How your character acquired the gear: He was forced to design it by Solaris.