Deus Ex Machina: The Xenogears Tale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSONA SHEET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Player Information ------------------ Name or Alias: Fabs Age (optional): 17 Sex: M E-mail address: ICQ/AIM/Yahoo! Pager/etc. (if applicable): Character Information --------------------- -Name: Arron Sei Maguis -Age: 35 (although does age count when he's dead?) -Sex: M -Occupation(s): Martial Arts Expert/Tactical War Expert -Substitutes which Xenogears Character? (if applicable): Gaspar -Birthdate: 11th November -Height: 6'3" - again because he is dead, does it count? -Weight: 90 Kg's - -Eyes (colour and shape): Black colour, small as if he was sqinting -Build: Strong muscular -Complexion: Very pale -Facial Features: Masculine face with strong features, high cheek bone, pronounced nose and mouth. Dark eyebrows. -Identifying Marks: Various battle scars on his body. Scar on the neck which killed him -Hair (colour and style): Blonde, Shoulder length, spiked back, looks frozen -Voice: Deep and imposing -Dress/Attire: A white baggy Shirt with a larger than normal collar. Black trousers which fit him perfectly. Black shoes with spikes at either end. -Jewelry (if any): Gold necklace embedded with rubies. Gold rings on each finger. -Weapons/Tools (if any): Carried a long "knight" sword and a Nunchuka, however he is dead now -Armour (if any): An imposing breast plate, metalic in colour, very angular in shape. A helmet or mask like Grahf's/Kyouran except the mask's features look confused and scared. -Personality: He is very disciplined and harsh. His war-like nature has made him this way. However he is also wise and intelligent. As a person he is economical with words, yet when he spoke people listened. He is very political and philosophically minded. He is also a very kind hearted and tolerent man who enjoys a good time with with mates. He is naturally talented at his job. Overall he is bound by his code of honour that he has to fight against the evil whatever he judges that to be. However he is not rigid in his beliefs of what is right and wrong for him it is an on going development. He is well balanced with amazing knowlegde and skill and ultimately this makes him a powerful friend or foe, even when dead. -Background and History: Born in Shevat of aristocratic family, he was chosen to be the Military general of Shevat. His childhood was spent training in Martial Arts and war tactics, as well as literature and science. His talent was amazing and the Shevat people respected him. On turning 18 he became the general of Shevat and was the most powerful ether and martial artist of the floating city. Countless occasions he destroyed the Solaris attempts at capturing Shevat. At the age of 24 he met and girl named Eve and married her. They had a happy relationship though she disapproved of his beer drinking contests with his friends. He promised her that he would protect and looked after her forever. Increasing in strengh mentally and physically every year, the Shevat people worshipped him as there hero. For many years he had heard rumours of a man who's power defied explanation and even more so his evil deeds. When he thought himself ready, he decided to leave Shevat and search for his man. On the peaks of the dunes in the desert he found the man named Kyouran. After an epic battle both in and out of their gears, Kyouran overpowered and cut his throat leaving him for dead. The next thing he remembers is waking up finding himself disembodied. After the event, he boardered on madness. The people alive couldn't hear nor see him. The other dead souls would come and go, maybe talk to him. His attempts at trying to contact his wife failed. He felt nothing but revenge against Kyouran. Until one day he meet an old dead soul who taught him the knowledge of death. The old soul was from the Zeibom era. He told him that the Zohar energy was so powerful that it trapped the souls of people within it's area. The souls could not leave and go where there supposed to be because of it. Only a few chosen people would reincarnate ultimately destined to defeat Deus and the Zohar energy. He gathered that information through the years. Also the tortured souls from people transformed as wels then killed were terrorizing the souls. Only the destruction of Deus would set the balance right again. He also learnt from him that by concerntration and mediation of a level too deep for most souls could the dead appear to the living. However not being "most souls", he decided to master the art under the guidance of the "old soul" he mastered the technique including death ether, the most powerful ether. However he can't use it to any effect since he's dead. His deep wish is the visit and appear to his wife however he is too ashamed at having broken his promise to go. Now he observes the world looking for the events which will destroy Deus and the people worthy enough to train. He has put aside his hatred of Kyouran to carry on this quest. On his wedding day, his wife gave him a necklace, gold and embedded with Rubies. His only link to her, he can sense and is attracted to it so that if anyone has it in his or her possession he will come and make his pressence known. The beautiful necklace, a prized possession of Shebat was taken by traders from his corpse. However disturbed at his necklace being taken from his resting place he haunted them till they finally left it waiting for someone to find it. He will allow only the worthy to have it. -Birthplace: Shevat -Mother: Sarah Dean -Father: Junor Sei Maguis -Siblings: None -Mate: Eve Eden -Children: None -Other relations: Had Good relations with the Queen of Shevat and top officals in Shevat -Secondary Skills: Played the piano, mediation -Abilities/Disabilities: Master at martial arts, including all weapons, Master in ether including Death ether. Has no real disability apart from he's dead. -Hobbies: Observing the world and wandering how the events will take place and whether he could help. -Current residence: The world of the dead imposed on the planet -Current Life Conflicts: He's dead, what more of a life conflict is that. -Other notes: -Gear name: Hanako Nad -Gear description: Metallic black coloured with silver strips running down the body part. Big shoulder armour which reaches down as far as the gears knee part and sticks out. Two energy wings on either side. Medium build but not on the slim side. -Class: Heavy attack Gear -Primary function: To serve Shevat. However during his fight with Kyouran it was lost in the desert. It can only be operated by Arron. The Gear is wasting away in the desert and only Arron and Kyouran knows it's location. -Weapon(s): Sword of light (charged with light ether). Massive Silver Sword which only the most powerful of gears could hold. -Abilities/Disabilities:Omnigear of Shevat. Strong, quick and agile like any Omnigear. Full spread of ether attacks. Fused with The Relic known as "Acharon". -How your character acquired the gear: Inherited it