PERSONA SHEET Player Information ------------------ Name or Alias: FocalPoint-X Age (optional): 14 Sex: M E-mail address: Character Information --------------------- -Name: Jenny Lanceena(possible Fatima) -Age: 18 -Sex: F -Occupation(s): Currently un-employeed, she is a bit of a poet by nature. -Substitutes which Xenogears Character? None really -Birthdate: January 11 -Height: 6'5 -Weight: 130 lbs. -Eyes (colour and shape): Sapphire blue eyes that can pierce the soul, large roundish-oval shaped -Build: Feminine, hardly any muscle-tone -Complexion: A very light shade of tan -Facial Features: Freckles on both cheeks -Identifying Marks: White scar on left temle -Hair (colour and style): Brown, shoulder-length hair. Slightly pointy bangs. -Voice: Very gentle and calm. Cheerful. Sometimes sad. -Dress/Attire: Grey t-shirt with a pocket, light blue-jeans -Jewelry (if any): Golden necklace with anemerald in it. -Weapons/Tools (if any): Oak staff -Armour (if any): A golden gauntlet on her left wrist. -Personality: Cheerful and optomistic. Almost never cries, no matter what the situation. -Background and History: When she was born, her parents left her in the care of the Nisan sect. She spent most of her childhood years in the church, listening to stories and studying religion. When she was seven she fell down the stairs connecting the first and second floors, leaving her with a white scar on her left temple. She became very skilled in the healing and status-aiding arts. When she was fifteen, an old man, claiming to be an ex-etone, visited and offered to teach the Jenny how to defend herself. Jenny agreed, believing that it would may prove useful. She trained under the man, who she learned was really named Jahaha, learning how to defend herself(although not how to fight outright). She trained for a year before he left, saying he had friend he had to return too. She reluctantly accepted that he had to go. When she was seventeen, the sisters of the Nisan sect. helped her find a job in the main town, although it only lasted two monthes. She now does everyday chores for people who are willing to pay, or for those who are too old to work themselves. She eventually saved up enough to rent a house and continues to work. She still goe to church every chance she gets. Due too the color of her eyes, the sisters believe one or more of her ancestors might have been a Fatima, since they are( or atleast about) the same color as the Fatima Jasper. -Birthplace: Nisan -Mother: Mary Lanceena(missing, thought dead) -Father: Jack Lanceena(missing, thought dead) -Siblings: None -Mate: None(yet) -Children: None -Other relations: Sisters of the Nsan sect. Jahaha Sleazum -Secondary Skills: Cooking, praying, meditating, exercising, doing chores, healing/status-aiding ether. -Abilities/Disabilities: Although talented for ether, she can only heal and aid allies, physically she is weak. She is a fast runner but is poor at judgement. -Hobbies: Pray, exercising, meditating, doing chores, writing poems(not all that talented). -Current residence: Rental house in Nisan -Current Life Conflicts: Raising money, wonders about parents. Wants to leave Nisan and find a good man. -Deathblows: (name and function) Due to physical incapabilities, she cannot use/learn deathblows. -Other notes: Although she owns some perfectly good hiking boots, she rarely wears anything on her feet, complaining that she feels better without shoes. -Gear name: Recether -Gear description: Tall and thin, very fast, not very strong. High ether-amp./defense. Low pysical defense. Emerald green torso and head, ruby red arms, legs, hands, and feet. Sapphire blue eyes/sensors. -Class: Recon/Ether-Amp.(Recon speed, ether-amp abilites) -Primary function: Escape, increased ether abilities. -Weapon(s): Hot RodG -Abilities/Disabilities: Although the gear wields a weapon. it is physically incapable of putting it to much use. -How your character acquired the gear: It was a gift from a wandering group of gear repairsmen who had spare parts and soft hearts toward the troubled girl. They created the gear, and left her with some spare parts that would be useless to her specific gear. She was told to sell the parts if she ever need money. She sold a few of the parts to pay for a paintjob. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at