Deus Ex Machina: The Xenogears Tale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSONA SHEET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Player Information ------------------ Name or Alias: Rei__ Age (optional): 14 Sex: M E-mail address: Character Information --------------------- -Name: Sakura Nihon Matoshi -Age: 15 -Sex: F -Occupation(s): Graduated Student of Jugend, Ex-Element, Mercenary -Substitutes which Xenogears Character? (if applicable): -Birthdate: April 14 -Height: 5'4" -Weight: 103 lbs -Eyes (colour and shape): green, almond shaped -Build: Small, petite. Thin waist, average chest. -Complexion: Very light. -Facial Features: Very soft, girl like... -Identifying Marks: None, really. -Hair (colour and style): Black with white streaks. Kept shoulderlength. -Voice: Light, bubbly. -Dress/Attire: Wears a white blouse withe a blue vest, blue skirt. Grey knee-high boots and Grey elbow gloves. -Jewelry (if any): Small diamond earrings. -Weapons/Tools (if any): Sakura's weapon of choice is the nunchaku, but can fight bare-fisted. -Armour (if any): Sakura's entire oufit gives her a defense of 75. -Personality: Sakura is very kind, and very intelligent. However, she is quite forward and will tell you when you're wrong and exactly how you're wrong and how she's right and how irrational you are acting. Sakura's friends in Solaris act upon her as a mediator and advice giver, so she has mother-like qualities to all she meets. To her enemies and people who annoy her, however, she keeps a level head and calmly brings out her sarcastic-bitch-attitude. -Background and History: Sakura was born as a Third-Class solarian 15 years ago. During a mental evaluation, done by Jugend, Sakura was shown to have advanced mental and physical capabilities. She was taken from her home at age 4 and put in Jugend academy for her training as an element. Sakura was taught the ways of fighting combat and Gear attacks, and ether magic. When she was 13, Sakura was to become the youngest element ever. Her first training mission, a _Purge_, Sakura's thoughts against the Elements and Solarians changed from trust to utter disgust. Sakura managed to avoid participating in any other missions until now. When on another routine purge, Sakura escaped the battlefield and the Solarians. Sakura now has a small house in the Aquvy Islands, one quite secluded from Solaris. -Birthplace:Solaris 3d class sector -Mother: Naoko Joiichi -Father: Tasuuke Nagase Matoshi -Siblings: Unknown -Mate: None -Children: None -Other relations: Sakura has many friends in Solaris, namely the elements. -Affiliation: None, ex-Solarian -Secondary Skills: Heightened ether abilities, knowledge of Combat -Abilities/Disabilities (in addition to Ether): Sakura is plagued by her memories of Purges and may feel incredibly sick during battle against innocent/Non-threatening humans. Her Deathblows are quite strong. Her Ether abilities are incredibly powerful, but hard to learn. -Hobbies: Reading, singing. Loves to draw. Loves to pilot her gear, Mikado. -Current residence: None. Sakura lives out of her gear. -Current Life Conflicts: Sakura is plagued by memories of purges and feels incredibly guilty. She also is being pursued by Solaris. -Deathblows (name and function): Sakura knows one deathblow, but it cannot be performed by her gear. Maidenwind: Sakura leaps toward her opponent, kicks him in the face, and whaps him with her nunchaku. [Arcana's note: I recommend leaving the Deathblows section blank when applying.] -Other notes: None right now. -Gear name: Mikado -Gear model: Element-3221-MIK. -Height: 60 Ft -Weight: 1 1/2 tons -Gear description: 1)Appearance: Mikado looks very feminine. It is the same body shape as Crescens without the large hands and with arms, and carries a large nunchaku. It is colored Blue, Grey, and White. It wears a long cape like Billy's Renmazuo. 2)Battle stance: Mikado fights in a stance similar to Fei's character attack stance. 3) Special abilities: Sakura does not know it, but her gear has large ether attack capabilities and small Aerod capacity. -Class: Light Attack -Primary function: Attack Unit -Weapon(s): Hinata Nunchucka -Abilities/Disabilities: Mikado is very swift and of average strength, but has a low defense that will need to be boosted. -How your character acquired the gear: Was given to her by Jugend and the Elements, escaped the Elements with it.