Reach for the Rainbows

Reach for the Rainbows

today is a brand new day my friend make it special because you are special make it shine from the colors of your dreams make it last for you are worth it i pray your day is filled with rainbows my lady smiles of joy and whispers of hope for you are the gift that will light this day each day is a new adventure sometimes warm and bright as the morning sunrise sometimes black as a midnight blanket but remember the midnight darkness is but the beginning of a beautiful sunrise believe in your heart trust your joy light your world with dreams and paint your world with rainbows for you are an artist of compassion and a painter of love never doubt my lady you are a gift believe in your heart my lady it is a flower of hope blooming with joy and encompassed with a smile you make your world special keep your head up and behold this brand new day listen to your heart my lady sing the songs that make you smile touch the world and give it hope for you are the gift of this day you are the morning sunshine believe and make your world special dadoo

I couldn't resist the softness of this little fawn, 
belonging here as he was so gentle and quiet
i was hand feeding him fresh grass a few hours before
this beautiful rainbow appeared
both reminders that life is just a moment in time.
Live with happiness, enjoy each moment,
love, share, trust and care about each little thing
and every precious moment

I want to thank you my love, my friend, my guardian angel, darlin... my rock... 
you are very dear to me, your support and encouragement mean the world to me.. 
I dont think I could be here without you and the confidance you have given me 
perhaps you are the reminder on the breeze, as it whispers thru the trees
you make me smile each time i think of you...
you are most special... 
you have helped me climb this mountain reach for my rainbow, 
i still have a long way to go and you will always be with me as i do it my way...
with reminders along the way helping me keep in sight the simple softness, 
smiles and happiness in my heart
your a most special reminder

two dreams in your life my lady yesterday and tomorrow you make both special and worth each heartbeat you my lady are a precious lover of life and hope joy and happiness a heart of happiness to paint your world a smile of joy to warm your morning sun a belief of hope to make your dreams come tru have a wonderful day my lady look up and behold your dreams listen to your heart as it sings of your joy and melodies your happiness believe in yourself you are worth the treasures of life this day is special because of you my lady not in spite of you this day is blessed by you and the smile you wear wear it proudly and always believe you made this day special my lady with your smile your hopes and your dreams reach up and hold your heart against the wind and feel life touch you my lady you are a special gift my lady a flower of hope that lights your world you my lady are very special because of your heart always believe you my lady are the smile the light of your world dadoo

Thank's for stopping in
© lacy 6/99

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My photographic journey thru maine begins here

Quiet Reflecting Waters
A Maine Winter
sunset pics, a tribute to all my friends
autumn pics in maine
An old house that seems to have feelings and change moods
The Honky Tonkers
A Maine Downhome Country Band... Only the Finest!
Dani's MY Page
A special page my daughter made

Links to Other Fine Photography Sites

Southern Lights Imagery
"Poems By The Quiet One"

More links, my Friends and Neighbors in Maine

The Birches: Wilderness Adventures
The Sparrow: Welcome to Maine the Electric Car
Piscataquis County EMA: info around our parts

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